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Opérateur de safari enTanzanie de 5 jours

Option 1

Tarangire, Serengeti, cratère du Ngorongoro et parc national du lac Manyara

L'aventurier du nord de la Tanzanie

Notre safari en camping de cinq jours captive ceux qui apprécientsabeautécaptivante. Les 4 parcs sontpositionnésenTanzanie, unerégion qui a conservésapureté sur le continent africainhistorique. Nous pouvonsdécouvrir le parc national du lac Manyara qui présente la plus importantesensibilisation aux babouins. Les eauxalcalines du lac Manyarasontincrustées de flamants roses à plumes. Tarangireest célèbre pour avoirtraitél'une des plus grandes populations d'éléphantsd'Afrique. Le Serengeti évoque des photos d'exploration, des paysagesspectaculaires et un monde naturel exaltant. Le cratère du Ngorongoro a étéqualifié de «jardind’Eden de l’Afrique».

Jour 1: Arusha au parc national de Tarangire à Mto wa Mbu

Vouspartirezd'Arusha dans la matinée et vousvousrendrez au parc national de Tarangire dans lequelvousdécouvrirez la véritableénormité des termitièresdésertes et des baobabs historiques. Les troupeauxgéantsd'éléphantsd'Afriquedominent la savane dorée et des troupeauxhurlants de l'inséparable à collier jaune saisissantpeuventêtreentendus à des kilomètres de distance. La flore et la faune qui parcourent le paysagepittoresque de la Tarangirecomprennent des lions, des girafes, des phacochères, des autruches, des impalas, des guépards, des mangoustes, des buffles et des babouins. Vouspasserezvotre première nuit dans les centres de tentescompletsdisponibles. Il pourrait y avoir un dîneralléchantservi dans la nuit. Hébergement principal Hébergement: sélections du client; Camping public / Camping sous tente / Lodges. Repas: L'eauestincluse dans tous les repas (les autresboissons ne sont pas incluses).

Jour 2: MtowaMbu au parc national du Serengeti

Nous pouvonspartir pour le parc national du Serengeti unefois que vousaurezterminévotre petit-déjeuner appétissant. Si vousavez de la chance, vouspouvezrencontrerl'animal bizarre en direction car nous traversons le bord du cratère du Ngorongoro. Le parc national le plus ancien et le plus fréquenté de Tanzanie, qui estégalement un site Web mondialenligne et qui estaujourd'huiconsidérécommel'une des sept merveilles du monde - le Serengeti estréputé pour la migration des troupeauxunefois par an et sacroissance naturelle population mondiale. Nous nousdélecterons d'un pique-nique sur l'un des kopjes (affleurementrocheux). Notre puissance de jeu sera affectée de la même manière dans le parc. Après la pression sportive, nous pouvons nous rendre au Serengeti oùvousrecevrez des installations de tentescomplètes et un repasappétissant. Hébergement principal Hébergement: sélections du client; Camping public / Camping sous tente / Lodges. Repas: L'eauestincluse dans tous les repas (les autresboissons ne sont pas incluses).

Jour 3: Parc national du Serengeti au cratère du Ngorongoro

Nous commenceronsnotrejournée avec une puissance de loisirstôt le matin dans le Serengeti vital. La savaneest un paysageactif et l'airestinondé des mélodies que les oiseauxcréentlorsque la lumière du jour régénérée commence à évoluer pour éclairer tout le paysage. Votre guide observera les empreintes au sol pour poursuivre les prédateurs. Nous nousrendrons à l'endroitcompletplacéprès du bord du cratère. Vouspouvezêtremeublé avec un dîner et des installations de tentes de première classe.

Hébergement principal
Hébergement: sélections du client; Camping public / Camping sous tente / Lodges.
Repas: L'eauestincluse dans tous les repas (les autresboissons ne sont pas incluses)

Jour 4: Cratère du Ngorongoro à MtowaMbu

Un havre de safari enquantitélimitéeproduit le mêmeplaisirparce que le cratère du Ngorongoro - l'observation du sport estvraiment sans effort. Un maximum d'animauxreste dans le cratèreen raison de seshautsmurs. C’estl’endroitidéal pour voirchaquemembre de «The big 5» un jour. Nous pouvonsavoir un merveilleux pique-nique à l'intérieur du cratère. La caldeira non remplieestenoutre domestique pour les hyènes, les hippopotames, les zèbres, les gnous et un genre impressionnantd'oiseauxaquatiques. Votre guide vouséclaireraenvousdonnant des informations sur les animaux, la flore et entrouvant des animauxcachés. Après la fin de l'après-midi, nous pouvonsvous forcer à MtowaMbuoùvouspourrezenuneseulejournée et dîner.

Hébergement principal
Hébergement: sélections du client; Camping public / Camping sous tente / Lodges.
Repas: L'eauestincluse dans tous les repas (les autresboissons ne sont pas incluses)

Jour 5: Parc national du lac Manyara à Arusha

Lors de notre dernier jour de la visite (nous reconnaissons, nous voulons que celadevienne plus long aussi!), Nous découvrirons la beauté du parc national du lac Manyara. Nous pouvons prendre un petit-déjeuner matinal, avec l'intention de commencer notre safari asseztôt pour repérer les «cinq énormes» mammifères. Niché au pied de l'escarpement de la vallée du Grand Rift, le parc national du lac Manyaraprésente des paysagespittoresquesmaisvariés. Pendant la journée, nous nousdélecterons des arbustes de la savane dorée, des rivières robustes et du monde naturel extraordinaire. Nous sommesenmesure de manger notre pique-nique au cœur du magnifique parc. Le lac Soda et la savaneenvironnanteguident les atmosphèrestrèsnombreuses, principales à la diversité de la flore et de la faune à observer dans le parc. Avec plus de 4 cents espècesd'oiseauxsurprenants, dontun certainnombresontmigrateurs, le parc national du lac Manyaraest un paradis pour les ornithologues amateurs. Le lac Manyaraabrite les mythiques lions qui randonnent dans les arbres, en plus de puissantsbufflesd'eau, de grands éléphantsd'Afrique, de girafesplanantes, d'impala et de groshippopotames. Dans l'après-midi passé, nous sommesenmesure de quitter Manyara et de continuer vers Arusha pour terminernotre safari. Les visiteursapprécieront le magnifique paysageen passant devant les bomas Masaï, la zone boisée de baobabs et les plaines de savanevallonnées sur le chemin d'Arusha.


  • Il appartient à Africa Natural Tours & Safaris Company Limited
  • Vous ne voulez AUCUNE limite de kilométrageou de carburant
  • Normesd'entretienélevées, nous avonsnotre propre atelier d'entretien.
  • Nos deux voitures Safari sontneuves
  • Toutesnos voitures sont des 4x4 avec toitouvrant
  • Toutesnos voitures ont un réfrigérateur
  • Toutesnos voitures de safari ont des ports de chargement pour appareil photo.
  • La plupart de nos voitures sontclimatisées
  • Nous fournissons de l'eau pendant le safari.
  • Inclus


  • Voiture Safari 4x4
  • Frais de parc
  • Pilote-guide PRO
  • Salaire pour l'équipage
  • Équipement de camping
  • Trousse de premiers secours
  • Chef de brousse
  • Porter secours
  • Hébergement

    Vous séjournerez dans des campings et des lodges !


  • 4 petits déjeuners
  • 5 Déjeuners
  • 4 Din4 dîners
  • Drinking water
  • Autre

  • Services liés
  • Impôts
  • Inclus


  • Voiture Safari 4x4
  • Frais de parc
  • Pilote-guide PRO
  • Salaire pour l'équipage
  • Équipement de camping
  • Trousse de premiers secours
  • Non inclus

  • Vols
  • Pourboire à l'équipage
  • Visas
  • Frais de parc >
  • Deuxième option


    >Jour 1 (1): Arusha au parc national de Tarangire à Mto wa Mbu

    Vous partirez d'Arusha dans la matinée et vous dirigerez vers le parc national de Tarangire où vous découvrirez la véritable énormité des termitières désertes et des anciens baobabs. Les troupeaux colossaux d'éléphants d'Afrique dominent la savane dorée et les troupeaux hurlants de l'étonnant inséparable à collier jaune peuvent être entendus à des kilomètres. La faune qui parcourt le paysage pittoresque de la Tarangire comprend des lions, des girafes, des phacochères, des autruches, des impalas, des guépards, des mangoustes, des buffles et des babouins. Vous passerez votre première nuit dans les installations de camping complètes qui vous sont proposées. Un dîner alléchant sera servi le soir. Nuit au camp ou au lodge. Le parc national de Tarangire a beaucoup à offrir..

    >Deuxième jour (2): Mto wa Mbu au parc national du Serengeti

    Nous partirons pour le grand et incroyable parc national du Serengeti une fois que vous aurez terminé votre petit-déjeuner appétissant. À quoi les touristes doivent-ils s'attendre ce jour-là ? Si vous avez de la chance, vous pouvez rencontrer un animal étrange sur la route car nous passons par le bord du cratère du Ngorongoro. Le parc national le plus ancien et le plus fréquenté de Tanzanie, qui est également un site du patrimoine mondial et a récemment été classé parmi les sept merveilles du monde - le Serengeti est réputé pour la migration annuelle des troupeaux et la population faunique toujours croissante. Nous profiterons d'un pique-nique sur l'un des kopjes (affleurement rocheux). Notre safari s'aventurera plus loin dans le parc. Après le safari, nous nous dirigerons vers le Serengeti où vous bénéficierez d'installations de camping complètes et d'un repas appétissant. Nuit au camp ou au lodge

    >Troisième jour (3) : Parc national du Serengeti

    Ce jour-là, nous commençons votre journée tôt en vous levant avant l'aube pour embarquer pour un safari au lever du soleil. Voyez le soleil mettre le feu à la savane alors que des prédateurs tels que des léopards et des lions se cachent pour leur repas du matin. Vous retournerez à votre lodge pour le petit-déjeuner avant de repartir avec un panier-repas pour une journée d'exploration du magnifique parc. Votre chauffeur choisira le meilleur itinéraire pour maximiser vos chances de voir à la fois la migration des gnous et les Big Five. Nuit au camp ou au lodge • 1,5 bouteille d'eau par jour ; thé et café aux repas Jour quatre (4): Parc national du Serengeti - Zone de conservation du Ngorongoro

    >Jour quatre (4): Parc national du Serengeti - Zone de conservation du Ngorongoro

    Après le petit-déjeuner, nous prenons à droite la route vers le spectaculaire parc national du cratère du Ngorongoro. Notre route nous ramène à travers le Serengeti par un itinéraire différent, offrant de nombreuses occasions de repérer les animaux qui vous ont échappé le deuxième jour. À perte de vue, vous apercevrez des milliers et des milliers de beaux animaux en troupeaux; des gnous et des zèbres migrant ensemble, des girafes hautes et gracieuses, des antilopes et des gazelles sauteuses, le puissant éléphant d'Afrique et le groupe d'animaux le plus respecté : les prédateurs. Vous aurez la chance d'apercevoir des guépards maigres et des léopards timides, des hyènes en quête de nourriture, et enfin, le roi lui-même ; le lion. Dîner et nuit au bord du cratère du Ngorongoro ou dans la ville voisine de Karatu

    >Cinquième jour (5) : du cratère du Ngorongoro à Arusha

    Ce jour-là, nous commencerons tôt la journée pour nous assurer de terminer l'itinéraire de la journée qui comprend un magnifique safari avec un pique-nique dans le cratère. Que faut-il s'attendre à voir ? Les animaux migrent rarement dans et hors du cratère en raison de ses parois surélevées. Cela signifie que vous êtes capable de repérer chaque membre des cinq grands en une journée. Les cinq grands comprennent des buffles, des éléphants, des rhinocéros, des lions et des léopards. Parmi les autres animaux sauvages que vous pouvez vous attendre à voir, citons les zèbres, les hippopotames, les gnous et les hyènes. Les cratères abritent également une importante population d'oiseaux, notamment des oies, des cigognes et des vautours. Vous serez honoré par les jolis flamants roses sur le lac Soda. Nos guides sont hautement qualifiés et vous impressionneront par leur capacité à traquer les animaux. C'est une compétence qu'un livre ne peut pas vous enseigner et que quelques-uns sélectionnés peuvent exécuter. Votre voyage se terminera en fin d'après-midi et nous retournerons à Arusha. Paquet



  • Voiture Safari 4x4
  • Frais de parc
  • Pilote-guide PRO
  • Salaire pour l'équipage
  • Équipement de camping
  • Trousse de premiers secours
  • Chef de brousse
  • Porter secours
  • Hébergement

    Vous séjournerez dans des campings et des lodges !


  • 4 petits déjeuners
  • 5 Déjeuners
  • 4 Din4 dîners
  • Drinking water
  • Autre

  • Services liés
  • Impôts
  • Inclus


  • Voiture Safari 4x4
  • Frais de parc
  • Pilote-guide PRO
  • Salaire pour l'équipage
  • Équipement de camping
  • Trousse de premiers secours
  • Non inclus

  • Vols
  • Pourboire à l'équipage
  • Visas
  • Frais de parc >
  • Troisième option



    La célèbre et glamour grande migration du Serengeti a été classée parmi les sept merveilles naturelles du monde. Non seulement il offre des vues incroyables sur les plaines parsemées d'énormes troupeaux de gnous, de zèbres et de gazelles, mais les rivières sont souvent infestées de gros crocodiles du Nil à l'affût. Certaines des meilleures opportunités de safari au monde se trouvent ici, à travers un paysage composé de prairies volcaniques et de vastes plaines interrompues par des affleurements rocheux, des rivières et des forêts. Visiter la bonne région à la bonne saison offrira aux voyageurs des observations étonnantes de ce phénomène naturel et magnifique. Ces troupeaux migrateurs attirent également l'attention de certains des prédateurs les plus renommés du continent, garantissant que si les voyageurs suivent la migration ; les grands félins, les crocodiles et les hyènes ne seront jamais trop loin derrière .

    >Jour 1 (1) : Arusha - Cratère du Ngorongoro

    Notre chauffeur viendra vous chercher à votre hôtel à Arusha, avec un pique-nique en route pour une journée complète de visite du cratère du Ngorongoro. Vous serez emmené à 2000 pieds dans le cratère par un véhicule à 4 roues motrices, explorerez le cratère avant de monter et conduirez jusqu'à votre Lodge situé sur un bord de cratère. Le cratère du Ngorongoro est souvent appelé « l'Éden de l'Afrique » et la « 8ème merveille naturelle du monde », une visite au cratère est un atout majeur pour les touristes venant en Tanzanie et une attraction et une beauté de classe mondiale. La zone de conservation du Ngorongoro (NCA) abrite le cratère du Ngorongoro. Il s'est formé il y a environ 2,5 millions d'années à partir d'une montagne volcanique qui s'enfonce en raison de l'inactivité, et on pensait initialement qu'il était plus haut que le célèbre Kilimandjaro de Tanzanie. Le cratère est devenu une partie unique et intégrale de l'écosystème de la Tanzanie. Le cratère est en fait une caldeira, mesure 22,5 km de diamètre et les parois du bord mesurent 600 m de haut. Les vues de l'intérieur et du bord sont à couper le souffle. Le cratère abrite 30 000 animaux et une grande variété d'oiseaux étonnants, qui se déplacent rarement de la région en raison de la disponibilité de l'eau pendant les saisons humides et sèches. Le soir, retour au lodge / Camp pour le dîner et la nuitée. Repas : L, D Hébergement : Lodge ou Camp Hébergement : Lodge ou Camp

    >Serengeti Jour deux (2) : Ngorongoro - Parc national du Serengeti

    Prise en charge à votre lodge ou camp après le petit-déjeuner, puis transfert vers le nord du Serengeti. guide pour une journée complète de safari dans cette partie du parc pour voir la grande migration. Le parc est bien connu pour son stock sain d'autres animaux sauvages résidents, en particulier les « cinq grands », du nom des cinq trophées les plus prisés remportés par les chasseurs : Lion : on pense que le Serengeti abrite la plus grande population de lions d'Afrique, en partie à l'abondance des espèces de proies. Plus de 3 000 lions vivent dans cet écosystème. Léopard d'Afrique : ces prédateurs reclus sont couramment observés dans la région de Seronera mais sont présents dans tout le parc national avec une population d'environ 1 000 personnes. Éléphant d'Afrique. Préparez-vous pour des observations étonnantes et des paysages naturels.

    >Troisième jour (3) : Parc national du Serengeti (North Mara)

    Après le petit-déjeuner au camp, partez avec votre pique-nique pour un safari et pour voir la grande migration. Parc national du Serengeti - Le nombre d'animaux sauvages résidents est exceptionnellement élevé dans la région de Wagakuria, avec des fiertés de lion jusqu'à 30, mais d'août à octobre, la région se transforme en un paradis pour la faune. La principale caractéristique est la rivière Mara et il n'est pas rare de voir les troupeaux traverser la rivière Mara vers le nord un jour puis repartir vers le sud quelques jours plus tard. Attention, trouver un passage à niveau est très difficile et est parfois une question de chance. Repas : B, L, D Hébergement : Lodge ou Camp. .

    >Jour quatre (4) : Parc national du Serengeti (North Mara)

    Après le petit-déjeuner, profitez d'une fantastique journée complète de plongée sous-marine sur la rivière Mara en observant la grande traversée de la rivière de migration. Le soir, retour au campement pour le feu de camp du soir, dîner et nuit. Les traversées de rivières à Kogatende commencent à se produire tous les jours en août alors que le méga troupeau s'installe dans la région. D'août à octobre, l'observation du gibier ici est superbe avec des traversées de rivières pratiquement garanties tous les jours. Il n'y a pas de mouvement distinct car les troupeaux ont tendance à traverser la rivière dans les deux sens, suivant les pluies et les herbes fraîches qui s'ensuivent. Il n'est pas rare de voir différents troupeaux se croiser dans des directions différentes le même jour. Repas : B, L, D Parc National - Départ Départ après le petit-déjeuner pour un bon safari matinal. Dans l'après-midi, transfert à la piste d'atterrissage de Kogatende ou votre vol pour Arusha. Repas : B Hébergement : Pas d'hébergement



  • Voiture Safari 4x4
  • Frais de parc
  • Pilote-guide PRO
  • Salaire pour l'équipage
  • Équipement de camping
  • Trousse de premiers secours
  • Chef de brousse
  • Porter secours
  • Hébergement

    Vous séjournerez dans des campings et des lodges !


  • 4 petits déjeuners
  • 5 Déjeuners
  • 4 Din4 dîners
  • Drinking water
  • Autre

  • Services liés
  • Impôts
  • Inclus


  • Voiture Safari 4x4
  • Frais de parc
  • Pilote-guide PRO
  • Salaire pour l'équipage
  • Équipement de camping
  • Trousse de premiers secours
  • Non inclus

  • Vols
  • Pourboire à l'équipage
  • Visas
  • Frais de parc >
  • Option quatre

    Migrations des gnous du Serengeti en Tanzanie

    Maximisez et prenez votre temps sur le Serengeti avec ce safari aérien unique dans une vie pour explorer le célèbre parc national du Serengeti. Vous volerez directement au cœur de l'action à la poursuite de la migration des gnous et assisterez de près à ce phénomène naturel étonnant. Terminez votre voyage par une visite de la magnifique zone de conservation de Ngorongoro pour vous assurer de "collecter" l'intégralité des Big Five en repérant le rhinocéros noir en voie de disparition et le modeste buffle du Cap.

    À propos de la traversée de la rivière Mara (juillet à octobre)

    Pendant cette période de l'année, le troupeau poursuit son mouvement vers le nord en direction du parc national du Masai Mara au Kenya. Il n'y a pas d'horaire serré que ces animaux suivent, et ainsi suivre les mouvements du troupeau devient une perspective quotidienne alors qu'ils serpentent lentement mais inexorablement vers le prochain grand obstacle sur leur chemin : la rivière Mara. La rivière Mara constitue une autre barrière mortelle pour le troupeau, qui doit à nouveau braver les eaux gonflées et les prédateurs opportunistes s'ils veulent trouver une sécurité relative de l'autre côté. Des photographes et des documentaristes du monde entier se rassemblent pour assister à la traversée défiant la mort, mais les paysages environnants sont tout aussi mémorables que la lutte à mort qui se déroule à la traversée de Kogatende. C'est l'un des sites les plus étonnants du parc national du Serengeti.

    Premier jour (1) : Parc national d'Arusha et du Serengeti (Kogatende)

    Après le petit-déjeuner, les touristes seront transférés à l'aéroport d'Arusha pour leur vol vers la région de Kogatende dans le nord du Serengeti. Profitez d'une vue plongeante sur la Tanzanie pendant le court voyage, où votre chauffeur Africa Natural Tours vous attendra à votre arrivée. Vous passerez votre journée à conduire dans cette région distincte et magnifique du parc à la recherche de la migration des gnous et des Big Five dans le parc national du Serengeti. Dans l'après-midi, vous avez la possibilité de prolonger votre safari jusqu'au coucher du soleil, puis après que le chauffeur vous ramène au Lodge ou au Camp.

    Deuxième jour (2) : Parc national du Serengeti (Kogatende)

    Après le petit-déjeuner, nous commencerons notre safari dans la région de Kogatende, à la recherche des kopjes à la recherche de carnivores et des grands groupes migratoires qui se prépareront à traverser la rivière Mara vers le Kenya. Abritant un grand nombre d'hippopotames et de crocodiles du Nil, la rivière Mara est le dernier obstacle majeur entre la migration des gnous et la sécurité relative du Maasai Mara. Si vous êtes patient et un peu chanceux, vous pourrez même assister à la traversée défiant la mort où gnous et zèbres bravent les courants de la rivière et les crocodiles pour tenter de se mettre en sécurité sur la rive opposée. Dîner et nuit au cœur du Parc National du Serengeti selon le standard et le type d'hébergement demandés parmi nos options.Lodge/Camp

    Troisième jour (3) : Parc national du Serengeti (Kogatende) - Parc national du Serengeti (Seronera)

    Nous commencerons notre journée immédiatement après le petit-déjeuner en traversant les plaines de Togoro et les Mbuzi Mawe kopjes en route pour traverser la rivière Banagi dans la région de Seronera dans le Serengeti central. En chemin, vous apercevrez tout, des dik-diks énigmatiques aux imposants éléphants, et tout le reste. La Seronera est souvent connue sous le nom de «pays des grands félins», et ses kopjes et ses acacias offrent une excellente occasion d'apercevoir des fiertés de lions paresseux, de guépards élégants à la chasse et de léopards qui surveillent tout depuis leurs hauts perchoirs. Les bassins d'hippopotames et les grands espaces de la région offrent de nombreuses possibilités d'observation spectaculaire du gibier dans le parc national du Serengeti. Dîner et nuit au cœur du Parc National du Serengeti selon la norme et le type d'hébergement demandés parmi nos options.Lodge/ Camp

    Quatre Jour(4) : Parc National du Serengeti - Ngorongoro

    Après le petit-déjeuner, nous reprenons la route vers le magnifique et attrayant parc national du cratère du Ngorongoro. Notre route nous ramène à travers le Serengeti par un itinéraire différent, offrant de nombreuses occasions de repérer les animaux qui vous ont échappé le deuxième jour. A perte de vue, vous apercevrez des milliers et des milliers d'animaux en troupeaux ; des gnous et des zèbres migrant ensemble, des girafes hautes et gracieuses, des antilopes et des gazelles sauteuses, le puissant éléphant d'Afrique et le groupe d'animaux le plus respecté : les prédateurs. Vous aurez la chance d'apercevoir des guépards maigres et des léopards timides, des hyènes en quête de nourriture, et enfin, le roi lui-même ; le lion tout puissant. Dîner et nuit au bord du cratère du Ngorongoro ou dans la ville voisine de Karatu selon le standard et le type d'hébergement demandés parmi nos options. Campement/ lodge

    Cinquième jour(5) : Cratère du Ngorongoro - Arusha

    Après le petit-déjeuner, les touristes partiront pour le cratère du Ngorongoro ; considéré par certains comme la huitième merveille du monde. Lorsque vous aurez un premier aperçu de cette vaste caldeira verdoyante depuis le point de vue à vol d'oiseau, vous comprendrez vite pourquoi elle a acquis une si haute réputation. C'est une merveille. Abritant plus de 120 espèces de mammifères, dont les légendaires Big Five, la zone de conservation de Ngorongoro est l'une des destinations de safari les plus recherchées au monde. C'est un endroit particulièrement bon pour voir les rhinocéros noirs en voie de disparition profiter d'un repas solitaire dans les plaines herbeuses, ainsi qu'un endroit pour voir un grand nombre d'hippopotames profiter de l'eau fraîche. Dans le confort de votre véhicule à toit ouvert, vous pourrez observer et photographier certains des visages les plus reconnaissables d'Afrique. Le cratère abrite un grand nombre de prédateurs, notamment des lions, des léopards, des guépards, des chacals et des hyènes, ainsi qu'une grande population de gnous, de zèbres, d'antilopes, de buffles du Cap, etc. C'est vraiment l'une des premières destinations de safari en Afrique que vous n'aimerez sûrement pas manquer. Après les sensations fortes et l'excitation de la journée, vous aurez un pique-nique au bord de la célèbre piscine d'hippopotames du parc avant de retourner à Arusha pour la nuit.



  • Voiture Safari 4x4
  • Frais de parc
  • Pilote-guide PRO
  • Salaire pour l'équipage
  • Équipement de camping
  • Trousse de premiers secours
  • Chef de brousse
  • Porter secours
  • Hébergement

    Vous séjournerez dans des campings et des lodges !


  • 4 petits déjeuners
  • 5 Déjeuners
  • 4 Din4 dîners
  • Drinking water
  • Autre

  • Services liés
  • Impôts
  • Inclus


  • Voiture Safari 4x4
  • Frais de parc
  • Pilote-guide PRO
  • Salaire pour l'équipage
  • Équipement de camping
  • Trousse de premiers secours
  • Non inclus

  • Vols
  • Pourboire à l'équipage
  • Visas
  • Frais de parc >

  • 8. Singita Faru Faru Lodge

    Singita is synonymous with magnificence and Faru Faru Lodge is yet another feather in the luxury brand’s cap. Set alongside the Grumeti River in their own private game reserve, Singita Faru Faru offers splendid views over the river and caters for every creature comfort. Air-conditioned suites with large panoramic windows allow you to take in the vistas without leaving the comfort of your bed, while Swarovski telescopes help you spot wildlife on the never-ending plains. Watercolours and pencils are thoughtfully provided, should you feel inspired to paint or sketch a once-in-a-lifetime memento.

    Why we love it:
    • Built on a hill overlooking the Grumeti River – a key location for wildebeest crossings
    • Two swimming pools, a spa and fitness centre
    • Babysitting services and tailor-made activities to suit each family
    • Understated elegance, contemporary décor and design

    Suited for:
    • Families – children of all ages are welcome
    Best time to see the Migration:

    • May–July


    Singita, which means ‘Place of miracles’, is synonymous with top-notch safaris and their Faru Faru River Lodge is no different. Built on a gently-sloping hill that overlooks the Grumeti River in the Serengeti National Park, this stone-and-canvas lodge reflects the classic style and colonial elegance of traditional East African safari camps.
    With its riverine location, is it perfectly positioned to catch herds of game and predators as they come to drink and offers thrilling proximity to the Great Migration, when millions of wildebeest and other game hurtle from southern Tanzania across the country and into Kenya in search of fresh grazing.
    In addition to excellent game viewing, Singita Faru Faru River Lodge also provides guests with myriad other activities, such as archery, croquet, mountain biking and dawn hot-air ballooning, which allows you to drift silently over the plains as they slowly come to life. Add stargazing, a beautiful spa, swimming in the incredible stone-clad infinity pool that overlooks the Grumeti River and personalised service to each of the only eight suites, and it immediately becomes clear that this is a lodge for safari goers who would like the best of both nature and nurture.

    • Great Migration sightings in season
    • Only 8 air-conditioned suites
    • 2 swimming pools
    • Wi-Fi, spa & satellite TV
    • Hot-air ballooning
    • Croquet & archery
    • 2-bedroom Villa Suite

    Two Bedroom Suite

    Faru Faru has one Villa Suite which can accommodate four guests in elegance and privacy. Comprising two spacious rooms and a shared lounge and dining area, these suites offer the perfect retreat for families and couples travelling together. Suite
    Each of the eight air-conditioned suites at Singita Faru Faru River Lodge is elegantly furnished with simple, comfortable finishes in calm, earthy tones. A large panoramic window allows you to take in the view without leaving the comfort of your bed while each room is also equipped with a mini bar and viewing deck with a Swarovski spotting scope. Each suite has a reading area, Wi-Fi and is en suite with a bathtub-with-a-view and a stone-packed outdoor shower. Should you feel inspired, paint or sketch with the watercolours and pencils that have been thoughtfully provided for a once-in-a-lifetime memento of your travels.

    Sensitively designed to blend in with its beautiful natural surroundings, Singita Faru Faru River Lodge makes the most of its riverside position by ensuring that the dining area, bar, decks and shady lawn have views of the popular waterhole and rumbling Grumeti River. Head to the spa for a jetlag-zapping massage and, once revived, try your hand at the historic sports of archery or croquet. If you prefer more of a thrill, head out on a mountain bike, or take to the skies in colourful hot-air balloon, one of the best ways to appreciate the enormity of the undulating landscape before you.
    ‘Elegant simplicity’ is possibility the best description of the menu at Singita Faru Faru River Lodge. Fresh local produce, spices from Zanzibar, creative cooks and a dedicated pastry chef come together to conjure up vegetarian sushi, fresh tomato salsa, succulent kebabs, homemade pastel-coloured sorbets with granadilla sauce and from-scratch pineapple relish that adds a sweet tropical tang. Accompany your meals with a thoughtful selection from the international wine and champagne list.

    9. Grumeti Serengeti Tented Camp

    This camp is set on the banks of a tributary of the Grumeti River, the location of the Wildebeest Migration’s river crossings that occur between May and July. The safari-chic tents all boast private verandas with frontage to the river and its seasonal pools, which are loved by the boisterous bloats of hippos. The area is also known for its big lion prides – you’ll more than likely find yourself alone on a sighting in this exclusive part of the Serengeti.

    Why we love it:
    • Resident hippo pods can be seen in seasonal pools in front of your tent
    • Feeling of exclusivity – few other lodges in the area
    • Encounter big lion prides and hyena clans on game drives • Hot-air balloon safaris for a bird’s-eye view of the mega-herds

    Suited for:
    • Families – children of all ages are welcome

    Best time to see the Migration:
    • May–July

    Located deep in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park, Grumeti Serengeti Tented Camp is in the thick of the region’s tremendous wildlife action. Set in an emerald forest facing an oxbow lagoon of the Grumeti River – a favourite with playful hippos, as well as being the only place in the country where the thumbless, pied colobus monkey is found – the camp consists of only 10 double tents, making for intimate interaction with nature.
    During the annual Great Migration, the camp is perfectly positioned to witness the intense drama when thousands of wildebeest, gazelles and zebras cross the Grumeti River, home to Africa’s largest and most powerful Nile crocodile. Beyond the Migration, Serengeti National Park is home to 35 species of plains game, including the Big 5, cheetahs and spotted hyenas, as well as raptors like Rüppell’s and African white-backed vultures. The camp’s hippo guests wallow in the lagoon and you will be able to hear their grunts and bellows from your bed or outdoor shower; you will also be able to get the classic ‘laughing hippo’ and ‘hippo surfacing with water weed’ photographs! With family-friendly accommodation and secluded honeymoon suites, Grumeti Serengeti Tented Camp is ideal for experienced safari hands or adventurous newcomers alike

    . Highlights
    • On the Grumeti River, close to Migration points
    • Excellent year-round game viewing
    • Exceptional birdlife
    • Big 5 game drives & hot air ballooning
    • Hippos, Nile crocodiles & endemic pied colobus monkeys
    • Wi-Fi & swimming pool

    Safari Talent

    Ten spacious and comfortable suites with king-sized beds line the riverside, positioned 20m apart for privacy and to take advantage of the marvellous views. Palm-thatch roofs cover the colourfully-decorated canvas rooms that have large gauze windows to allow air and light in but keep insects at bay. Overhead fans keep you blissfully cool, and the en suite bathrooms feature enclosed outdoor showers and hairdryers. All rooms have ‘gym in a basket’, consisting of a yoga mat and free weights, for those who want a workout on their private verandah.

    A vibrant and playful décor theme runs through the lodge, where a large central building houses the lounge, dining and bar areas. Thatch, wood and stone are artfully blended to create a seamless transition from the outdoor wilderness to the comfortable interiors. The colourful and inviting lounge flows out onto a viewing deck overlooking the water where playful hippos frolic. The swimming pool alongside is the perfect spot for a refreshing dip during lazy afternoons watching the local wildlife passing by, and an amply-stocked gift shop provides you the chance to pick up a memento or two.

    With an emphasis on wholesome and healthy fare, meals feature a variety of freshly-prepared delights, like fresh-fruit platters and piping hot waffles. From the ‘wake-up’ coffee service and pre-game drive breakfast buffet to exciting picnics out in the wild or light lunches on the terrace, every mealtime is a treat. Delicious African-inspired dinners are often cooked over an open fire or in special safari ovens, served alfresco below the stars or in the intimate boma area.

    10. Sayari Camp

    This luxury camp is based in the northern Serengeti and boasts a prime location to witness the Wildebeest Migration’s rip-roaring crossings over the croc-infested Mara River. The views from the camp are exquisite, and there’s no better place to soak it in than from the rim-flow pool – you might even spot an elephant or two ambling by. Sayari’s spacious tented suites feature mahogany floors, walk-in showers, generous bathtubs, and verandas on which you can laze away the afternoon with a book from the camp’s plush library.

    Why we love it:
    • Prime location to see the dramatic Mara River crossings
    • Very spacious tents and en suite bathrooms
    • Solar-powered micro-brewery – the first of its kind in the bush – producing unique beers and sparkling water
    • Specially modified photography vehicles

    Suited for:
    • Families with kids older than 5 years
    • Photographers

    Best time to see the Migration:
    • June–October

    The award-winning Sayari Camp provides exclusive tented accommodation within the remote Northern Serengeti. The spacious and luxurious tented suites offer panoramic views of the vast Serengeti plains and the wildlife that inhabit the area, especially during the Migration season.
    Sayari Camp is in close proximity to the Mara River and offers guests easy access to multiple Wildebeest Migration crossing points. In the evening, guests can relax in the comfort of one of the common tents and enjoy a drink and a good book, or simply sit around the fire and share stories of the day’s sightings.

    • Close to the Mara River for Migration river crossings (between June and October)
    • Year-round game viewing with knowledgeable guides
    • Relax in the infinity pool after game drives
    • Lovely tents with huge bathtubs and separate showers
    • Perfect for family safari holidays

    Luxury Tent
    Sayari Camp blends excellently into the surrounding landscape. The spacious tents feature comfortable beds with romantically-drapped netting, wide verandas, and en suite bathrooms with flush-toilets, a double basin, shower, and a gorgeous bathtub that looks out onto the vast beautiful Serengeti plains.
    The camp is divided into two wings - each has its own facilities such as a dining tent, while both share a dazzling swimming pool.

    When you are not out seeing wildlife on game drives, relax beside the infinity pool or, in cooler weather, curl up in front of the fire place.
    Curl up with a book in the library or relax with a glass of delicious wine in the bar or lounge area.
    Children can spend time with local Askaris who will teach them about life in the African bush and provide archery lessons.

    Sayari Camp's chef will prepare a unique blend of European and African cuisine, ensuring top class dining in the middle of the African bush. Meals at the camp are a social affair, and are served communally in the camp’s intimate dining area. Alternatively, guests can choose to dine in the bush beneath the starry African sky. There is also an open bar where you can enjoy pre- or post-dinner drinks.

    11. Kuria Hills Lodge

    Harboured within the northern Serengeti’s remote Wogakuria Hills, this lodge defines safari elegance with its contemporary design. The region is incredibly scenic and its open woodland and tree-lined streams attract a variety of animals throughout the year. Kuria Hills Lodge is in close proximity to the Mara River, the Serengeti’s natural border with Kenya’s Masai Mara and centre stage for the Wildebeest Migration’s perilous river crossings.

    Why we love it:
    • Gorgeous views from glass-fronted tented suites
    • Private plunge pools
    • Located close to the Mara River for Migration crossings
    • Tents are discreetly set among granite boulders to ensure privacy

    Suited for:
    • Families – special programmes and activities for kids under 12

    Best time to see the Migration:
    • June–October

    12. Lamai Serengeti Camp

    When you sink into one of Lamai Serengeti Camp’s poolside loungers with a book in hand, you might find it hard to bury yourself in the pages. The views from this camp are simply jaw-dropping, and it’s likely that gazing over the Serengeti plains from your elevated position will be far more satisfying than reading. Set high up in the beautiful Kogakuria Kopjes, this elegant camp offers comfort and convenience while preserving an eco-friendly ethos.

    Why we love it:
    • Elevated camp with incredible views over the Serengeti plains
    • Near wildebeest crossing points at the Mara River
    • Healthy concentrations of lion, leopard and buffalo to see all year round
    • Bush walks through small valleys, river lines and rocky outcrops

    Suited for:
    • Families – kids over 8 years are welcome
    Best time to see the Migration:
    • June–October

    Lamai Serengeti Camp is set high up on the beautiful Kogakuria Kopjes in the far north of the Serengeti National Park, with stunning views out towards the Mara River Valley and the Lamai Wedge. This elegant and substantial camp offers every modern comfort and convenience, while still retaining an intimate, eco-friendly ethos; so much so that, from a distance, it’s almost invisible among the boulders of the kopje.
    Between July and October Lamai Serengeti in a prime position to witness the Great Migration of hundreds of thousands of wildebeest, and is close enough to the Mara River to experience the awe-inspiring river crossings where masses of animals confront the deep, fast-flowing water and the enormous crocodiles that live within it. But even beyond the Migration season, a wealth of wildlife remains to be enjoyed. Game drives and safari walks accompanied by highly knowledgeable guides deliver a thrilling Big 5 experience, including an abundance of birds.
    Perfect as a honeymoon destination or as a luxury retreat from which to enjoy the many splendours of the Serengeti, Lamai Serengeti Main Camp delivers the very best that this extraordinary region has to offer, from an incredible location to exceptional guiding, service and cuisine.

    • Action-packed July to October Migration viewing
    • Walking safaris & game drives
    • Year-round Big 5 viewing
    • Remote location in northern Serengeti
    • Swimming pool with superb views

    Standard Room
    Each of the eight rooms are placed to maximise privacy and to blend into the surrounding kopje, while taking advantage of the stunning views from their private verandahs. Built from thatch, canvas and local timber, the enormous rooms are light and airy, enhanced by whitewashed floors and large gauze windows to allow the flow of cooling breezes. A writing desk and couch stand on either side of a massive bed, elegantly swathed in mosquito netting. The en suite bathrooms are whitewashed plaster and wood, featuring double basins, a flush toilet and wonderfully large showers.

    The main building is set on several levels, and is sited to enhance the spectacular views from the Kogakuria Kopjes from every possible angle. Built using a combination of wood, canvas and plaster, the expansive interiors have a distinctly country-house feel, with pale neutral tones offset by bright splashes of colourful local fabrics. The first lounge area has plenty of comfortable sofas, placed to take advantage of the breeze that passes through while, in winter, a roaring fire is lit to ward off the cool of the evenings. Slightly below is a further, circular seating area with more sweeping views, while the creatively designed bar sits off to one side, complete with recycled tractor seats as furniture, and oil cans as lamp bases. A secluded swimming pool is tucked away among the boulders, where you can take in sweeping views of the Serengeti from the comfort of a sun lounger.

    In the early morning, a tray with a freshly brewed pot of coffee and biscuits is delivered to your door, which you may enjoy at your leisure before your game drive. A more substantial breakfast is taken later in the morning, either while out on safari, or on the terrace of the lodge. The lunch buffet features a buffet groaning with a delightful selection of tasty and wholesome dishes, ranging from crunchy fresh salads to delicious daily creations. Sumptuous multi-course dinners are either served at the communal table with your fellow travellers or in romantic, starlit seclusion out on the terrace.

    13. Mara River Tented Camp

    Another splendid property in the Singita stable, Mara River Tented Camp is the embodiment of sustainable tourism. Operating off the grid and relying entirely on a custom-built solar system for power, this camp removes the unnecessary use of energy and non-biodegradable materials. Furthermore, its location in the Serengeti’s Lamai Triangle not only delivers excellent game viewing throughout the year, it also puts you in the front seats for the Migration’s river crossings spectacle.

    Why we love it:
    • Located on a dramatic bend in the Mara River, offering unrivalled viewing of the wildebeest river crossings
    • Special kids’ activities like learning how to track animals, astronomy, and bush survival techniques
    • Extensive cellar with rare and premium wines
    • Year-round concentrations of big cats and elephant in the area
    Suited for:
    • Families – children aged 10 years and older are welcome
    Best time to see the Migration:
    • June–October

    An intimate safari camp situated on the banks of the Mara River in the northern Serengeti, Singita Mara offers front-row seats to the world's most dramatic wildlife spectacle: the great migration.
    From July to September, the area is host to over a million wildebeest and zebra on the move to new pastures to the north. The Mara River is one of the barriers they encounter, and despite the enormous crocodiles and big cats that lie in wait, blind instinct drives them forward.
    Game drives with expert guides reveal the wonders of this ancient ecosystem where the cycles of life, unchanged in millennia, play out around you. Experience this event from the luxurious comfort that only a Singita property can offer.

    • Located on the banks of the Mara River
    • Prime position for the migration
    • Luxurious bohemian-chic accommodation
    • Friendly service & excellent cuisine
    • Spectacular year-round wildlife viewing

    The camp has six luxury tents, all of which have sweeping views of the Mara River from their private decks. The en suite bathrooms come complete with flush toilet, shower and sink while an open-air private bath provides a decadent end-of-the-day experience.
    Tastefully appointed in a sophisticated safari style, the tents are made with a blend of canvas, wood and other locally sourced materials. Mosquito netting keeps the insects out but allows for cooling breezes, and fans are installed to keep the heat at bay.

    This luxurious tented camp has been designed to reflect harmony with nature without compromising on comfort. Wood, canvas, leather, Maasai fabrics and recycled materials blend seamlessly with the environment while off-grid solar energy provides electric power.
    Cool off in the heat of the day in the pool, use the lounge's complimentary WiFi to update your online travel journal or simply relax with a book and a chilled glass of wine on the wooden viewing deck.
    The camp features two family tents and also offers a baby sitting service and tailored family activities.

    An early morning cup of tea or coffee brought by your guide is a welcome start to your day. Watch the sunrise as you sample the healthy breakfast buffet before departing on the morning’s adventure. Return to camp as the heat builds up for a more leisurely and hearty meal chosen from the smorgasbord of delights on offer.
    Spend a relaxing afternoon with a glass of wine by the pool overlooking the river, or indulge in a siesta. In the camp's main area, a table laden with the delicacies of high tea leaves you with the most difficult choice of the day: sweet or savoury!
    Evenings are given over to cocktails in the comfort of the lounge before a sumptuous dinner is served. Choose your dishes from the delightfully varied menu, paired with an offering from the extensive wine list. You can then enjoy a romantic alfresco meal for two under the stars or join your fellow safari companions for a meal in the convivial dining area.

    14. Serengeti Bushtops

    This luxury tented camp is the ideal base for a rewarding Serengeti Migration safari – a 5-star oasis to which you can return after watching thousands of wildebeest thunder across the Mara River. Soak away the dust in your private hot tub while watching the setting sun paint the African sky hues of amber, an experience complemented by Bushtops’ glorious cuisine, superb wines and attentive service. Crown your day in the wilderness with stargazing and a tipple of your choice beside a crackling campfire while listening to the guides’ tales of derring-do.

    Why we love it:
    • One of very few permanent camps in northern Serengeti
    • Prime location near the Mara River
    • Spacious tents with large private decks
    • Full-day safari excursions with guides, trackers, and bush lunches
    Suited for:
    • Couples and honeymooners
    Best time to see the Migration:
    • June–October
    Situated in a secluded part of the northern Serengeti, this luxurious and intimate tented safari camp offers an elegant and private location from which to explore this incredible national park. Ideal for romantics, the Serengeti Bushtops Camp blends in with its surroundings while offering top-class service and accommodation.
    Situated only 25km from the Mara River, the camp is ideally located to witness the Great Migration and with only 14 tents in total, you'll enjoy a very exclusive and private stay. Join the expert trackers and guides on daily game drives to spot not only the Big 5, but also a range of plains game that inhabit this vast wilderness. At the end of an exciting day, relax with a complimentary massage in the comfort and privacy of your tent.

    Luxury Tent
    The 15 luxurious tents at Serengeti Bushtops boast a full 110 square metres of comfortable, elegant space, and create a luxurious haven. Each tent has a large four-poster bed, open-air shower and bath, and a spacious game-viewing deck that has a private hot tub and comfortable couch for your enjoyment. You'll also find a telescope with which to view the wildlife in the distance. Facilities
    The lounge is a contemporary, welcoming place and the ideal place to spend the evenings relaxing with a drink at the bar. There’s also a library and wine cellar.
    The camp fire is located just outside the mess area and creates a warm and welcoming place to share stories and reminisce about your memorable days in the bush.
    Although there is no spa, you can enjoy complimentary massages in the comfort and privacy of your tent - an ideal way to relax after a morning of exciting game drives.

    The elegant mess tent offers a candlelit, open-aired space in which to enjoy fine dining three times a day. The tent's location also affords beautiful views over the wilderness. Breakfast consists of a wide selection of fruits, cereal, granola, freshly baked breads and muffins as well as your choice of hot dishes prepared on order. Lunch is a three-course, light meal served a la carte, while dinner
    features a rotating menu with the most delicious gourmet meals, accompanied by carefully selected wines. Picnic breakfasts are available should you opt for a morning game drive.

    15. Sanctuary Olonana

    This gorgeous safari lodge combines contemporary architecture with time-tested Maasai building practices like mudding and stone walls. Not only does it add warmth and character to the property, but it also makes Sanctuary Olonana one of Africa's leading eco-lodges. The suites are simply out of this world: incredibly spacious and beautifully decorated with just the right colours, hand-crafted Maasai spears, patterned prints and Edison-bulb pendant lights. Floor-to-ceiling glass doors open out from the lounge to the terrace with superb river frontage and front-row seats for the daily hippo soap opera. And then there’s the food…

    Why we love it:
    • Outstanding lodge set on a private stretch of the Mara River
    • Exceptional suites with floor-to-ceiling glass doors that fold open to reveal the river
    • Marble- and slate-accented bathrooms featuring spacious tubs and rainfall showers
    • Cultural visits to local Maasai village
    Suited for:
    • Couples and honeymooners
    Best time to see the Migration:
    • July–November
    Tucked away in a forest along a private stretch of the Mara River, Olonana is a luxurious and intimate lodge perfectly positioned adjacent to the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya.
    During the Wildebeest Migration between July and October, you will enjoy easy access to the greatest spectacle on Earth as in excess of a million animals encounter treacherous river crossings and numerous predators on their endless journey to new grazing. Outside the Migration season, a host of resident animals remain, and you are able to enjoy Big 5 sightings. Game drives and safari walks get you close to nature, Maasai cultural visits enhance the experience, and hot-air balloon rides give you a bird’s eye view of this incredible landscape.
    Built and operated along strong ecological lines, Olonana delivers a first-class experience without compromising on comfort or luxury. In addition to family-friendly accommodation, it also has romantic and secluded honeymoon suites, as a well as a mini spa to help you unwind even more.

    • Located on the Mara River
    • Witness the Wildebeest Migration in season
    • Game drives & safari walks
    • Maasai cultural tours
    • Hot-air ballooning
    • Mini spa for relaxing therapies
    • Family-friendly accommodation
    • Secluded honeymoon suites

    Luxury Tent
    Each luxurious suite is sited with privacy and seclusion in mind, and has stunning views of the river from a private verandah. Spacious and airy, the rooms feature hardwood floorings, two queen-sized beds draped in mosquito netting and an inviting lounge area. The en suite bathrooms have flushing toilets, double basins, signature amenities and showers with a view.

    Olonana comprises a large main building housing the lounge, bar and dining areas. Colourful Maasai fabrics and artefacts enhance the comfortably chic furnishings, while a fireplace at each end adds warmth and atmosphere on chilly nights.
    • French windows open out onto a large terrace overlooking the river, perfect for an alfresco meal or for simply lounging while taking in the view. A well-stocked library offers a variety of titles for you to enjoy while curled in the embrace of a plush sofa by the fire.
    • The mini spa room offers river views while you are being pampered with a variety of invigorating treatments, and a secluded swimming pool area is perfect for a refreshing midday dip. A gift boutique offers Maasai craftwork, artefacts and mementos.

    • The menu features produce from Olonana’s own organic herb and vegetable garden, ensuring fresh, healthy and wholesome cuisine. Whether you are dining on the terrace overlooking the river, at a picnic out on the plains or in a secluded riverside spot below the stars, expect a delicious selection of mouth-watering dishes.
    • Afternoon tea and pre-dinner snacks have been replaced with a scrumptious all-day snack menu, offering guests a unique range of delicious delights.

    16. Angama Mara

    Location, location, location. With possibly one of the best positions in Kenya, this remarkable owner-run safari lodge sits high above the floor of Africa’s Great Rift Valley and enjoys sweeping views of the Masai Mara’s champagne-coloured plains. Step into the shoes of Robert Redford and Meryl Streep as you savour an old-world picnic for two on the rocky crest of the famous Out of Africa kopje. Maasai blankets, comfy cushions, sparkling wine and delicious snacks will add a fabulous twist to your Masai Mara Migration safari – and of course, that view.

    Why we love it:
    • Perched on the edge of the Oloololo Escarpment, high above the Masai Mara
    • Private road directly into the reserve – only a 10-minute drive
    • Exquisite meals prepared with fresh produce from the shamba (kitchen garden)
    • Romantic picnics in the exact spot featured on the Out of Africa movie poster
    Suited for:
    • Couples and honeymooners
    Best time to see the Migration:
    • July–November

    Kenya has had a reputation as one of the most romantic and beautiful spots on Earth since Robert Redford and Meryl Streep whispered sweet nothings to each other there during Out of Africa’s famous picnic scene. Today, it is the site of one of East Africa's most outstanding lodges: Angama Mara has been carefully built on two kopjes on the edge of the Mara Triangle escarpment. As a guest of Angama Mara, you can re-enact your own once-in-a-lifetime picnic there, whether to propose or toast a honeymoon and the start of a new life together. Everything about Angama Mara has been carefully calibrated: from the two camps where each of the 15 tents has a 10-metre / 33-foot wide glass front (perfect for watching the dawn hot-air balloons drift by) to the outstanding décor. But this unique coming together of location, views and design is completed by outstanding game viewing (the croc-filled Mara River, scene of much drama during the annual Wildebeest Migration, is a mere 20 minutes away) and a total commitment to social welfare through the Oloololo Wildlife Community Trust. Add garden-to-table dining experiences and a photography studio run by a top wildlife photographer, and you can see why Angama Mara is sought-after by guests wanting a completely immersive experience.
    The Swahili word ‘angama’ means ‘to be suspended in mid-air’ and it is a fitting name for your accommodation: each tent seems to hang on the edge of the Rift Valley, ensuring views that seem to go on forever. Each eco-friendly tent area is over 100sqm (nearly 1 000sqft) meaning you have complete privacy as you savour the rhythm of sunrises and sunsets over this ancient land…

    • Superb location in the Mara Triangle with spectacular views from the escarpment
    • Close to a Great Wildebeest Migration river crossing hotspot
    • More than 570 recorded bird species
    • Plenty of predators and a significant black rhino population
    • Private airstrip and outstanding NEMA-guided design
    • Exclusive-use vehicles available
    • Photography studio and garden-to-table dining in the shamba

    Tented Suite
    Angama Mara is split into two separate camps, each built on its own kopje and each consisting of 15 tents. There are four family suites in total (two per camp) and children up the age of 12 may share a triple-bed tent.Each canvas tent as a 10m / 33ft wide front window that leads from the 70sqm / 750sqft interior onto the 35sqm / 375sqft deck. All beds are extra-length king-sized and all suites can be reconfigured with twin beds.
    Rooms are equipped with fans, personal bars, safes, emergency sirens (the camp is unfenced to allow game to wander through), binoculars and a butler’s lobby. The en suite bathrooms have tubs, showers, separate toilets, twin vanities and hairdryers. There is one suite suitable for disabled guests.

    Angama Mara prides itself on offering sublime service in exquisite surroundings. After lunch, spend the afternoon cooling off in the 12.5m / 40ft swimming pool, having a massage in your room or working out in the fitness centre. Or you can head to the professional photography studio where a top wildlife photographer will help you improve both the technical aspects and composition of your shots. There is mobile phone and Wi-Fi connectivity, and Angama Mara also provides child-minding services and a complimentary laundry service to allow you to pack as lightly as possible.

    Good food is a central focus at Angama Mara and all the drinking water is purified and bottled in glass containers on site to keep its footprint as low as possible. Private dinners may be arranged in your room or outdoors – how about dinner for two under the stars at that famous Out of Africa picnic spot?
    A special treat is a 'garden-to-table' dining experience in the shamba, Angama Mara's 'mini-farm' on the premises. Amid the thriving vegetable beds and rows of herbs, you will be reminded what truly fresh food tastes like.

    Rekero Camp is perfectly positioned next to a main crossing point used by the wildebeest to ford the Talek River every year. Witnessing this perilous quest from the comfort of your riverside tent brings a whole new meaning to an ‘armchair safari’. But the game drives at Rekero are just as rewarding. The area is famous for its high concentration of lions – including the resident Rekero pride – plus you’ll see cheetahs, leopards and elephants on your daily drives.

    Why we love it:
    • Prime position – watch wildebeest cross the Talek River without leaving camp
    • Excellent lion, cheetah and elephant sightings on game drives
    • Afternoon naps in the daybed on your tent’s private veranda
    • Specially modified photography vehicles
    Suited for:
    • Couples
    • Photographers
    Best time to see the Migration:
    • July–November
    Rekero Camp is a charming, authentic seasonal safari camp situated inside the Masa Mara Game Reserve on the Talek River. The position is ideal to spot the teeming wildlife, such as wildebeest and zebra, as they migrate on their annual journey across crocodile-infested waters. The camp has been known to be surrounded by wildebeest and there are three regular river crossing points in the area.
    Head out on game drives and walking safaris to spot the excellent year-round wildlife (the camp is closed from March to May during Kenya's 'long rains' season), as well as the spectacular annual Migration. Species you can look forward to seeing include lion, cheetah, leopard, elephant, occasional rare black rhino, and hippo. Look out for the superb birdlife or visit the local Maasai communities to learn about local traditions and cultures.
    Rekero has lovely communal areas, a safari shop selling tasteful items from local artisans and a dedicated Wi-Fi tent.

    • Small, authentic eco camp with Wi-Fi tent
    • On the Talek River - look out for game coming to drink from your small veranda
    • Among the best guides in the Mara
    • See the Wildebeest Migration between June and October
    • Wildebeest river crossings in season and predator sightings
    • Location of Disney's popular 'African Cats' series
    • Hot-air balloon rides available or arrange to visit the Maasai cattle market

    Standard Tent
    Rekero Camp has nine large, comfortably furnished and well-equipped safari tents. Each tent is furnished with twin or double beds and an exclusive en suite bathroom.
    The camp offers power from a solar inverter system, while kerosene lamps provide a romantic glowing atmosphere.

    Head out on game drives in custom 4x4 vehicles, guided by experienced Maasai guides to search for Africa's famous wild animals. Return to the camp in the evenings for a delicious sundowner drink as you take in the view over the Talek River.
    Rekero has a separate tent equipped with Wi-Fi and a gift shop filled with tasteful gifts that reflect the area's culture and support various conservation projects. Visits to the regular local Maasai cattle market can be arranged on request.

    Meals at Rekero Camp consist of wholesome and top-quality dishes that are expertly created from local produce. Dining is communal but private meals for special occasions can be arranged by request.
    Combining flavours from the East and the West, meals are served in the dining tent. Choose to enjoy a memorable picnic breakfast or lunch in the bush.

    18. Mahali Mzuri

    Part of Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Limited Edition, Mahali Mzuri is a luxury tented camp set in a private conservancy neighbouring the Masai Mara National Reserve. Working with the local Maasai tribes, Mahali Mzuri is not only designed to leave a minimal environmental footprint, but also strategically placed to offer superb game viewing and showcase the conservancy’s alluring scenery. A wonderful home away from home during your Masai Mara Migration safari.

    Why we love it:
    • Situated in a private conservancy, away from the crowds
    • Contemporary and stylish tents with spectacular views
    • Off-road game viewing – not permitted in the national reserve
    • Full range of treatments available at the spa
    Suited for:
    • Group bookings – you can have the entire camp to yourself to celebrate special events like anniversaries, birthdays or even weddings Best time to see the Migration:
    • July–November

    Located in the rolling hills of the Motorogi Conservancy, a private region of the greater Masai Mara ecosystem, Mahali Mzuri is an exclusive, all-inclusive tented safari camp. Working with the local Maasai people, the lodge has not only been designed to leave a minimal environmental footprint but has been strategically placed to offer great game viewing and showcase the area's stunning scenery.
    Begin each day with an exciting game drive in the conservancy. After your return and lunch, relax by the pool or at the spa before embarking on a late afternoon game drive, an activity that usually blends into a spot-lit evening drive. Conclude your day with a delicious meal out on the terrace and under the stars.

    • Set in a private Masai Mara conservancy
    • Member of Virgin Limited Edition
    • All meals & drinks are included
    • Variety of safari activities
    • Great for wildebeest migration & Big 5
    • Ipads & Wi-Fi on the game drive vehicles

    After your morning game viewing activities, take a swim in the 12m infinity swimming pool or book an optional spa treatment complete with Africology products; after the evening drive, relax by the fire on the large outdoor terrace or head for the lounge and swop stories about the day's sightings.

    Breakfast and lunch are typically served in the main dining tent though alternative venues can be arranged.
    Dinner at Mahali Mzuri is served in the main tent or somewhere away from camp for a romantic evening for two. Expect a selection of African and international dishes, prepared with local ingredients. All meals and drinks are included in your stay.

    19. Il Moran Camp

    An exquisite property in the tried-and-tested Governors’ Camp Collection, Il Moran offers a top-of-the-range safari experience. The camp is hidden away on the forested banks of the Mara River, which makes it a wonderfully tranquil retreat from the Wildebeest Migration’s action. With only 10 guest tents, Il Moran is intimate and peaceful – a fantastic option for couples or honeymooners looking for that extra bit of exclusivity.

    Why we love it:
    • Intimate camp (only 10 tents) nestled in a riverine forest
    • Dining deck raised above the Mara River – enjoy the antics of hippos below
    • Located close to a launch site for hot-air balloon safaris
    • Specially designed photography safari vehicles
    Suited for:
    • Couples and honeymooners
    • Photographers
    Best time to see the Migration:
    • July–November

    This small and intimate tented camp is situated within a forested area of the Masai Mara and is considered one of the area's premier safari camps. Governor's Il Moran offers luxurious tents that are dotted along the Mara River and offer endless opportunities for excellent game viewing. This camp is an ideal safari retreat for honeymooners and romantics. Set out on early morning game drives to search for the Big 5 or perhaps witness the Great Migration - depending on the time of year you are visiting.
    For a unique experience of this wilderness, take an early morning, hot-air balloon safari. Visits to the nearby Maasai village will give you the chance to learn more about their culture and ways of life, while a walking safari in the company of the resident naturalist will have you learning all about this intricate and magnificent environment.

    • Forest setting along the Mara River
    • Personal attention & absolute privacy - only 10 safari tents
    • Location - thrilling game drives
    • Highly trained & passionate guides
    • Opportunity to view the migration between July & October
    • Unique activities - balloon rides, cultural visits & walking safaris
    • Romantic candlelit bush dinners - perfect for special occassions
    • Fully inclusive safari experience

    Superior Tent
    The 10 exclusive tents are dotted along the river beneath the shade of the evergreen trees. The tents are particularly spacious and luxurious and offer a comfortable, private stay.
    Each tent has a spacious bed that is beautifully constructed from fallen olive trees. In the en suite bathroom, you'll find double basins, a shower with hot and cold running water as well as a classic, Victorian bathtub.

    Between game-viewing activities, relax at the bar and dining tent which overlooks the Mara River as you sip a refreshing drink and watch as the wildlife come to the river to drink.

    After returning from your morning game drive or hot-air balloon safari, you can look forward to a delicious hot and cold breakfast spread on the banks of the Mara River, naturally accompanied by freshly-brewed Kenyan coffee.Lunches are also served on the river banks and include delicious salads, meat dishes, and a variety of desserts. In the evening, you can either dine in the open dining tent by candlelight, or enjoy an alfresco meal outside.
    If you feel like enjoying a particularly romantic evening, you can request for a bush dinner to be set up in one of the scenic spots around camp. Here you can tuck into the same delicious meals, but with a private waiter and without being disturbed by anything except the sounds of the wilderness around you.

    20. Naboisho Camp

    One of only eight boutique camps in a private conservancy, Naboisho offers guests a serene safari experience away from the Masai Mara National Reserve’s tourist crowds. Although it’s conveniently close to the reserve to witness the Wildebeest Migration’s spectacle, Naboisho also delivers incredible game viewing right on its doorstep. You’ll see cheetah, elephant, lion and giraffe aplenty, and enjoy special activities like off-road game drives, night drives, bush walks and fly-camping – activities not permitted in the national reserve.

    Why we love it:
    • Situated in a private conservancy, home to one of the world’s highest concentrations of lion • Fantastic cheetah sightings during game drives
    • Specially modified photography vehicles
    • Walking safaris with fly-camping excursions in a remote part of the conservancy
    Suited for:
    • Families with kids over the age of 5
    • Photographers
    Best time to see the Migration:
    • July–November

    Situated in a private conservancy east of Kenya's Masai Mara, Naboisho Camp is a stylishly authentic and intimate safari camp that was first established as a community initiative to preserve wildlife while supporting local communities.
    Most famous for the July to November Wildebeest Migration, the area has great game viewing all year round. Head out on morning, afternoon and night drives or experience the thrills of a guided bush walk through the teeming conservancy. Guests can also learn about Maasai culture or try fly-camping for the ultimate safari experience.

    • Set in a private conservancy – superb exclusivity
    • High concentration of big cats year-round
    • Child friendly camp with kids' safari programme
    • Night game drives and walking safaris
    • Spacious tents with verandas and day beds
    • Family Tent
    • Naibosho Camp consists of 9 spacious tented suites offering comfortable under-canvas living with en suite bathrooms and elegant wooden furniture. The tents also have their own veranda with comfortable chairs for you to enjoy spectacular views.

    • Naboisho Camp is located in a protected and private conservancy that has remained largely pristine thanks to the limit on the number of vehicles allowed. Go on exciting game drives during the day, but as it is a private area you will also be heading out at night for big cats and nocturnal animals.
    • Learn more about the area on guided walking safaris or get adventurous by trying fly-camping. When the African sun sets, head out to the bush to watch the display of colour while your guide mixes you a sundowner drink or sit at the camp's bar and swap African stories with your fellow travellers.

    • Breakfast and lunch are served alfresco in the bush or beneath an acacia tree while delicious dinners are served in the camp's welcoming mess tent.
    • Absorb the views of the open plains while sipping a cool drink or fine wine and listening to stories from fellow travellers. Ngorongoro Crater: Haven for the Big 5
    Take about 30 000 animals and place them inside the crater of an extinct volcano. Add wetlands, forest, grasslands and some out-of-this-world cliff-top accommodation, and the result is the Ngorongoro Crater. This superb Tanzania safari destination offers excellent game viewing in an unbelievably unique setting. It’s renowned for delivering the easiest and most reliable Big 5 sightings in East Africa.

    Tarangire National Park: An Elephant Empire

    Close to Lake Manyara and the Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire is worth much more than the usual day visit. During the June to October dry season, animal – especially elephant – concentrations along the Tarangire River are among the highest in the country. The park’s bird count of more than 500 species will keep twitchers happy, while its full range of large predators complete the appeal. Tarangire is a beautifully diverse wilderness featuring riverine forest, huge swamps and open woodlands that include Africa’s iconic baobab trees

    Part of Tanzania's famed Northern Safari Circuit, Lake Manyara offers easy game viewing in a beautiful setting. The park is home to a good range of heavyweight species, including buffalo, hippo, giraffe, elephant, leopard, and its famous tree-climbing lions. Lake Manyara is an exceptional bird-watching destination. You’ll often see flocks of pelicans and flamingos in the middle of the lake, and the floodplains, woodlands and evergreen forests are equally vibrant.

    The undisputed safari capital of Tanzania, the city of Arusha is on the itinerary of virtually anyone visiting the Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater and Lake Manyara, as logistics often dictate an overnight layover in or around the city. Set in the shadow of Mount Meru, Arusha has its own international airport (Kilimanjaro International Airport) as well as the smaller Arusha Airport for charter flights to final destinations. If you spend some time in Arusha, you’ll have many opportunities to buy souvenirs, take in the cultural activities


    Great Migration Map - Kenya Migration and Serengeti Migration

    Please see our migration map of the Tanzania/Kenya border and where the Mara River cuts through each country. The popular misconception is that the river acts as a border of the two countries, but as you can see this is not the case! Instead of crossing the river from Tanzania into Kenya, the wildebeest only ever cross in between Kogatende and the Lamai Wedge (Tanzania to Tanzania), or in Kenya from the Masai Mara into the Masai Mara (Kenya to Kenya).

    Great Migration Safari Holidays: where to stay for The Great Migration Tanzania

    If you would like to safari at the heart of the Great Migration of wildebeest and zebra, the best approach is to book one of the Serengeti's famous mobile camps. The mobile camps are erected at set locations throughout the year, and often move either two or three times a year depending on where the herds usually are at that particular time.
    Two mobile camps in particular set themselves apart from the others for their commitment to keeping up with the herds - Nomad Tanzania's Serengeti Safari Camp and &Beyond's Serengeti Under Canvas. These are the two mobile operations which we consider truly mobile and will be located near or amongst the herds at any time of the year as they move to more than two locations (which is the standard route of most the other mobile camps). That brings us to the mobile camps of Alex Walker's Serian, Asilia's Olakira, Ubuntu and Kimondo which move twice a year and offer superb mobile operations from July to November, and from December through to March. For the rest of the year these fabulous camps are closed.
    If going mobile is a little too adventurous for you, then the Serengeti has various permanent lodges that will offer all the creature comforts you need together with a good location to see the herds on your Tanzania safari. Here is an overview of the movement of the herds, and the best permanent lodges to stay at for each time of year.
    The annual Great Wildebeest Migration dates & seasons: a month-by-month explanation of the Serengeti Wildebeest Migration

    The Southern Serengeti's huge grass plains extend into the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. From December to March the Serengeti Migration congregates in large herds around Lake Ndutu in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. When it reaches the area the herd splits up and spreads out leaving wildebeest herds as far as the eye can see. Ndutu Lodge and Kusini are the only permanent lodges in the area; Kusini is best towards the end of the period whereas Ndutu Lodge works throughout. Asilia's Dunia Camp is also a good option at the beginning of December and again when the herds push north in March.
    See our month-by-month blog posts; December,January, February, March for further details.

    April to May

    This is rainy season in Tanzania. The Wildebeest migration moves north into the plains of the southern Serengeti with front runners stretching out to the Western Corridor and centre of the park at Seronera. Asilia's Dunia Camp is a great option at this time as are any of the central Serengeti hotels such as the Serena or Sopa. Early herds may well have pushed up to the Grumeti River Camp, Kirawira and Mbalageti Lodge area of the Western Corridor.
    See our month-by-month blog posts, April and May for further details.

    June is mating season for the herds, so can be very noisy if you catch many together. By June there are wildebeest herds spread from the Western corridor through the heart of the park. One group tends to head West into the Western Corridor and crosses the Grumeti River before leaving the park and entering the exclusive Singita Grumeti Reserves. This herd will then head up through the Ikorongo game reserve on the Serengeti's Western corridor before the front runners arrive into the Kogatende area in July. The other herds head directly to the north of the Serengeti, passing straight up the middle through Seronera, Lobo and up to the Bologonja river area near the Eastern border with the Loliondo reserve at Kleins. It is true to say that at this time herds can be anywhere from the Western corridor through to the Eastern side of the park. Splinter herds will break from the main herds, covering huge areas in their search for fresh grasses. We would recommend Grumeti River Camp, Faru Faru, Sasakwa, Sabora, Mbalageti Lodge and Kirawira for the Western corridor, whereas some herds will have pushed up as far as Migration camp in the Northern Lobo area. Late July will see any of the Kogatende permanent lodges having good herds, Serengeti Lamai and Sayari Camp being the places to go towards the end of July.
    See our month-by-month blog posts, June and July for further details.

    From August through to October the herds are in the Northern Serengeti at Kogatende as well as in Kenya’s Masai Mara. River crossings often happen daily here. With only a fraction of the visitor numbers that flock to the Mara, Kogatende is an exceptional destination. Given that the herds are simply following local rainfall, some move north, some move south… and many move in both directions in the same day. The sprawling mass moves in a circular fashion throughout these months – and as a result this is a fantastic time of year to see the herds.
    People who do not aware of the specific movements of the Migration often make the mistake of assuming the herds head north from June, cross into Kenya and stay there until October, only returning in November when the pastures are all grazed. This would be a logical thought, but it is simply not the reality! You will see at the river crossings, they may cross over, then suddenly cross back the other way – it is not a structured single mass movement but a series of hectic snap decisions “to cross or not to cross”!
    If one wildebeest takes the leap of faith, many may cross too, and similarly if one decides to turn back and cross over again, many will most likely follow suit; there may be 10 which decide to cross or 10,000. This means that there are excellent opportunities to see a crossing in Tanzania due to the amount of different crossings (and various crossing points along the Mara River), and due to the fact that they are always in the northern Serengeti from July – October (as opposed to them only sometimes being in the Masai Mara at this time!).

    See our month-by-month blog posts; August, September and October for further details.


    In late October and November the herds start their second Great Migration south towards the fertile lands of the Ndutu plains where the rains will have rejuvenated the grasses since the herds were last there earlier in the year. This can be a tricky time to catch the mega herd, as it covers vast distances every day. However, this is not set in stone as one of our team caught this mega crossing in November a few years back...

    By the beginning of December, the herds are returning to Ndutu to calve, and the whole process is ready to start all over again.
    We must reiterate….wildebeest are not the most predictable of animals! The Migration is also entirely dependent upon rain, with the herds constantly searching for fresh grasses. As a result, it is a challenge to predict with any confidence where the herds will be during any particular week, and therefore to decide where best to stay. Choosing a permanent camp or mobile camp for your Tanzania safari that is located in the 'right' area for the time of year will clearly increase your chances, but there are no guarantees.
    See our blog post about the migration in November for further details.
    Videos of the Wildebeest crossing the crocodile infested Mara River from October 2018
    • Crossing point 8. A dramatic crossing for this big herd – demonstrating how sometimes going to see the migration out of the peak season of July – August can be a very good idea, as you miss the crowds, get some great deals at some of our favourite lodges yet still witness this spectacular migration action.
    • Crossing point 4. The dust kicking back from the wildebeest demonstrates the harsh climate which the wildebeest are up against at the very end of the dry season.
    • Crossing point 3. A long stretch of water for the wildebeest here – real rush hour chaos on the Mara River. Wait for the baby wildebeest at 1.45 who makes a true leap of faith!
    • Crossing point 2. This video demonstrates the uncertainly of the wildebeest, and how you can sometimes be waiting at a crossing point for a few hours before one decides to go, and the others follow! Once they go though, they really do go.
    The Great Migration - Where are the wildebeest right now?
    For further reading on the Great Migration, a good place to go is our month-by-month blog which goes into detail about exactly where we think the migration will be at each time of year.
