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Safari de six jours en Tanzanie

Première option

6 joursTarangire, Serengeti, cratère du Ngorongoro et lac Manyara avec visitesnaturellesen Afrique

Le Big 5 Safari

Cettevisitevousdonneral'occasion unique de découvrir les merveillesnaturellesétonnantes du parc national de Tarangire, du parc national du Serengeti, du parc national du lac Manyara et du cratère du Ngorongoro. Le parc national du lac Manyaraoffreuneexpérienceinoubliable dans certains des habitats naturels les plus diversifiés du nord de la Tanzanie, des ruisseauximmaculés aux forêtsdenses et aux montagnestouristiques. De plus, Tarangireestconnue dans le monde entier pour sesnombreuxtroupeaux de girafes et de grands éléphantsd'Afrique! La migration impressionnante des gnous et les plaines de savane sans fin du Serengeti sontsimajestueuses; le parc a étéclasséparmi les sept merveillesnaturelles de l'Afrique. De plus, le Serengeti est le refuge parfait pouruneréflexiontranquille. Le cratère du Ngorongoro possèdeégalement un nombre immense de fauneafricainepuissante et unevégétation unique dans la seulecaldeiraininterrompuetrouvée sur Terre.

Jour 1 (1): Arusha au parc national d'Arusha

Nous partironsd'Arusha dans la matinée et nous nousdirigeronsvers le parc national de Tarangire, oùvouspourrezvousémerveillerdevant les hautestermitières de deux étages et les baobabs géants «à l'envers». Le paysageesthétique et la corned'abondanced'oiseauxcontribuent à créerl'ambianceabsolumentpaisible du parc national de Tarangire. De plus, la population d'éléphantsd'Afrique, forte de plus de 300 personnes, est un spectacle extrêmementremarquable. Les éléphantsd'Afriquesont les plus grosmammifèresterrestresvivants, les mâlesadultespesant sept tonnes. Les autresanimauxendémiques de la savane de Tarangirecomprennent les lions africainsrobustes, les girafes, les phacochères à pleines dents, les autruches, les impalas, le guépard agile, la mangouste, le buffled’eau et les babouins à fond rouge. À la fin de votre safari, notre guide voustransporterajusqu'au lac Manyara, avec une piscine et des douches chaudes. Comme avec garanti à chaquevisite.

Hébergement principal
Hébergements: Sélection clients Camping public / Camping teinté / Lodges
Repas: L'eauestincluse dans tous les repas (les autresboissons ne sont pas incluses)

Jour 2: du parc national de Tarangire au parc national du Serengeti

Un délicieux petit-déjeuner mettanten vedette des produitslocaux et biologiques sera servi au camp, suivid'une route à couper le souffle vers le parc national du Serengeti. Nous emprunterons la route panoramiquevers le Serengeti, permettantunevueimprenable sur le cratère du Ngorongoro. Il y a une forte probabilité de repérer du gibier sur le disque. La savane dorée sans fin, contrastée avec les motifs vibrants de zèbres, de lions et d'éléphants, permet de comprendrefacilementpourquoi le Serengeti estl'une des sept merveillesnaturelles de l'Afrique. Nous nousarrêterons pour un pique-nique sur le kopje le plus célèbre (une petite colline dans une zone généralement plate) dans le parc, permettant aux visiteurs de découvrirl'immensité du Serengeti du haut de la colline. Nous continuerons plus loin dans le Serengeti pour un safari tranquilleoùvousverrezprobablement des troupeaux de girafes, d'éléphants et de zèbres. Vouspasserez la nuit au Serengeti, oùvousvousendormirezdevant le puissant chœur de zèbres, de lions et de gazelles.

Hébergement principal
Hébergements: Sélection clients Camping public / Camping teinté / Lodges
Repas: L'eauestincluse dans tous les repas (les autresboissons ne sont pas incluses)

Jour 3: Parc national du Serengeti.

La journéecommencera au centre du majestueux Serengeti. Après un petit déjeuner nourrissant, nous continueronsnotre voyage dans les plaines. Puisque nous avonsunejournéecomplète de safari, vousverrezprobablement des centainesd'animaux divers qui trouventleurmaison dans les plainesinfinies du Serengeti. Cettejournéeoffriraprobablement des observations des mammifèresafricains qui font la renommée du parc - lions, léopards, éléphants, guépards et bufflesd'eau, tous à quelquesmètres de la jeep. Les visiteursaurontégalement la chance de voircertains des parcs moinsconnus, mais tout aussimajestueux, notamment des élands, des hyènes, des gazelles, des crocodiles, des girafes, des zèbres, des singes, des babouins, des hippopotames, des rhinocéros et des antilopes. Selon la période de l'année, les visiteursaurontégalement la chance de voir des milliers de zèbres et de gnouslors de leurgrande migration. Les centainesd'espècesd'oiseaux, à la foisendémiques et migrantes de la régioneurasienne, sont un bonus spécial pour les ornithologues amateurs. Les clients apprécieront un dîner frais et délicieux, un autreendroit bien connu pour les observations d'animaux.

Hébergement principal
Hébergements: Sélection clients Camping public / Camping teinté / Lodges
Repas: L'eauestincluse dans tous les repas (les autresboissons ne sont pas comprises).

Jour 4: Parc national du Serengeti au cratère du Ngorongoro

Aujourd'hui, c'estnotre dernier safari dans le Serengeti avant de continuer vers le cratère du Ngorongoro. Nous passerons la nuit au cratère; affaire pour regarder le magnifique coucher de soleil s'étend sur la savane dans la caldeira. Après avoirregardé le coucher du soleil, vouspourrezvousattendre à un délicieuxdînerfraîchementpréparé par le sympathiquecuisinier de l'Africa Natural Tour.

Hébergement principal
Hébergements: Sélection clients Camping public / Camping teinté / Lodges
Repas: L'eauestincluse dans tous les repas (les autresboissons ne sont pas incluses)

Jour 5 : du cratère du Ngorongoro au parc national du lac Manyara

We will depart for the Ngorongoro Crater early in the morning, as early mornings provide an opportune time to spot game, especially within the “Big 5”. The group comprises some of the strongest animals in Africa – the ferocious lion, the mighty elephant, the stealthy leopard, the charging rhino and the strong water buffalo. We will enjoy a leisurely game drive in the morning and have a picnic lunch near a pond full of hippos inside the crater. As we enjoy our snacks and sandwiches, we will be able to watch the hippos splash around. An interesting fact about Ngorongoro Crater is that it provides a unique haven for animals, which thrive within the protective shelter provided by the high walls of the caldera. The Crater was formed millions of years ago when a large volcano erupted, collapsing the volcano but leaving a perfectly unbroken crater. It is the only one like it in the world. Within the Ngorongoro Crater drive, visitors can definitely expect to encounter zebra, hippo, wildebeest and cackling hyenas. Similarly, the Crater is home to flocks of graceful flamingos lounging at Soda Lake and vultures and hawks eagerly circling the sky in search of a hardy meal of discarded carcasses. Storks, ibis, and cranes are popular water birds in the crater. Our game drive will conclude shortly after lunch when we will begin our drive to Lake Manyara. This night, guests will enjoy the tranquility enjoy with delicious dinner served hot and fresh.

Main Accommodation
Accommodations: Clients selection Public campsite/ Tinted campsite/ Lodges
Meals: Water is included in all meals (Other drinks is not included)

Jour 6: Parc national du lac Manyara à Arusha

Lors de notre dernier jour de la visite (nous le savons, nous souhaitons que cesoit plus long aussi!), Nous découvrirons la beauté du parc national du lac Manyara. Nous profiterons d'un petit-déjeuner matinal, afin de commencer notre safari asseztôt pour repérer les «Big Five» mammifères. Niché au pied de l'escarpement de la vallée du Grand Rift, le parc national du lac Manyaraoffre des paysagespittoresquesmaisvariés. Tout au long de la journée, nous découvrirons les arbustes de la savane dorée, les puissantes rivières et la fauneincroyable. Nous prendronsnotre pique-nique au cœur du magnifique parc. Le lac Soda et la savaneenvironnantesoutiennentl'écosystèmetrèsdiversifié, ce qui conduit à la diversité de la faune à observer dans le parc. Avec plus de quatre cents espècesd'oiseauxéblouissants, dontcertainssontmigrateurs, le parc national du lac Manyaraest un paradis pour les ornithologues amateurs. Le lac Manyaraabrite les légendaires lions grimpeurs dans les arbresainsi que de puissantsbufflesd'eau, un immense éléphantd'Afrique, unegirafeen plein essor, un impala gracieux et un hippopotame gigantesque. En fin d'après-midi, nous quitteronsManyara et procéderons à Arusha pour conclurenotre safari. Les clients apprécieront le magnifique paysageen passant devant les bomas Masaï, la forêt de baobabs et les plaines de savanevallonnéesen route vers Arusha.


  • Il appartient à Africa Natural Tours & Safaris Company Limited
  • Vous ne voulez AUCUNE limite de kilométrageou de carburant
  • Normesd'entretienélevées, nous avonsnotre propre atelier d'entretien.
  • Nos deux voitures Safari sontneuves
  • Toutesnos voitures sont des 4x4 avec toitouvrant
  • Toutesnos voitures ont un réfrigérateur
  • Toutesnos voitures de safari ont des ports de chargement pour appareil photo.
  • La plupart de nos voitures sontclimatisées
  • Nous fournissons de l'eau pendant le safari.
  • Le forfaitcomprend


  • Transport (4x4 Land Cruiser) avec toitouvert
  • Campings / Lodge.
  • les frais de parc
  • Tente
  • matelas
  • un guide et un chef de safari anglophones professionnels
  • déjeuner; déjeuners; dîner
  • 1,5 bouteilled'eau par jour; thé et café aux repas
  • 18% de TVA sur les frais de visite et services qui coûtentprès de 55% du coût total facturé.
  • Non inclus

  • Vols (internationaux et nationaux)
  • Assurance voyage
  • Le coût du visa est de 50 $ sauf pour les détenteurs de passeportcanadien et américain qui est de 100 $
  • Objetspersonnels
  • des pourboires pour le guide et le chef du safari
  • des boissonsgazeuses et alcoolisées
  • Activitéssupplémentaires (vol enmontgolfière 600 USD par personne et Masai Village 25 USD par personne)
  • Option deux

    Migration des gnous de Tanzanie-juin

    Migration des gnous de Tanzanie-juin

    safari de migration de la vie sauvage

    Ce safari offre des vues incroyables et des paysages attrayants !! Six jours au cours desquels nous explorons certaines des véritables merveilles naturelles de la Tanzanie, tout en suivant le chemin de la Grande Migration dans l'ouest du Serengeti. D'ici juin, c'est là que nous trouverons la concentration des animaux du troupeau alors que le plus grand mouvement animal au monde continue son chemin dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre. Bien sûr, la nature et les précipitations déterminent l'itinéraire exact et les horaires de déplacement des animaux, notre horaire quotidien sera donc ajusté si nécessaire, pour nous assurer que nous voyons les animaux à leur meilleur, à leur plus grand nombre. Depuis notre point de départ à Arusha, notre aventure spectaculaire nous emmène d'abord au parc national de Tarangire, célèbre pour sa grande population d'éléphants et son paysage de baobabs distinctifs. Notre prochaine destination est le magnifique Central Serengeti, suivi de la partie ouest de ce parc le plus célèbre. Des milliers de zèbres, de gnous et de buffles du Cap se rassemblent pour traverser la rivière Grumeti, pleine de crocodiles. Chaque jour apportera quelque chose de nouveau, tout vous sera expliqué par votre expert Safaris. La Grande Migration, le plus grand mouvement d'animaux au monde, est souvent le point culminant de la vie des gens, sans parler du point culminant de leur safari ! Après avoir absorbé toute l'excitation que la faune du Serengeti peut offrir, nous changeons de décor pour visiter le magnifique cratère du Ngorongoro, un autre lieu incroyable mais totalement différent pour les animaux à couper le souffle de la Tanzanie. Vous emporterez suffisamment de souvenirs pour durer toute une vie.

    Jour 1 (1): Arusha au parc national de Tarangire

    notre aventure spectaculaire nous emmène d'abord au parc national de Tarangire, célèbre pour sa grande population d'éléphants et son paysage de baobabs distinctifs. Notre prochaine destination est le magnifique Central Serengeti, suivi de la partie ouest de ce parc le plus célèbre. Des milliers de zèbres, de gnous et de buffles du Cap se rassemblent pour traverser la rivière Grumeti, pleine de crocodiles. Chaque jour apportera quelque chose de nouveau, tout vous sera expliqué par votre expert Safaris. La Grande Migration, le plus grand mouvement d'animaux au monde, est souvent le point culminant de la vie des gens, sans parler du point culminant de leur safari ! Après avoir absorbé toute l'excitation que la faune du Serengeti peut offrir, nous changeons de décor pour visiter le magnifique cratère du Ngorongoro, un autre lieu incroyable mais totalement différent pour les animaux à couper le souffle de la Tanzanie. Vous emporterez suffisamment de souvenirs pour durer toute une vie. Après le petit-déjeuner à Arusha, nous partirons tôt le matin pour le parc national de Tarangire. Une fois arrivés à Tarangire, nous commencerons à explorer les énormes termitières et les anciens baobabs. Vous devez savoir que ce parc est réputé pour ses diverses espèces d'oiseaux et sa vaste population d'éléphants. Il y a des observations régulières de lions féroces, de girafes, de phacochères, d'autruches, d'impalas, de guépards, de mangoustes, de buffles et de babouins espiègles. Après avoir observé la faune de Tarangire, nous continuerons notre voyage vers notre prochain point culminant, le cratère du Ngorongoro et près du lac Manyara. Dîner et nuit en camp ou lodge

    Jour 2 : Mto wa Mbu - Parc National du Serengeti

    Après le petit-déjeuner, nous récupérons nos boîtes à lunch et commençons notre voyage qui nous emmène vers l'ouest et le nord, notre destination passionnante étant un nom familier à tout le monde - le Serengeti ! En chemin, l'immensité du territoire et la beauté brute et grandiose des paysages se révèlent et votre chauffeur-guide vous aidera à repérer les animaux et les oiseaux. Ceci n'est qu'un aperçu des choses à venir, car le Serengeti abrite ce qui est probablement le plus grand rassemblement d'animaux sauvages au monde. Après avoir savouré un pique-nique, vous aurez hâte de profiter d'autres opportunités d'observation de la faune dans ce site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. Situé dans les prairies, les savanes, les bois et les paysages de montagne, quelle créature se montrera ensuite ? Ces plaines sans fin abritent éléphant, buffle, lion, léopard, guépard, hippopotame et crocodile, l'aventure a vraiment commencé. Le soir, après tout épuisé et exalté, il est temps de vous ramener à l'hébergement de votre choix pour le dîner et de parler des nombreuses expériences fantastiques que vous avez vécues aujourd'hui. nuit au camp ou au lodge.

    Troisième jour (3): Vers le parc national du Serengeti occidental.

    Lors de ce voyage d'une vie, nous avons maintenant un court trajet en voiture pour atteindre le grand corridor occidental du Serengeti, la section étroite du parc par laquelle la Grande Migration doit passer à cette période de l'année. C'est notre objectif, alors que les troupeaux de milliers de zèbres et de gnous rassemblent suffisamment de force pour traverser la rivière Grumeti. Pour eux, le danger se cache sous la forme des crocodiles du Nil ; pour vous, sécurisez votre véhicule, c'est une chance de voir la nature à l'état brut dans ce magnifique site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. Animaux en mouvement, animaux en chasse ou en train de se faire chasser ! Une avifaune riche et variée est également présente, tout comme les singes Colobes qui habitent les forêts. Chaque jour est différent ici, imprévisible et plein de surprises, mais rien ne peut surpasser la Grande Migration, cette merveille naturelle unique qui implique un nombre époustouflant, littéralement des centaines de milliers d'animaux faisant leur voyage annuel. nuit au camp ou au lodge.

    Jour quatre (4): au parc national central du Serengeti

    Avant de quitter le Serengeti occidental, nous en profitons ce matin pour profiter d'un autre safari dans cet endroit incroyable. Cela nous laisse encore plus de temps pour nous interroger sur les troupeaux migrateurs et les dangers et défis auxquels ils sont confrontés chaque année dans leur lutte pour la survie. En plus des animaux du troupeau, vous pourrez peut-être voir un hippopotame ou, dans le ciel, un majestueux aigle martial. En plus des animaux migrateurs, cette région abrite également une bonne population d'animaux sauvages résidents, vous ne serez donc pas déçu. Dans l'après-midi, nous prenons le court trajet de retour vers la partie centrale du Serengeti, où vous serez conduit à l'hébergement de votre choix pour la détente et votre repas du soir. Nuit au camp ou au lodge.

    Cinquième jour (5 -6) : safari complet dans le cratère du Ngorongoro et retour à Arusha

    Cinquième jour (5-6) : safari complet dans le cratère du Ngorongoro et retour à Arusha Aujourd'hui, après le petit-déjeuner, nous descendrons vers le cratère du Ngorongoro, souvent appelé merveille du monde. Vous ferez une pause en safari pour le pique-nique et en fin de soirée, montez du cratère et conduisez jusqu'à votre hôtel à Arusha pour le dîner et la nuit. C'est la plus grande caldeira du monde entièrement composée de prairies, de forêts et de marais, un cadre d'une beauté à couper le souffle. L'eau permanente du fond du cratère abrite une population résidente de plus de 25 000 grands mammifères. Vous trouverez ici de nombreuses raisons pour lesquelles vous avez choisi de faire des safaris en Tanzanie. Des lions, des cobes, des babouins hippopotames, des rhinocéros noirs, des léopards, des hyènes, des chacals, des buffles, des phacochères, des gazelles et bien d'autres espèces sauvages abondantes s'y abritent. Les Maasai partagent cet espace impressionnant avec les animaux, leur bétail dans une zone qui est une zone de conservation distincte depuis 1956 et un site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO depuis 1978. Cette cohabitation harmonieuse de l'homme et de la bête rend Ngorongoro unique au monde. Après la fin de l'après-midi, retour à Arusha.

    Le forfaitcomprend


  • Transport (4x4 Land Cruiser) avec toitouvert
  • Campings / Lodge.
  • les frais de parc
  • Tente
  • matelas
  • un guide et un chef de safari anglophones professionnels
  • déjeuner; déjeuners; dîner
  • 1,5 bouteilled'eau par jour; thé et café aux repas
  • 18% de TVA sur les frais de visite et services qui coûtentprès de 55% du coût total facturé.
  • Non inclus

  • Vols (internationaux et nationaux)
  • Assurance voyage
  • Le coût du visa est de 50 $ sauf pour les détenteurs de passeportcanadien et américain qui est de 100 $
  • Objetspersonnels
  • des pourboires pour le guide et le chef du safari
  • des boissonsgazeuses et alcoolisées
  • Activitéssupplémentaires (vol enmontgolfière 600 USD par personne et Masai Village 25 USD par personne)
  • Troisième option



    Ce safari offre des vues incroyables et des paysages attrayants !! Six jours au cours desquels nous explorons certaines des véritables merveilles naturelles de la Tanzanie, alors que nous suivons le chemin de la Grande Migration dans l'ouest du Serengeti. D'ici juin, c'est là que nous trouverons la concentration des animaux du troupeau alors que le plus grand mouvement animalier du monde continue son chemin dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre. Bien sûr, la nature et les précipitations déterminent l'itinéraire exact et les horaires de déplacement des animaux, notre horaire quotidien sera donc ajusté si nécessaire, pour nous assurer que nous voyons les animaux sous leur meilleur jour, au plus grand nombre. Depuis notre point de départ à Arusha, notre aventure spectaculaire nous emmène d'abord au parc national de Tarangire, célèbre pour sa grande population d'éléphants et son paysage de baobabs distinctifs. Notre prochaine destination est le magnifique Central Serengeti, suivi de la partie ouest de ce parc le plus célèbre. Des milliers de zèbres, de gnous et de buffles du Cap se rassemblent pour traverser la rivière Grumeti, pleine de crocodiles. Chaque jour apportera quelque chose de nouveau, tout vous sera expliqué par votre expert Safaris. La Grande Migration, le plus grand mouvement d'animaux au monde, est souvent le point culminant de la vie des gens, sans parler du point culminant de leur safari ! Après avoir absorbé toute l'excitation que la faune du Serengeti peut offrir, nous changeons de décor pour visiter le magnifique cratère du Ngorongoro, un autre lieu incroyable mais totalement différent pour les animaux à couper le souffle de la Tanzanie. Vous emporterez suffisamment de souvenirs pour durer toute une vie. .

    Jour 1 (1): Arusha au parc national de Tarangire

    Après le petit-déjeuner à Arusha, nous partirons tôt le matin pour le parc national de Tarangire. Une fois arrivés à Tarangire, nous commencerons à explorer les énormes termitières et les anciens baobabs. Vous devez savoir que ce parc est réputé pour ses diverses espèces d'oiseaux et sa vaste population d'éléphants. Il y a des observations régulières de lions féroces, de girafes, de phacochères, d'autruches, d'impalas, de guépards, de mangoustes, de buffles et de babouins espiègles. Après avoir observé la faune de Tarangire, nous continuerons notre voyage vers notre prochain point culminant, le cratère du Ngorongoro et près du lac Manyara. Dîner et nuit en camp ou lodge


    Jour deux (2) Mto wa Mbu – Parc national du Serengeti

    Après le petit-déjeuner, nous récupérons nos boîtes à lunch et commençons notre voyage qui nous emmène vers l'ouest et le nord, notre destination passionnante étant un nom familier à tout le monde – le Serengeti ! En chemin, l'immensité du territoire et la beauté brute et grandiose des paysages se révèlent et votre chauffeur-guide vous aidera à repérer les animaux et les oiseaux. Ce n'est qu'un aperçu des choses à venir, car le Serengeti abrite ce qui est probablement le plus grand rassemblement d'animaux sauvages au monde. Après avoir dégusté un pique-nique, vous aurez hâte de profiter d'autres opportunités d'observation de la faune dans ce site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. Situé dans les prairies, les savanes, les bois et les paysages de montagne, quelle créature se montrera ensuite ? Ces « plaines sans fin » abritent éléphant, buffle, lion, léopard, guépard, hippopotame et crocodile, l'aventure a vraiment commencé. Le soir, après tout épuisé et exalté, il est temps de vous ramener à l'hébergement de votre choix pour le dîner et de parler des nombreuses expériences fantastiques que vous avez vécues aujourd'hui. nuit au Camp ou Lodge .

    Troisième jour (3-4): Vers le parc national du Serengeti occidental

    Lors de ce voyage d'une vie, nous avons maintenant un court trajet en voiture pour atteindre le grand couloir ouest du Serengeti, la section étroite du parc par laquelle la Grande Migration doit passer à cette période de l'année. C'est notre objectif, alors que les troupeaux de milliers de zèbres et de gnous rassemblent suffisamment de force pour traverser la rivière Grumeti. Pour eux, le danger se cache sous la forme des crocodiles du Nil ; pour vous, sécurisez votre véhicule, c'est une chance de voir la nature à l'état brut dans ce magnifique site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. Animaux en mouvement, animaux en chasse ou en train de se faire chasser ! Une avifaune riche et variée est également présente, tout comme les singes Colobes qui habitent les forêts. Chaque jour est différent ici, imprévisible et plein de surprises, mais rien ne peut surpasser la Grande Migration, cette merveille naturelle unique qui implique un nombre époustouflant, littéralement des centaines de milliers d'animaux faisant leur voyage annuel. nuit au camp ou au lodge.

    Jour quatre (5): au parc national central du Serengeti

    Avant de quitter le Serengeti occidental, nous en profitons ce matin pour profiter d'un autre safari dans cet endroit incroyable. Cela nous laisse encore plus de temps pour nous interroger sur les troupeaux migrateurs et les dangers et défis auxquels ils sont confrontés chaque année dans leur lutte pour la survie. En plus des animaux du troupeau, vous pouvez peut-être voir un hippopotame - ou dans le ciel, un majestueux aigle martial. En plus des animaux migrateurs, cette région abrite également une bonne population d'animaux sauvages résidents, vous ne serez donc pas déçu. Dans l'après-midi, nous prenons le court trajet de retour vers la partie centrale du Serengeti, où vous serez conduit à l'hébergement de votre choix pour la détente et votre repas du soir. Nuit au camp ou au lodge.

    Cinquième jour (6) : safari complet dans le cratère du Ngorongoro et retour à Arusha

    Aujourd'hui, après le petit-déjeuner, nous descendrons vers le cratère du Ngorongoro, souvent appelé merveille du monde. Vous ferez une pause en safari pour le pique-nique et en fin de soirée, montez du cratère et conduisez jusqu'à votre hôtel à Arusha pour le dîner et la nuit. C'est la plus grande caldeira du monde entièrement composée de prairies, de forêts et de marais, un cadre d'une beauté à couper le souffle. L'eau permanente du fond du cratère abrite une population résidente de plus de 25 000 grands mammifères. Vous trouverez ici de nombreuses raisons pour lesquelles vous avez choisi de faire des safaris en Tanzanie. Des lions, des cobes, des babouins hippopotames, des rhinocéros noirs, des léopards, des hyènes, des chacals, des buffles, des phacochères, des gazelles et bien d'autres espèces sauvages abondantes s'y abritent. Les Maasai partagent cet espace impressionnant avec les animaux, leur bétail dans une zone qui est une zone de conservation distincte depuis 1956 et un site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO depuis 1978. Cette cohabitation harmonieuse de l'homme et de la bête rend Ngorongoro unique au monde. Après la fin de l'après-midi, retour à Arusha.

    Le forfaitcomprend


  • Transport (4x4 Land Cruiser) avec toitouvert
  • Campings / Lodge.
  • les frais de parc
  • Tente
  • matelas
  • un guide et un chef de safari anglophones professionnels
  • déjeuner; déjeuners; dîner
  • 1,5 bouteilled'eau par jour; thé et café aux repas
  • 18% de TVA sur les frais de visite et services qui coûtentprès de 55% du coût total facturé.
  • Non inclus

  • Vols (internationaux et nationaux)
  • Assurance voyage
  • Le coût du visa est de 50 $ sauf pour les détenteurs de passeportcanadien et américain qui est de 100 $
  • Objetspersonnels
  • des pourboires pour le guide et le chef du safari
  • des boissonsgazeuses et alcoolisées
  • Activitéssupplémentaires (vol enmontgolfière 600 USD par personne et Masai Village 25 USD par personne)
  • The Ngorongoro Clater

    The Ngorongoro Crater is a breathtakingly beautiful setting and the best place in East Africa to see the Big Five. It is a great way to start your African safari adventure. However, as one of the world's most astonishing and renowned natural wonders, the Ngorongoro Crater does get busy, and at times very busy. Due to the crowds we recommend a two-night stay only here, then moving on to the Serengeti for a quieter, more private safari experience.
    Any Northern Tanzania Safari should ideally include a visit to Ngorongoro Crater: it is one of the most beautiful natural wildlife safari sites in the world and an exceptional place to interact with people from the Maasai tribe.
    The Ngorongoro Crater and surrounding highlands together form one of Africa's most beautiful regions. Volcanic craters form stunning backdrops to some of the most fertile and richest grazing grounds in Africa. The most famous such crater is without question Ngorongoro, the world’s largest intact volcanic caldera and home to the highest density of big game in Africa. Ngorongoro is justifiably one of the continent's most famous safari destinations.

    How to get to the Ngorongoro Crater | Arusha to Ngorongoro

    • Driving from Arusha. Depending on your party size, it may be cheaper for you to all share a private vehicle and guide from when you are picked up from your international flight at Kilimanjaro Airport all the way until you fly out of the Ngorongoro region. If you are driving, it is essential to have a night either side of your crater descent either in a camp on the crater rim, or a 20 minute drive away in the Ngorongoro Highlands. This means you can get to the gates early to avoid the crowds!
    • Flying from Arusha. If you are staying at a “fly in” camp which means your guide and vehicle are provided by your camp, and not by a ground handler from Arusha, you can fly into Lake Manyara airstrip, and get picked up by the camp. This can be a good idea if there are less people in your party, making flying cheaper than driving in a private vehicle from Arusha. It is also essential for some camps which are usually the more luxurious ones owned by excellent safari companies such as Nomad’s Entamanu or The Highlands Asila.

    Since the wildlife mainly stays in the crater all year round, there is really no good or bad time to visit. However given that the crater floor does get busy with vehicles, it can be more pleasant to visit during low season. Higher water levels in Lake Magadi (in the centre of the Crater) also result in higher concentrations of flamingos. Whenever you visit to Ngorongoro, you are guaranteed excellent safari action. The beauty of an Ngorongoro safari is because of its unique micro-climate, it can be enjoyed year round.

    How did the Ngorongoro Crater form?

    Now classed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Ngorongoro Crater was formed when a giant volcano exploded and collapsed around 3 million years ago. The cone of the volcanic caldera collapsed inwards and created what we know today as one of the most unique safari parks in Africa, and indeed the world. A one of a kind safari destination teeming with life. For further facts and explanations of the Ngorongoro Crater please follow the link to our blog post.
    Now Ngorongoro is a notoriously difficult destination to work out logistics for, but from 20 years experienceorganising such trips, we can guide you in the right direction - so give us a call to discuss your different options.


    Ngorongoro Safari | Animals

    The Ngorongoro Crater is the best place in Tanzania to see 'The Big Five'. A healthy population of black rhino and some of the largest tusker elephants left in Africa today are the prize spots, but the crater is also home to good populations of lion, leopard and hyena along with healthy herds of wildebeest, buffalo and zebra. Other wildlife here includes serval cat, cheetah, jackal, Grant's and Thompson's gazelle, flamingo and bat-eared foxes, as well as approximately 400 species of bird. A Ngorongoro safari is action packed to say the least - and for a relatively small park, it really does have the highest concentration of wildlife of any one place in the whole of Africa.

    Ngorongoro Safari | Activities

    Activities inside the Ngorongoro Crater itself are limited to game drives; there are a couple of picnic spots in the park, but getting out of the vehicle is strictly limited to these areas. However, a full range of activities is on offer in the wider Ngorongoro Conservation Area, including walking, trekking, excursions to Olduvai Gorge and visiting the Masai and other tribes.

    Where to stay in the Ngorongoro Crater?

    The choice is whether to stay at a hotel on the Crater rim for the phenomenal view, or a little way away from the Crater in nearby Karatu. Either way, where you stay does not impact the quality of your Ngorongoro safari. The advantages of Karatu include the comparative lack of crowds, and better-value, smaller and more intimate lodges which offer a range of activities such as walking and mountain biking.. On the rim, the

    Ngorongoro Crater Lodge

    is by far the best luxury hotel and is absolutely world class, perfect for a Tanzania Honeymoon, but at approximately $3,000 a night it probably should be! The Serena and the Sopa have equally stunning views of the Crater floor and are much more affordable options, but they are large and fairly old hotels.
    Away from the Crater rim in nearby Karatu in the highlands is a variety of small coffee plantations and guesthouses. For approximately the same cost as the Serena and Sopa, these are much more charming and characterful but obviously lack the fantastic Ngorongoro views. The best of these are Plantation Lodge, Gibbs Farm and The Manor.

    Ngorongoro Crater Tanzania | Further Reading

    If you are wanting to combine your Ngorongoro Crater safari with other parks in Tanzania then we would recommend visiting either (or both if possible) Serengeti National Park and Tarangire National Park. Both hold an abundance of flora and fauna that are perfect for an African safari experience. While we try and make our website as comprehensive as possible, if you would like some more background information, have a read through the Cadogan Guide to Tanzania and Zanzibar - Ngorongoro Chapter, written by one of our director’s Annabel. The most recent edition was published in 2005 so some of it might be slightly dated but generally it’s as comprehensive as they come.

    Call the experts!<

    Reading our website is a good start, but the Ngorongoro Crater is a complicated place to get your head around logistically... Seems silly as it is relatively small, but accommodation types vary hugely in style and location - we also know whether it is best for you to fly or drive depending on your party size. Give us a call for clarification on anything Ngorongoro and our office of Tanzania experts would be delighted to help you out.
    The Ngorongoro Highlands are situated within the designated Ngorongoro Conservation Area, which protects the land of the area and the traditional Masaai way of life within it. Of course the Crater itself is the main attraction of the Conservation Area, but equally amazing are the highlands that roll on around the Crater. This is a vast, undulating volcanic landscape, dotted with craters and lakes and oozing minerals and fertile soil. This area should not be missed on a northern Tanzania safari.
    As the highlands are not within a national park, the usual national park rules and restrictions do not apply. Therefore, various activities are possible - including opportunities for exploring the area on foot with long hikes up into the mountains. From this perspective the expanse of impressive volcanic landscape is mind-blowing, and there is the potential for sighting wildlife, although this is not as game-focused as a typical walking safari.

    The Ngorongoro Crater floor

    The Ngorongoro Crater rim is over 2,200 metres high, and swathed in cloud most days of the year. By contrast, the crater floor is a unique habitat where the rich volcanic soil and year-round water supply have resulted in a rich and healthy ecosystem supporting approximately 25,000 of Africa's big gamemaking it a must on a Northern Tanzania Safari.
    The Lerai Forest and Lake Magadi, along with the famous hippo pool, are surrounded by vast plains that cover a crater floor which is up to 20km wide in places. Even though some of the animals do leave the confines of the Crater, Ngorongoro is the perfect habitat for many species, inclining both grazers and predators to remain throughout the year.

    The Ngorongoro Conservation Area

    On the Western side of Africa's Great Rift Valley, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area is a striking range of volcanic craters that make up one of the most dramatic areas of Africa.
    The Ngorongoro is by far the area’s main attraction, but for people spending longer in the area there are other craters such as Empakaai - far off the tourist track and excellent for walking trips, albeit with a fraction of the game viewing available at Ngorongoro. On days with clear skies you can catch an impressive glimpse of Lake Natron or even the peak of Kilimanjaro. We arrange hiking trips in the area and include expeditions to OldonyoLengai, a currently active volcano known by the Masaai as the Mountain of the Gods.

    Olduvai Gorge

    Olduvai, a misspelling of the Masai word Oldupai, is one of the area's main attractions, and the site of numerous prominent archaeological finds. Made famous by Louis and Mary Leakey, the site has thrown up discoveries which date back nearly 2 million years, giving Olduvai the title of the 'Cradle of Mankind'. Today a small museum gives visitors an introduction to the area and guides are available to walk you into the gorge. Copies of the famous Laetoli footprints, found nearby, are on display.

    Ngorongoro Highlands - Where to stay

    Halfway between Manyara and the Ngorongoro Crater is the village of Karatu, which offers various comfortable accommodation options on the border of the Conservation Area. This is the best position from which to explore the surrounding area, with traditional homesteads, lush plantations and working farms. The lodges round here are all colonial-style farm houses, with open tropical gardens and ancient leadwood trees. Plantation Lodge is made up of little cottages amongst glorious gardens and Gibbs Farm offers a 10 acre fruit and vegetable garden. Stays in this area are usually two or three nights depending on your itinerary but you will need a day to visit Lake Manyara National Park and a day for the Ngorongoro Crater. A third day can be spent exploring the highlands and the working coffee plantations, hiking or mountain biking.

    Ngorongoro Highlands - When to go

    This area is not seasonal and you will have a great experience here all year round. The Crater has the big five throughout the year and Manyara remains scenic and picturesque whatever the month, with similar animals at any given time. Activities such as hiking and mountain biking may be affected during the rainy season.

    Ngorongoro Highlands - Activities

    The Ngorongoro Conservation Area offers daytime game drives and walking in the highlands in certain areas. Lake Manyara National Park allows day game drives, and night game drives from certain lodges. Beyond these areas, typical highlands activities are available such as mountain biking, hiking and plantation visits.

    We don't just know Tanzania!
    For more information on Tanzania, the best thing to do is to give us a ring for an impartial chat. Although we love Tanzania, we also love the rest of Africa too and have experts in all the main safari countries. If you are undecided as to where to visit, please do just drop us an email or give us a call!
    The Great Wildebeest Migration - the annual migration of giant herds of grazers across Northern Tanzania and Kenya is a truly spectacular event. Over two million wildebeest, zebras and gazelles move through the Serengeti and Masai Mara ecosystems in search of green pasture, in a regular pattern. This is surely one of the greatest wonders of the natural world

    The Serengeti National Park is Africa's most famous. Renowned for its incredible concentrations of predators and the Great Migration of two million grazers, a safari here is guaranteed to be exceptional. The endless grassy plains are amongst the richest grazing grounds in the African bush, and therefore home to the largest herds and the highest concentrations of predators on the planet.
    The Serengeti Africa is one of those very rare places that has a huge reputation, yet still somehow manages to surpass expectations and take your breath away. Surrounded by remarkable tribes such as the Massai and Hadzabe, this wider area is also fascinating from a cultural perspective. The whole park is a world heritage site, and the varied eco-system coupled with the huge volume of wildlife means you can spend ample time in different locations and never feel like you’ve seen it all. From the dramatic Kjopes in the north, to the acacia dotted endless plains to the south, it is not just the animals which makes a safari in the Serengeti so remarkable. In a nutshell, it is rightly the most celebrated wildlife reserves in the world; there is nowhere else to match it. It is outstanding!

    Serengeti National Park | The Wildlife
    There is such a variety of species to be found in the Serengeti and definitely too great a number to mention here, which is why it is such an integral part of a Tanzania safari. The park's main attraction is the Great Migration, consisting of up to 2 million wildebeest, 200,000 zebras and 350,000 thompson, impala and grant's gazelles - many consider it to be the most spectacular remaining African wildlife spectacle. The predator viewing here is exceptional with approximately 3-4,000 lion and huge numbers of cheetah, leopard and hyena. Other animals commonly found in the park include topi, eland, hartebeest, buffalo, elephant, caracal, serval, bat-eared fox, hyrax, genet, hares, porcupine, aardvark, giraffe, jackal, mongoose, crocodile, monitor lizard, aardwolf, many kinds of primates including baboons, vervet and colobus monkeys, and over 500 species of bird.

    Where is the Serengeti?
    The Serengeti is the main component of a Northern Tanzania Safari Itinerary. It is a vast stretch of endless plains brimming with wildlife in the North East of Tanzania - Tanzania's border changes it to Kenya's famous Masai Mara. It is only a short flight from Arusha (along with many other Northern airstrips!) - a flight you absolutely must consider if you are ever visiting other Northern Tanzania parks. Many travellers also visit Northern Tanzania to experience the vibrant Maasai culture in the Ngorongoro Highlands, but also to go into the Ngorongoro Crater itself. There are also other smaller surrounding parks, Lake Manyara and Tarangire, but these are more "add on" destinations - The Serengeti in our view is the real star of the show.

    When to go to the Serengeti National Park
    To focus solely on the Great Migration would be to do this park a grave injustice. Even taking the Great Migration out of the equation, it can be argued that the Serengeti is still the finest park in Africa. Vast herds of grazers, huge prides of lion, spectacular expanses of uninterrupted views, wildebeest river crossings, great leopard sightings, fantastic vast cheetah inhabited plains and some of the best camps in Africa - as such, it is an incredible safari destination year-round.

    Serengeti Migration | When is the Great Migration in the Serengeti?
    The Wildebeest Migration is often thought to be the star of the show on a Tanzania holiday. Contrary to popular misconceptions, the herds can be seen in the Serengeti all year round. There are some better months to visit to get the full impact of the sheer size of the herds such as in July – October when they are crossing the mighty Mara River in Northern Serengeti (see our videos of crossings, or in February when they all congregate for calving season in the southern Ndutu plains.


    The Serengeti regions explained | Where to stay
    The park is absolutely huge. If you are intent on viewing the Great Migration then it is probably more critical to stay in the right region for your travel dates than to deliberate too long about the style of camp or hotel you are looking for. This park is so big that if you get the location wrong, you will not see the herds.
    The Serengeti is therefore broadly divided into four distinct areas - the central Seronera Valley, the Western Corridor, the Northern Lobo and Kogatende areas, and finally the Southern Plains.
    However, in the months between these, the migration is still a phenomenal sight to see! It can be tricky deciding where to base yourself/when to go to be in with the best chance of catching the big herds, so please do give us a call for a well informed run-down of the do’s and don’ts of a Great Migration safari. Although calling and chatting to an expert is by far the best way to get to grips with the Wildebeest Migration’s movements, we have tried our best on our Great Migration page, so please refer to this for a more in depth discussion.

    The Central Serengeti and the Seronera River Valley (good all year round)
    The centre of the park is the Seronera region. Seronera is a network of river valleys that ensure year-round water supplies and keep the region incredibly rich in wildlife throughout the year.

    The area has phenomenal concentrations of game and sees the migration herds move north from mid April to late June and back south again in November and December. The only downside to this area is the number of large hotels and consequent volume of traffic on safari. We often use camps on the periphery of the area, giving guests the option of going into the busier area if they choose. Dunia Camp is our favourite camp here, along with the mobile camps when the migration moves through, specifically the Nomad Serengeti Safari Camp and Serengeti Under Canvas. For a more economical option, there is always Kati Kati. Many like the idea of The Four Seasons Safari Lodge because it seems a safe bet. However, our favourites are the more authentic and classic safari style options - if you are going to the Serengeti, you want to get an experience suitable for such an adventure!

    The Western Corridor and Grumeti (May through to mid July)
    The Western Corridor follows the path of the Grumeti River up towards Lake Victoria. This region provides superb wildlife action in May and June, when the migrating herds cross the crocodile-infested waters of the Grumeti. Although the Grumeti water is shallow, at this point camps such as &Beyond'sGrumeti River Camp, Kirawira and Mbalageti come into their own. The two mobile camps that are particularly superb at this time of year are the Serengeti Safari Camp and Serengeti Under Canvas. To take your luxury stay to a completely new level, Singita's private Grumeti Reserves are unparallelled for unspoilt wildlife viewing and accomodation such as Sabora, FaruFaru and Sasakwa. The North, Kogatende, Lobo and Lamai (July to November)

    The northern reaches remain fantastically quiet and largely unvisited, due to their relative inaccessibility (a good 10 hour drive from Seronera) and lack of large hotels. The Kogatende area used to be cut off from the rest of the park, but in recent years this area has seen some of the best camps in the country spring up. This area is mainly used in extended driving safaris and in flying safaris to two superb permanent tented camps - Sayari Camp and Nomad Lamai. From July through to the end of October the migrating herds are resident here, and this is the finest place to see the Migration's river crossings as the herds often cross the Mara River daily. This region has been described as 'ultimate paradise' for keen safari buffs and is the best place for walking safari inside the park. All the mobile camps move up for here for the whole period: Nomad Serengeti Safari Camp, Serengeti Under Canvas, Olakira and Alex Walker’s Serian. The Southern Short Grass Plains of the Serengeti (December through to March/April)

    The southern plains are where the name of the park comes from, Serengeti, which in Maasai means "endless plains" - and this is exactly what you can find here. Vast grass plains stretch from southern Seronera into the Ngorongoro Conservation area. Outside the migration season, this area is not as good for game as the central Seronera region or the Western Corridor, but from December through to April the migration covers the entire area. February is a superb time of year to be here for the spectacle of the calving season, when 8,000 wildebeest are born every day for a two week period! The only two permanent lodges here are Ndutu Lodge and Kusini Camp, however, all the mobile camps move down to the area for the whole period. Alex Walker’s Serian is perfect choice for this area, being close enough to the migration and yet far away from the other mobile camps. For a more migration-intense location, Olakira, Nomads Serengeti Safari Camp and Serengeti Under Canvas work very well.

    Serengeti Activities
    The main activity is daytime game drives. No night safaris are permitted inside the National Park, but there are a number of lodges in the reserves adjacent to the Serengeti where night driving is available. Most notable are Singita'sGrumeti Reserves, in which Sasakwa, FaruFaru and Sabora all offer night drives, as well as Klein's Camp and others located in the adjacent Loliondo reserve. There are no boating safaris in the area. Walking is possible outside the park, and a couple of camps in the far north of the park allow walking within the park boundaries. Alex Walker’s Serian is the only camp in Southern Serengeti area where walking is permitted.

    Speak to us for the most up to date information on walking inside the national park as the rules change all the time.

    Serengeti or Masai Mara Safari?
    Only separated by the country border as you go into Kenya, nothing much changes from being in the Serengeti and Masai Mara apart from, well, being in Kenya! For the Migration, all year round the wildebeest are in the Serengeti but you can catch them in the Mara from July to October. For this time of year, also see the dramatic river crossings from the Serengeti side, but honestly, without quite as many tourists as in the Mara. It seems we would say this, but the Serengeti for the Migration trumps the Masai Mara.

    More about The Serengeti:
    While we try and make our website as comprehensive as possible, if you would like some more background information, have a read through the Cadogan Guide to Tanzania and Zanzibar - Serengeti Chapter, Seronera Chapter, Western Corridor Chapter and Lobo Chapter written by one of our director’s Annabel. The most recent edition was published in 2005 so some of it might be slightly dated but generally it’s as comprehensive as they come. If you need some more details then please see our blog post on why you should choose a Serengeti safari.

    Great Migration Safari Holidays: the basics
    • You can see the Great Migration in Tanzania all year round – they migrate in a circular motion around the Serengeti National Park as such it is an ongoing event. Below we will dissect where the wildebeest usually are at different times of the year.
    • The Great Wildebeest Migration is rarely in the Masai Mara Kenya; the herds only ever venture there as an extension of their grazing lands in the northern point of Tanzania if they need to for fresh pastures. You can only find the migration in Kenya within a few months of the year when they head towards the border, and even then, most of the herds are still mulling around the northern parts of the Serengeti anyway...

    The Annual Migration overview: the best times to visit The Wildebeest in Africa
    • July – October: This is when the wildebeest are in the northern Serengeti plains, and you have a chance of seeing up to thousands crossing the great Mara River. As the sight of the wildebeest crossing the so dramatic, it is considered by many the most desirable time to see the migration.
    • December – March: Currently the wildebeest are in the southern area of the Serengeti, more specifically in Ndutu which is actually in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, and it is calving season. Along with the river crossings, this is a real highlight of the wildebeest’s journey and a fabulous time to see the herds congregate on the dramatic sweeping plains of the south. February is the only time of year when you are almost guaranteed to see the big herds all together as they always come south for calving season.
    • The rest of the year: In November, April, May and June the migration is “in between” locations and as such these months are slightly transitional times to see the herds. November is the short rains, April and May are the long rains and as such the grass is green in these months across the Serengeti, so the wildebeest are more dispersed than in the prime time of July – October and December – March. Thus, you don’t get as many of those condensed big herds which people get excited about!
    Although we try to be as comprehensive as possible, something that is quite difficult to express on paper is a lot easier to explain over the phone, so please do just give us a call for a simple overview of the Migration's route.

    Wildebeest facts: Why does the Great Migration occur & why do the Wildebeest Migrate?
    The wildebeest migrate around the Serengeti, and into the Masai Mara for the sole purpose of following the rainfall. For their calving from December - March they always begin their cycle in the Southern Serengeti area of Ndutu and follow wherever the grass is greener...
    Whilst we have a good idea of where the wildebeest should be at any given time of year, it really does depend on where the rain falls. The wildebeest are notoriously unreliable, as although they generally all head from south to north Serengeti and back around again, they often zig-zag along the way, making it sometimes impossible to predict where the big herds will be at any given time.

    The type of Migration the Wildebeest make; Wildebeest in Africa
    The migration undertaken by the wildebeest is an annual event which sees one and a half million wildebeest accompanied by hundreds of thousands of zebras and numerous other antelope species as they search for pastures greener. The animals follow a clockwise movement through the Serengeti following the rains for the lushest of grass. The five hundred kilometres is fraught with danger with many predators such as lions, cheetahs and crocodiles preying on the animals. It is a truly amazing spectacle.
    Although we do our best to be as informative as possible, it really always is best to give us a call and chat to an expert who can give you the low-down on where the wildebeest are right now.

    When does the Great Wildebeest Migration happen in Tanzania and when is the wildebeest migration in the Masai Mara, Kenya?
    Throughout the entire year, the wildebeest herds are always in Tanzania. For a short time of the year some of the herds are in Kenya. This time period is from July – October when the wildebeest are always crossing the Mara River in Tanzania between Kogatende and the Lamai wedge (the land between the Mara River and the border to Kenya). The herds are sometimes crossing the Mara river from one side of the Masai Mara to the other (all in Kenya). So the famous river crossings are most likely to be seen in Tanzania. Tanzania also has far fewer tourists on any one crossing, so we would always recommend basing yourself in northern Serengeti as opposed to the Masai Mara to catch the wildebeest crossing the Mara River.


    Great Migration Map - Kenya Migration and Serengeti Migration
    Please see our migration map of the Tanzania/Kenya border and where the Mara River cuts through each country. The popular misconception is that the river acts as a border of the two countries, but as you can see this is not the case! Instead of crossing the river from Tanzania into Kenya, the wildebeest only ever cross in between Kogatende and the Lamai Wedge (Tanzania to Tanzania), or in Kenya from the Masai Mara into the Masai Mara (Kenya to Kenya).

    Great Migration Safari Holidays: where to stay for The Great Migration Tanzania
    If you would like to safari at the heart of the Great Migration of wildebeest and zebra, the best approach is to book one of the Serengeti's famous mobile camps. The mobile camps are erected at set locations throughout the year, and often move either two or three times a year depending on where the herds usually are at that particular time.
    Two mobile camps in particular set themselves apart from the others for their commitment to keeping up with the herds - Nomad Tanzania's Serengeti Safari Camp and &Beyond's Serengeti Under Canvas. These are the two mobile operations which we consider truly mobile and will be located near or amongst the herds at any time of the year as they move to more than two locations (which is the standard route of most the other mobile camps). That brings us to the mobile camps of Alex Walker's Serian, Asilia's Olakira, Ubuntu and Kimondo which move twice a year and offer superb mobile operations from July to November, and from December through to March. For the rest of the year these fabulous camps are closed.
    If going mobile is a little too adventurous for you, then the Serengeti has various permanent lodges that will offer all the creature comforts you need together with a good location to see the herds on your Tanzania safari. Here is an overview of the movement of the herds, and the best permanent lodges to stay at for each time of year.
    The annual Great Wildebeest Migration dates & seasons: a month by month explanation of the Serengeti Wildebeest Migration

    December to March

    The Southern Serengeti's huge grass plains extend into the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. From December to March the Serengeti Migration congregates in large herds around Lake Ndutu in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. When it reaches the area the herd splits up and spreads out leaving wildebeest herds as far as the eye can see. Ndutu Lodge and Kusini are the only permanent lodges in the area; Kusini is best towards the end of the period whereas Ndutu Lodge works throughout. Asilia's Dunia Camp is also a good option at the beginning of December and again when the herds push north in March.

    See our month-by-month blog posts; December, January, February, March for further details.

    April to May
    This is rainy season in Tanzania. The Wildebeest migration moves north into the plains of the southern Serengeti with front runners stretching out to the Western Corridor and centre of the park at Seronera. Asilia's Dunia Camp is a great option at this time as are any of the central Serengeti hotels such as the Serena or Sopa. Early herds may well have pushed up to the Grumeti River Camp, Kirawira and Mbalageti Lodge area of the Western Corridor.

    See our month-by-month blog posts, April and May for further details.

    June and July
    June is mating season for the herds, so can be very noisy if you catch many together. By June there are wildebeest herds spread from the Western corridor through the heart of the park. One group tends to head West into the Western Corridor and crosses the Grumeti River before leaving the park and entering the exclusive SingitaGrumeti Reserves. This herd will then head up through the Ikorongo game reserve on the Serengeti's Western corridor before the front runners arrive into the Kogatende area in July. The other herds head directly to the north of the Serengeti, passing straight up the middle through Seronera, Lobo and up to the Bologonja river area near the Eastern border with the Loliondo reserve at Kleins. It is true to say that at this time herds can be anywhere from the Western corridor through to the Eastern side of the park. Splinter herds will break from the main herds, covering huge areas in their search for fresh grasses. We would recommend Grumeti River Camp, FaruFaru, Sasakwa, Sabora, Mbalageti Lodge and Kirawira for the Western corridor, whereas some herds will have pushed up as far as Migration camp in the Northern Lobo area. Late July will see any of the Kogatende permanent lodges having good herds, Serengeti Lamai and Sayari Camp being the places to go towards the end of July.

    See our month-by-month blog posts, June and July for further details.

    August through to October
    From August through to October the herds are in the Northern Serengeti at Kogatende as well as in Kenya’s Masai Mara. River crossings often happen daily here. With only a fraction of the visitor numbers that flock to the Mara, Kogatende is an exceptional destination.
    Given that the herds are simply following local rainfall, some move north, some move south… and many move in both directions in the same day. The sprawling mass moves in a circular fashion throughout these months – and as a result this is a fantastic time of year to see the herds.
    People who do not aware of the specific movements of the Migration often make the mistake of assuming the herds head north from June, cross into Kenya and stay there until October, only returning in November when the pastures are all grazed. This would be a logical thought, but it is simply not the reality! You will see at the river crossings, they may cross over, then suddenly cross back the other way – it is not a structured single mass movement but a series of hectic snap decisions “to cross or not to cross”!
    If one wildebeest takes the leap of faith, many may cross too, and similarly if one decides to turn back and cross over again, many will most likely follow suit; there may be 10 which decide to cross or 10,000. This means that there are excellent opportunities to see a crossing in Tanzania due to the amount of different crossings (and various crossing points along the Mara River), and due to the fact that they are always in the northern Serengeti from July – October (as opposed to them only sometimes being in the Masai Mara at this time!).

    See our month-by-month blog posts; August, September and October for further details.

    In late October and November the herds start their second Great Migration south towards the fertile lands of the Ndutu plains where the rains will have rejuvenated the grasses since the herds were last there earlier in the year. This can be a tricky time to catch the mega herd, as it covers vast distances every day. However, this is not set in stone as one of our team caught this mega crossing in November a few years back...
    By the beginning of December, the herds are returning to Ndutu to calve, and the whole process is ready to start all over again.
    We must reiterate….wildebeest are not the most predictable of animals! The Migration is also entirely dependent upon rain, with the herds constantly searching for fresh grasses. As a result, it is a challenge to predict with any confidence where the herds will be during any particular week, and therefore to decide where best to stay. Choosing a permanent camp or mobile camp for your Tanzania safari that is located in the 'right' area for the time of year will clearly increase your chances, but there are no guarantees.

    See our blog post about the migration in November for further details.
    Videos of the Wildebeest crossing the crocodile infested Mara River from October 2018
    • Crossing point 8. A dramatic crossing for this big herd – demonstrating how sometimes going to see the migration out of the peak season of July – August can be a very good idea, as you miss the crowds, get some great deals at some of our favourite lodges yet still witness this spectacular migration action.
    • Crossing point 4. The dust kicking back from the wildebeest demonstrates the harsh climate which the wildebeest are up against at the very end of the dry season.
    • Crossing point 3. A long stretch of water for the wildebeest here – real rush hour chaos on the Mara River. Wait for the baby wildebeest at 1.45 who makes a true leap of faith!
    • Crossing point 2. This video demonstrates the uncertainly of the wildebeest, and how you can sometimes be waiting at a crossing point for a few hours before one decides to go, and the others follow! Once they go though, they really do go. The Great Migration - Where are the wildebeest right now?
    For further reading on the Great Migration, a good place to go is our month-by-month blog which goes into detail about exactly where we think the migration will be at each time of year.
    Located slightly off the main safari route, Tarangire National Park is a lovely, quiet park in Northern Tanzania. It is most famous for its elephant migration, birding and authentic safari atmosphere. The majority of travellers to the region either miss out Tarangire altogether or venture into the park for a matter of hours - leaving swathes of Tarangire virtually untouched!
    With a game viewing area that is roughly ten times the size of nearby Manyara NP and a concentration of game that is exceptional from July through to October, this seasonal Tanzania safari park is a little gem on the Northern safari circuit, especially if you love elephants!
    Tarangire is the surprise package on the Northern circuit. Often overshadowed by the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire has huge concentrations of animals in the peak months and a fraction of the visitor numbers of any of the other Northern parks. From July through to October safaris here are superb, and the atmosphere and habitats are completely different from other parks. Tarangire is surprisingly large, giving visitors the quietest game viewing environment of all the parks in the region. The South of Tarangire is especially quiet, and lodges such as Swala and Oliver's Camp are the perfect place to explore this remote area, and to really get away from any other travellers. Overall, a superb little park that offers great value compared to its neighbours and a seriously good option for getting away from it all.

    Tarangire National Park safari - The Wildlife
    During the dry months the concentration of animals around the Tarangire river is almost as diverse and reliable as in the Ngorongoro Crater. However, the ecosystem here is balanced by a localised migration pattern that is followed by the majority of game that resides in and around the park. As a result, Tarangire is superb in season but questionable the rest of the year. Elephants are the main attraction, with up to 3,000 in the park during the peak months. Peak season also sees good numbers of wildebeest and zebra as well as giraffe, buffalo, Thompson's gazelle, greater and lesser kudu, eland, leopard and cheetah. The real prizes in the park are dwarf mongoose, oryx and generuk - but viewings are very rare. Tarangire is one of Tanzania's finest birding destinations.

    Tarangire National Park - Activities
    Tarangire safaris are the main activity, however, staying outside the park makes walking and night safari a possibility. There are no boat safaris on the rivers here but Oliver's Camp offers adventurous fly camping trips and very good walking safaris. Both Oliver's Camp and Swala have recently started night safaris within the park itself. Ask us for more information as the regulations here seem to change every year!

    Are night drives allowed in Tarangire?
    Night drives are allowed in Tarangire. Some lodges don't offer it though due to not having set it up with TANAPA. Also, if your particular lodge is outside the National Park then it will not offer night drives. It is worth checking whether the lodge you are looking at offers it or not before booking if this is something on your hitlist!

    Tarangire - When to go
    The game viewing from July though to October is exceptional but for the remainder of the year the majority of game migrates out of the park, onto the floor of the Rift Valley and to the grazing grounds of the Masai steppe. As a result, we would advise visitors not to expect high concentrations of game in the off season months, but would still recommend travelling here to those who want to avoid the crowds.

    Tarangire Safari Lodges - Accommodation
    There are many lodges that surround the border of Tarangire but we have always believed that staying in the park itself is the right choice.

    Swala and Oliver's Camp are the top end choices in the park. One of our absolute favourite authentic options though is Kuro, which is exceptionally well ran and with gorgeous interior design - it is a fabulous camp, and everyone who goes simply raves about it. Tarangire Treetops is located outside the park but its beautiful rooms are raised up into ancient baobab trees, making it, without any doubt, one of Tanzania's most unique properties.

    The best value options are by far Kichuguu; a fabulous tented camp inside the park, and outside the park Maramboi which is exceptionally priced but a slightly bigger option. We prefer Kichuguu for it's location inside the park. It is also far more intimate and cosy than Maramboi, which in comparison offers a more hotel-like stay.
    TarangireSopa is a bigger hotel and we would recommend going for a more authentic ad classic safari option to make your stay special. Best time to visit Tarangire National Park

    The best time to visit Tarangire is probably in the dry season from June - October, where the game viewing is at it's best. Tsatse flies tend to be pretty bad from December to March so although this is a good time to go to the Serengeti for the wildebeest calving, Tarangire is best avoided at this time.

    Tarangire National Park - Further Reading
    While we try and make our website as comprehensive as possible, if you would like some more background information, have a read through the Cadogan Guide to Tanzania and Zanzibar - Tarangire Chapter, written by one of our director’s Annabel. The most recent edition was published in 2005 so some of it might be slightly dated but generally it’s as comprehensive as they come. We don't just know Tanzania!
    For more information on Tanzania, the best thing to do is to give us a ring for an impartial chat. Although we love Tanzania, we also love the rest of Africa too and have experts in all the main safari countries. If you are undecided as to where to visit, please do just drop us an email or give us a call!

    Tanzania Private Safari- 6 Days.

    Our 6 Days Tanzania Private Safari The six day safari tour in Tanzania is firstly great because it includes all the highlights of a wildlife safari in Northern Tanzania, including a visit to Tarangire National Park, The Serengeti National Park, The Ngorongoro Crater as well as the smaller but beautiful Lake Manyara National Park. This offers you a great opportunity to spot a lots of animals in their natural settings but also a great chance to spot the Big Five in what we can confidently term as a ‘Big 5 Safari in Tanzania’. For the bird watchers this is also a great package because all the parks are great places to spot a birds and Tarangire National park and Lake Manyara national Park can be picked as one of the birding hot spots in East Africa if not in Africa at large.

    Day: 1 safari to Tarangire park.
    Our 6-Day Safari Tanzania will start today. After a morning breakfast at the hotel you will drive to the Tarangire. You will start your game safari in the afternoon exploring the park uniqueness. overnight will be served at lodge.

    Day 2: Safari to Lake Manyara Park.
    Morning breakfast, followed by short drive before departure to manyara. reaching the park in the afternoon, thereafter, you will have a game safaris witnessing the hot spring and the bird life sanctuary of the park. Dinner and overnight will be at the lodge.

    Day 3: Safaris to Serengeti park.
    After a breakfast in the morning our safari today will take you to Serengeti. At the Naabi gate you will have your lunch, later proceed inside the park for short game tour before it get night. overnight will be at the lodge.

    Day 4: full day Animals watching in Serengeti .
    We will have long game tours within this park for two days by exploring Serengeti natural environment. after a prepared breakfast and a packed lunch; you will drive to the view the kopjes and other plain areas for animals viewing. . Later overnight will be prepared at the lodge.

    Day 5: safari to Ngorongoro
    You will have a morning drive at the Serengeti before start your trip to Ngorongoro conservation area. After the drive on your way you will stop by the Maasai bomas for meeting the traditional and culture of the Maasai society. You will proceed driving to the lodge for rest and dinner.

    Day 6: safari to Arusha airport.
    The final day of 6-Days Lodge Safari Tanzania, In the morning you will go for a mid day game drive after breakfast, you will see the amazing things of the crater include large number of animals living together in one small niche. also you may get a chance to see the endangered black rhino. After lunch you will drive to Arusha airport for departure. The end of 6-Day Safari Tanzania.

    Day 1: Transfer to the Arusha Coffee Lodge | 1 Night
    Arusha, Tanzania
    Arrive at the Kilimanjaro International Airport and be welcomed by an Elewana representative who'll transfer you to the lodge. Spend time relaxing with a drink in front of the fireplace or beside the swimming pool, or take a walk along the rows of emerald-green coffee plants.

    Days 2-3: Spend two nights at Treetops | 2 Nights
    Tarangire, Tanzania
    After refuelling on a scrumptious breakfast, embark on a tour of the Burka Coffee Estate. Enjoy an alfresco lunch in the beautiful garden of the estate before transferring to the Arusha Airport. Here you will board the Executive Grand Caravan and fly to the Kuro Airstrip in the Tarangire National Park. Embark on a short game drive with a Tarangire Treetops guide before entering Treetops' private reserve where you’ll spend the next two nights at the Tree House.
    The next day, you’ll enjoy a delicious breakfast before setting off for a full day of memorable activities such as guided game drives and game walks, and a visit to an authentic Maasai village, finishing with sundowners on Sunset Hill followed by a night game drive. Tree Tops private game reserve is home to buffalo, lion, cheetah, leopard and elephant.

    Days 4-5: Spend a day exploring the Ngorongoro | 2 Nights
    Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania
    After a delicious breakfast, head out on an early morning game drive through Tarangire National Park where you can see some of the highest concentrations of wildlife quenching their thirst at the Tarangire River. There's a good chance to see large herds of elephant and buffalo, zebra, wildebeest, giraffe and oryx, as well as predators, including lion, cheetah and leopard. Stop off for a picnic lunch on the way to the Kuro Airstrip for a scenic flight to the Manyara Airstrip.
    On arrival, you will be greeted by a representative from The Manor at Ngorongoro who will take you to see an authentic African market in the township of Karatu. Arrive at The Manor in time for a scrumptious high-tea, before spending some time unwinding in your private cottage.
    Following breakfast the next day, set out by vehicle on a complete day of discovery in the Ngorongoro Crater. Enjoy a picnic lunch before continuing your exploration of the Crater. Later in the afternoon you’ll head back to The Manor at Ngorongoro for some leisure time before cocktails and dinner.

    Days 6-7: Explore the vast Serengeti | 2 Nights
    Serengeti, Tanzania
    Enjoy a lovely breakfast before choosing from a few different morning activities such as visiting Lake Manyara National Park, horseback riding, cycling, or a walking tour of the estate. Alternatively, choose to rejuvenate with a pampering spa treatment (1 treatment per person). After lunch, you’ll transfer to the Manyara Airstrip for a flight to the famous Serengeti. Set off from the airstrip on a short game drive as you make your way to the Serengeti Migration Camp. Spend your afternoon taking a memorable game drive through the renowned Serengeti, searching for the Big 5 and other wildlife.
    On the following day, you’ll enjoy a delicious breakfast before heading out to spend the entire day exploring the vast and beautiful Serengeti with its abundant wildlife and birdlife. Enjoy a pleasant bush lunch before setting off for some more fantastic game viewing. Return to Serengeti Migration Camp in time to watch the African sunset as you sip on a refreshing sundowner, followed by dinner.

    Day 8: Farewell to the magnificent Tanzania
    Enjoy a delightful breakfast before setting off to explore the banks of the Grumeti River on a guided game walk. The Grumeti River is the backdrop to the spectacular river crossing of the wildebeest migration, when thousands of wildebeest attempt to cross these crocodile-infested waters. Enjoy a relaxed lunch before a final game drive on the way to the airstrip for your flight to Arusha.
    On arrival, you'll transfer to the Arusha Coffee Lodge for the opportunity to freshen up and relax before heading to Kilimanjaro International Airport for your onward flight.

    Day 1: A night in Arusha | 1 Night
    Arusha, Tanzania
    Your Tanzanian safari begins at Arusha’s Kilimanjaro International Airport where you are met and transferred to African View Lodge, a 30-minute drive from the airport and set on the edge of Arusha National Park. The lodge has a swimming pool and a massage service for those who need to unwind after a long-haul flight. Perhaps the best way to relax here is to order a cold drink from the bar and settle down in the ‘tree-house’ and toast Mount Meru, Tanzania’s second highest mountain, as part of your first night in Africa. There's also complimentary Wi-Fi to let everyone back home know that you've arrived safely.

    Days 2-3: Into the Crater | 2 Nights
    Lake Manyara Road, Karatu
    It's over land to the Ngorongoro Crater after breakfast and a drive through a scenic Rift Valley landscape ensures plenty of wildlife to see as you go. A packed lunch is enjoyed on the way to Endoro Lodge, set in the forests of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. There may be time to stretch your legs after the long drive – the lodge has several river trails as well as bicycles for hire – and you can settle in to your chalet, complete with a fireplace, veranda and an en suite bathroom with outside shower (perfect for enjoying the Milky Way on cloudless evenings).
    The next day is spent in the Ngorongoro Crater itself, a steep-walled haven for what is rated as Africa’s densest concentration of big animals. It is said to be among the easiest places on the continent to see the Big 5 (elephant, buffalo, rhino, lion and leopard), and is also home to hippos, hyenas and flocks of pink flamingos.

    Days 4-6: The Wildebeest Migration | 3 Nights
    Today brings another scenic drive with a packed lunch. There's game viewing all the way as you cross the grasslands of the Ngorongoro and into the Serengeti National Park. Your accommodation is a solar-powered mobile tented camp. Here, you're ensured front-row seats to the Wildebeest Migration by following the herds as they move through the Serengeti. Serengeti View Camp may be located in the south, centre or north of the park depending on the time of year but with an expert guide, a 4x4 and two full days at your disposal, you're sure to enjoy excellent wildlife sightings. Lying under thorn trees, each tented suite at Serengeti View Camp has a private bathroom and a shaded seating area from which to enjoy those endless Serengeti views

    Days 7-9: Palm trees and coral reefs | 3 Nights
    Today begins with breakfast on the Serengeti savannah and ends with dinner overlooking the Indian Ocean. A scheduled charter flight from the Serengeti takes you to Zanzibar, where you are transferred to Pongwe Beach Hotel, set on the white sands of Pongwe Beach on a tranquil Indian Ocean coast. A small and comfortably simple haven of just 20 thatched rooms, the resort has a pool and beach bar that overlook a turquoise swathe of ocean protected by an encircling coral reef. Pongwe offers good-old-fashioned relaxation – hammocks and beach loungers – plus internet access and local excursions ranging from spice farm, Jozani Forest or Stone Town tours as well as snorkelling and diving trips.

    Day 10: Memories to last a lifetime
    After breakfast at Pongwe Beach Hotel, you are transferred back to Zanzibar’s airport for your onward travel arrangements and the end of this tour.
