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Zweitägige Safari-Tour durch Tansania

Option eins

Lake-Manyara-Nationalpark & ​​Ngorongoro-Krater


Wenn Sie unter Zeitdruck stehen, sollten zwei schöne Tage im Lake Manyara National Park und im weltberühmten Ngorongoro Conservation Area ausreichen!
Zwischen Manyaras baumkletternden Löwen, einer erstaunlichen Vielfalt an Vögeln und sich suhlenden Flusspferden und Ngorongoros hoher Raubtierpopulation sowie Kapbüffeln und Spitzmaulnashörnern - diese Reiseroute bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, die gesamten Big Five in nur 48 Stunden zu sehen.

Tag 1: Arusha zum Lake Manyara

Später nach dem Frühstück in Arusha fahren wir zum Lake Manyara, wo wir den Tag verbringen und ein köstliches Picknick-Mittagessen genießen. Der Park liegt am Fuße des rostigen, goldenen Great Rift Valley Steilhangs und die malerische Landschaft ist atemberaubend. Aufgrund der vielfältigen Lebensräume können sich im Park viele Arten ansiedeln. Der Parkrekord besteht aus über 380 Vogelarten, von denen einige Zugvögel sind, was ihn zum idealen Ort für Vogelbeobachter macht. Tausende von rosafarbenen Flamingos bevölkern den Rand des Sees; andere große Wasservögel sind Pelikane, Störche und Kormorane. Die Tierwelt, die Sie erwarten können, sind Büffel, Elefanten, Giraffen, Impalas und die wilden Flusspferde, die das Wasser bewohnen. Unsere Reise endet im Lake Manyara. Abendessen und Übernachtung Hauptunterkunft
Unterkünfte: Kundenauswahl Öffentlicher Campingplatz/ Getönter Campingplatz/ Lodges
Mahlzeiten: Wasser ist in allen Mahlzeiten inbegriffen (andere Getränke sind nicht inbegriffen)

Tag 2: Ngorongoro-Krater nach Arusha

Wir werden den Tag früh beginnen, um sicherzustellen, dass wir die Route für den Tag abschließen, die eine große Pirschfahrt mit einem Picknick-Mittagessen im Krater kombiniert. Aufgrund seiner aufgeblasenen Wände wandern Tiere oft in den Krater hinein und aus ihm heraus. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie in der Lage sind, jedes Mitglied der Big Five innerhalb eines Tages zu entdecken. Zu den Big Five gehören Büffel, Elefanten, Nashörner, Löwen und Leoparden. Zu den anderen Wildtieren, die Sie erwarten können, gehören Zebras, Nilpferde, Gnus und Hyänen. Die Krater weisen auch eine große Vogelpopulation auf, die Gänse, Störche und Geier zählt. Der Anblick der lieblichen Flamingos am Sodasee wird Sie begeistern. Unsere Guides sind hochprofessionell und werden Sie mit ihrer Fähigkeit, Tiere aufzuspüren, begeistern. Dies ist eine Fähigkeit, die Ihnen ein Buch nicht beibringen kann und die einige wenige ausführen können. Ihre Reise endet am späten Nachmittag und wir fahren zurück nach Arusha.


  • Besitz der Africa Natural Tours & Safaris Company Limited
  • Keine Kilometer- oder Kraftstoffbeschränkungen
  • Hoher Wartungsstandard, wir verfügen über eine eigene Wartungswerkstatt.
  • Unsere beiden Safari-Autos sind neu
  • Alle unsere Autos sind 4x4 mit Aufstelldächern
  • Alle unsere Autos haben einen Kühlschrank
  • Alle unsere Safari-Autos haben Kamera-Ladeanschlüsse.
  • Die meisten unserer Autos sind klimatisiert
  • Wir stellen während der Safari Wasser zur Verfügung.
  • Inbegriffen


  • 4x4-Safari-Auto
  • Parkgebühren
  • PRO Fahrer-Anleitung
  • Löhne für die Besatzung
  • Campingausrüstung
  • Erste-Hilfe-Set
  • Bush-Chef
  • Rettung
  • Included


  • 4x4 Safari Car
  • Park Fees
  • PRO Driver-guide
  • Wages for the crew
  • Camping Gear
  • First Aid Kit
  • Bush Chef
  • Rescue
  • Food

  • 1 Lunch-Box
  • Drinking water
  • Other

  • Relating Services
  • Taxes
  • Nicht enthalten

  • Flüge
  • Der Crew ein Trinkgeld geben
  • Visa
  • Zusätzliche Parkgebühren
  • Option Zwei

    Tarangire-Nationalpark & ​​Ngorongoro


    Hier bietet eine zweitägige Expedition zum Tarangire-Nationalpark und zum Ngorongoro-Krater in Tansania eine Sammlung unvergesslicher Erlebnisse in kurzer Zeit. Die Safari-Stippvisite ermöglicht es Ihnen, eines der sieben Naturwunder Afrikas zu erkunden – den Ngorongoro-Krater und den Tarangire-Nationalpark, der eine Vielzahl von Pflanzen- und Tierarten beherbergt. Tarangire ist bekannt für seine endlosen Savannenebenen und seine kolossalen Elefantenherden. Sie werden von den berüchtigten Big Five bekannt gemacht und bestaunen die riesige Aussicht auf den Krater in Ngorongoro.

    Tag 1: Arusha zum Tarangire Nationalpark

    Later after breakfast in Arusha we will vacate for Tarangire National Park early in the breaking of dawn. Once we reach in Tarangire we will start to delve into the enormous termite mounds and the ancient baobab trees. This park is esteemed for its diversified bird species and vast population of elephanSpäter nach dem Frühstück in Arusha werden wir früh im Morgengrauen zum Tarangire Nationalpark aufbrechen. Sobald wir Tarangire erreichen, werden wir beginnen, uns in die riesigen Termitenhügel und die alten Affenbrotbäume zu vertiefen. Dieser Park wird für seine vielfältigen Vogelarten und seine große Elefantenpopulation geschätzt. Es gibt regelmäßige Sichtungen von unerbittlichen Löwen, Giraffen, Warzenschweinen, Straußen, Impalas, Geparden, Mungos, Büffeln und schelmischen Pavianen. Nachdem wir die Tierwelt in Tarangire beobachtet haben, setzen wir unsere Reise zu unserem späteren Highlight fort, dem Ngoro Ngoro Krater und in der Nähe des Lake Manyara. Abendessen und Übernachtung. Hauptunterkunftts. There are regular sightings of relentless lions, giraffe, warthogs, ostriches, impalas, cheetah, mongoose, buffaloes, and mischievous baboons. After viewing the wildlife in Tarangire we will go on with our journey to our later highlight the Ngoro Ngoro Crater and Close to Lake Manyara. Dinner and Over night. Main Accommodation

    Tag 2: Ngorongoro-Krater nach Arusha

    Wir werden den Tag früh beginnen, um sicherzustellen, dass wir die Route für den Tag abschließen, die eine große Pirschfahrt mit einem Picknick-Mittagessen im Krater kombiniert. Aufgrund seiner aufgeblasenen Wände wandern Tiere oft in den Krater hinein und aus ihm heraus. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie in der Lage sind, jedes Mitglied der Big Five innerhalb eines Tages zu entdecken. Zu den Big Five gehören Büffel, Elefanten, Nashörner, Löwen und Leoparden. Zu den anderen Wildtieren, die Sie erwarten können, gehören Zebras, Nilpferde, Gnus und Hyänen. Die Krater weisen auch eine große Vogelpopulation auf, die Gänse, Störche und Geier zählt. Der Blick auf liebliche Flamingos am Sodasee wird Sie begeistern. Unsere Guides sind hochprofessionell und werden Sie mit ihrer Fähigkeit, Tiere aufzuspüren, begeistern. Dies ist eine Fähigkeit, die Ihnen ein Buch nicht beibringen kann und die einige wenige ausführen können. Ihre Reise endet am späten Nachmittag und wir fahren zurück nach Arusha.


  • Besitz der Africa Natural Tours & Safaris Company Limited
  • Es gibt KEINE Kilometer- oder Kraftstoffbeschränkungen
  • Hohe Wartungsstandards, wir haben eine eigene Wartungswerkstatt
  • Unsere beiden Safari-Autos sind neu
  • Alle unsere Autos sind 4x4 mit Aufstelldächern
  • Alle unsere Autos haben Kühler
  • Alle unsere Safari-Autos haben Kamera-Ladeanschlüsse.
  • Die meisten unserer Autos sind klimatisiert
  • Wir stellen während der Safari Wasser zur Verfügung.
  • Inbegriffen


  • 4x4-Safari-Auto
  • Parkgebühren
  • PRO Fahrer-Anleitung
  • Löhne für die Besatzung
  • Campingausrüstung
  • Erste-Hilfe-Set
  • Bush-Chef
  • Rettung
  • Included


  • 4x4 Safari Car
  • Park Fees
  • PRO Driver-guide
  • Wages for the crew
  • Camping Gear
  • First Aid Kit
  • Bush Chef
  • Rescue
  • Food

  • 1 Lunch-Box
  • Drinking water
  • Other

  • Relating Services
  • Taxes
  • Nicht enthalten

  • Flüge
  • Der Crew ein Trinkgeld geben
  • Visa
  • Zusätzliche Parkgebühren
  • Option Drei

    Kilimanjaro-Tageswanderung und Tarangire-Nationalpark


    Klettern Sie an den Hängen des höchsten Berges Afrikas zum ersten Basislager der Marangu Route. Mit seinen 5895 Metern ist der Kilimanjaro ein beeindruckender und beeindruckender Anblick, den die meisten Besucher bereits beim Einflug am Kilimanjaro Airport mit Staunen erblicken. Die Regenwaldzone des Kilimanjaro ist dicht und üppig und beherbergt viele verschiedene Vogel- und Affenarten, wie Blauaffen oder Stummelaffen. Was erwartet Sie auf dieser Reise? Der Tarangire-Nationalpark erwartet Sie mit seinen mächtigen Baobab-Bäumen, einer riesigen Elefantenpopulation und einer Tier- und Landschaftsvielfalt, die das Herz eines jeden Afrikareisenden stiehlt. Dieser Tagesausflug macht Lust auf mehr und mehr von Afrikas reicher Tierwelt.

    Tag 1: Kilimanjaro-Tageswanderung

    Marangu Gate (1.800 m) zur Mandara Hütte (2.743 m) Höhenunterschied: 915 Meter, 3.000 Fuß Wanderer verlassen Moshi am frühen Morgen, um zum Marangu Gate aufzubrechen. Die Fahrt dauert ungefähr 1 Stunde. Was sollten Sie heute erwarten? Nachdem Sie die Gate-Registrierung abgeschlossen haben, beginnen Sie Ihre Kilimanjaro-Tageswanderung. Wenn Sie auf einem schmalen Pfad durch den Regenwald des Kilimanjaro bis zur Mandara-Hütte wandern, treffen Sie auf Bergsteiger, die vom Gipfel des Kilimanjaro absteigen. In der Mandara Hut nehmen Sie Ihr Mittagessen ein und haben die Möglichkeit, einen kurzen Spaziergang zum Maundi-Krater zu unternehmen. Die Aussicht nach Osten über Taveta und nach Nordwesten zum Mawenzi Peak ist an einem klaren Tag atemberaubend, sodass sich die kurze Wanderung lohnt. Sie haben dann die Möglichkeit, nach Ihrer Ankunft am Maundi-Krater Fotos zu machen, bevor Sie zum Marangu-Tor hinabsteigen. Unsere Fahrzeuge warten am Marangu Gate, um Sie zurück nach Moshi zu bringen.

    Tag 2: Moshi zum Tarangire Nationalpark

    Wir verlassen Moshi in den frühen Morgenstunden und fahren zum Tarangire Nationalpark, wo riesige Termitenhügel und alte Affenbrotbäume auf uns warten. Dieser Park ist bekannt für seine immense Elefantenpopulation, seine malerische Landschaft und seine vielfältige Vogelwelt. Tarangire hat eine verlockende Tierwelt, die Elefanten, Löwen, Giraffen, Warzenschweine, Strauße, Impalas, Geparden, Mungos, Büffel und Paviane umfasst. Wenn unsere Pirschfahrt zu Ende geht, fahren wir weiter nach Unsere Reise endet am späten Nachmittag. Wir fahren weiter nach Arusha



  • 4x4-Safari-Auto
  • Parkgebühren
  • PRO Fahrer-Anleitung
  • Löhne für die Besatzung
  • Campingausrüstung
  • Erste-Hilfe-Set
  • Bush-Chef
  • Rettung
  • Included


  • 4x4 Safari Car
  • Park Fees
  • PRO Driver-guide
  • Wages for the crew
  • Camping Gear
  • First Aid Kit
  • Bush Chef
  • Rescue
  • Food

  • 1 Lunch-Box
  • Drinking water
  • Other

  • Relating Services
  • Taxes
  • Nicht enthalten

  • Flüge
  • Der Crew ein Trinkgeld geben
  • Visa
  • Zusätzliche Parkgebühren

  • Tanzania Sharing Safari

    2 days safari Tarangire and Ngorongoro, 2 days safari Lake Manyara and Ngorongoro, 2 days private safari Tarangire and Ngorongoro, 2 days private safari Lake Manyara and Ngorongoro,2 days sharing safari Tarangire and Ngorongoro, 2 days sharing safari Lake Manyara and Ngorongoro, 2 days joining safari Tarangire and Ngorongoro,2 days joining safari Lake Manyara and Ngorongoro, 2 days budget safari Tarangire and Ngorongoro, 2 days budget safari Lake Manyara and Ngorongoro, 2 days luxury safari Tarangire and Ngorongoro, 2 days luxury safari Lake Manyara and Ngorongoro, 2 days lodge safari Tarangire and Ngorongoro, 2 days lodge safari Lake Manyara and Ngorongoro, 2 days camping safari Tarangire and Ngorongoro, 2 days camping safari Lake Manyara and Ngorongoro, 2 days safari itinerary package cost price from arusha from moshi in arusha in moshi travel tour agency agencies operator operators company companies organizer organizers Tarangire and Ngorongoro, 2 days safari itinerary package cost price from arusha from moshi in arusha in moshi travel tour agency agencies operator operators company companies organizer organizers Lake Manyara and Ngorongoro, 2 days safari itinerary package cost price from arusha from moshi in arusha in moshi travel tour agency agencies operator operators company companies organizer organizers Tarangire and Ngorongoro, 2 days safari itinerary package cost price from arusha from moshi in arusha in moshi travel tour agency agencies operator operators company companies organizer organizers Lake Manyara and Ngorongoro,2 days safari itinerary package cost price Tarangire and Ngorongoro, 2 days safari itinerary package cost price Lake Manyara and Ngorongoro


    Tanzania Sharing Safari with AFRICA NATURAL TOURS L.T.D This two day tour to the Tarangire National Park and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania offers a multitude of memorable experiences in a short amount of time. The Safari flying visit allows you to explore one of Africa’s seven natural wonders – the Ngorongoro Crater and the Tarangire National Park which boasts many species of vegetation and animals. Tarangire is known for their endless plains of savannah and their immense elephant herds. You will be introduced to the infamous big five and marvel at the colossal landscape of the crater in Ngorongoro

    Day 1: Arusha to Tarangire National Park

    Once we arrive in Tarangire we will begin exploring the enormous termite mounds and the ancient baobab trees. This park is renowned for its diverse bird species and extensive population of elephants. There are regular sightings of ferocious lions, giraffe, warthogs, ostriches, impalas, cheetah, mongoose, buffaloes, and mischievous baboons. After viewing the wildlife in Tarangire we will continue our journey to our next highlight the Ngorongoro Crater and Close to Lake Manyara. Dinner and Over night. Main Accommodation Accommodations: Clients selection Public campsite Meals: Water is included in all meals (Other drinks is not included)

    How long does it take to do safari in Tanzania?

    It's a huge area. Many people spend 5-7 days there without repetition. We're doing 10 days of safari... plus another 18 days going to other sites around Tanzania - and I'm already starting my B list for future trips...

    What is the best safari in Tanzania?

    Western Tanzania – head to the far-flung corners of Katavi and Mahale for the ultimate off-the-beaten-path Tanzania safari experiences.
    • Serengeti National Park: A Safari Superstar. ...
    • Ngorongoro Crater: Haven for the Big 5. ...
    • Tarangire National Park: An Elephant Empire. ...
    • Lake Manyara National Park: Home to Tree-climbing Lions.

    How much does a safari in Tanzania cost?

    Typical Tanzania safari price per day
    BALLPARK PRICE PER NIGHT All-Inclusive MODERATE, usually scheduled safaris
    GREEN SEASON (April to May) $400 – $475 per night
    SHOULDER (January to March, Sometimes June, Oct) $425 – $525
    PEAK SEASON July to Sept/October $450 – $575

    How many days do you need in Tanzania?

    The Itinerary (Plus Things To See & Do)
    Arusha: 1 – 2 Days. Serengeti & Ngorongoro Crater: 3 – 4 Days. Moshi: 1 – 2 Days. Lushoto: 2 Days.

    The best time to visit Tanzania is from July to October when the country is at its driest. This coincides with the migration river crossings, however, all the parks offer amazing wildlife sightings at this time as the grasses and bush are at their least dense

    Is Tanzania good for safari?
    As well-travelled safari destinations, both Kenya and Tanzania are good places for your first safari in Africa. There are lots of options for different budgets and you can find a lot of the comforts of home.

    What is the best time to go on safari in Tanzania?
    The best time to visit Tanzania is during the Dry season, from late June to October, when wildlife viewing is generally at its best. The wildebeest migration in the Serengeti is usually during June and July and the time to see the wildebeest calving is late January to February.

    What is the best month to go on a safari?
    The best time to visit them is from May to September, during the dry season and winter, which results in more moderate temperatures. There is also less vegetation during these months, so animals tend to concentrate around waterholes and rivers, making wildlife easier to spot

    How safe is Tanzania for tourists?
    Tanzania is, in our opinion, safe to visit. This is even more so if you book an organized safari. Theft and pickpocketing is relatively common in big cities but incidents are easily avoided when using a few simple safety precautions. Almost a million tourists visit Tanzania every year, and most visits are trouble-free.

    Can you wear black on safari?
    What NOT to Wear on Safari. Dark colours attract Tsetse flies, so stay away from dark blue or black clothing – they have a painful bite!

    What color should you not wear on safari?
    Avoid black and dark blue clothing (both colors attract tsetse flies), and leave bright-white items at home; safari parks are often dusty, and white clothes may get dingy. You want to see wildlife on safari, not look like it!

    Due to time constraints and budget one may want to take a short 2 days safari Tanzania, which made us come up with a range of 2 days / 1 night safari packages in the most interesting Tanzania safari parks. This 2 days Tanzania Safari in particular is one of the best short safaris in Tanzania because it offers you such enormous opportunity to see as much wildlife as possible and believe it or not you get a rare chance to even spot the Big 5 in such a short period.

    2 Days Tanzania Safari where you visit

    This two days safari takes you to the most celebrated UNESCO world heritage area in Tanzania; the Ngorongoro Crater as well as Tarangire National Park a world famous safari park for its unusual herds of elephants. The park and Ngorongoro Crater are not very far from each other and with a range of accommodations having set up at Karatu (just outside the Ngorongoro Conservation), you can do a very rewarding safari in Tanzania in just 2 days and one night stay at one of the many lodges found around Karatu area or even the MtowaMbu and Lake Manyara area which is actually midway between the two wildlife areas.

    What you see on the two days Safari in Tanzania

    On this short safari package you will first of all visit the Tarangire National Park where you will get the chance to enjoy scenery of the African Savannah dotted with gigantic baobab trees and get the rare chance to track the largest herds of elephants in the whole of Africa. Tarangire is known for the two aspects, large baobabs and largest herds of the jumbos but there is more to visiting the park than just that. The park hosts a lot of migratory big game and small animals ( that migrate between here and Manyara) but also a lot of bird life including some very rare and almost indigenous only to this park like the Ashy Starlings for example. Other rare animals include the oryx and the gerenuk. A range of other common animals that can be spotted include, buffaloes, giraffes, lions, cheetahs, impalas, dikdiks, leopards, gazelles, elands, hartebeests (Kongoni) and many others.

    At Ngorongoro you will spice up this short Tanzania safari by having the chance to spot the Big five in one day at the Crater floor including the Lions, Elephants, Buffaloes, the elusive leopards and the rare Black Rhinos. This among many others resident in the Ngorongoro Crater the area being the wildlife area with the highest concentration of wildlife in such a small area of only 16 – 19 Kilometers across (diameter) at the most on this 2 day safari Tanzania or a customization of the tour.

    2 Days Tanzania lodge safari is a package fits for business travelers & others with time constraints or tight budget. This short Tanzania safari is a package made up of 2 days 1 night in a mid – range accommodation.

    Our exciting 2 days lodge safari in Tanzania takes you to the best Northern Tanzania safari Parks of Tarangire National Park the place for elephants & to the world nature wonder “The Ngorongoro Crater” with big chances of spotting the big 5 in such a short period.

    The highlight of this 2 days Tanzania lodge safari is large elephant population & huge baobab trees in Tarangire, about 6000 elephants were recorded in this park, you may also expect to see giraffe, zebra, wildebeest, eland, buffalo warthog, baboon, impala, Gerenuk & the rare species of Great Kudu, Oryx & the Ash stalling. Over 400 species of bird were recorded here. Lion, leopard, cheetahs, hyena, jackals & countless birds of prey can also be seen.

    The 2 days Tanzania lodge safari will also include a visit to UNESCO’S world heritage site The Ngorongoro Crater which referred by many as the 8th wonder of the world. It is an exciting drive when descent 600 meters high walls with lots of corners to the crater floor.

    Yearly around water supply & fodder enable the Crater to support lager number of wildlife which include herds of Afrian elephant, buffaloes, eland zebra, hippos & the rare black rhino. This beautiful Crater has dense population of predators like lion, cheetahs, hyena, jackals & the ever illusion leopard which sometimes need sharp eye to spot. It is very much possible to spot the big 5 in the course of a single visit to the crater floor.

    The 2 days Tanzania lodge safari package will include one night stay at Country lodge in Karatu or similar. This safari package can be tailored to 3 days lodge safari by adding one night & a visit to Lake Manyara national park on the last day before driving back to Arusha. High category accommodation is available on request

    A stunning Short 2 Days Tanzania camping safari will introduce you to Tarangire National park & the famous Ngorongoro Crater both parks with unique features and amazing wildlife. During your 2 days camping safari you will spend a night at Migombani public campsite one of the best campsite at the base of the Great Rift Valley escarpment with a great view of Lake Manyara& its forest. This short Tanzania camping safari starts & ends in Arusha city, our prices are much affordable.

    Tanzania 2 day trip to Tarangire National Park and Ngorongoro crater will be a safari full of adventures and special days for all our visitors after long Kilimanjaro trekking or waiting for a flight to your next destination and others who came direct for this fantastic tour. We guarantee you to experience the excitement of an African wildlife safari, or even a photographic safari in two of the most spectacular national game parks in Tanzania.

    All Weather Adventures we prepare this 2 day trip to Tarangire National Park and Ngorongoro crater due to fact of a beautiful place and no need for our visitors to miss this unforgettable Tanzania unique adventure.

    Tarangire National Park is famous for big herds of elephant, buffaloes, zebras, giraffes, ostriches, gazelles and other large animals — not to mention the iconic huge baobab trees found only in this park. The Ngorongoro Crater is a breathtakingly beautiful setting and the best place in Tanzania to see the Big Five. However, as one of the world's most astonishing and renowned natural wonders, you will be more likely to see lions, leopards, cheetah, buffaloes, black rhinos, hippos, elephants and flocks of flamingos and others.

    Short but sweet, your whirlwind tour starts in Moshi, takes in diverse Tarangire and as its ‘grande finale’ also visits the beautiful Ngorongoro Conservation Area with its incomparable crater. In both locations, the wildlife is equally awe-inspiring, but each of these environments in Tanzania’s Northern Circuit is unique – and truly breath-taking.

    Day 1: Moshi – Tarangire National Park
    Pick up from your hotel in Moshi at 8:30 am and drive to Tarangire National Park for a game drive with the opportunity to see large groups of elephants that make this national park famous. Tarangire is home to many large iconic Baobab trees, giving you some picture perfect African landscapes. Following an afternoon of wildlife watching you will drive to the town of MtoWaMbu where you will overnight at Haven Nature Campsite and Lodge. Here you will be staying in a permanent tent, with a comfortable bed inside.

    Day 2: Ngorongoro Crater Tour – Moshi
    Rise early at 6am for breakfast then head to Ngorongoro Crater Conservation Area. Descend into this infamous crater to view some of Tanzania’s more rarely seen wildlife including the black rhino. You will have a full-day game drive on the open grassy plains of the crater, stopping for a picnic lunch at Ngoitoktok hippo pools before returning to Arusha/Moshi (arrive 5pm/6pm).

    Accommodation at Haven Nature:
    Haven Nature Campsite and Lodge is a fantastic place to overnight on your safari. Here you can stay in permanent tents with the luxury of a proper bed inside. There are shared bathroom facilities and a dining hall where a buffet dinner and breakfast will be served. Packed lunches will be enjoyed whilst on game drives. There are drinks available for purchase at Haven Nature.

    Tour Details
    This 2 day safari option is a great way to experience some of Tanzania’s amazing wildlife within a short period of time. This compact safari is ideal for those who are on a tight schedule or those looking for a weekend getaway.
    A visit to Tarangire National Park and the Ngorongoro Crater offer the best wildlife viewing experience for these two days.
    The concentration of wildlife in these two parks offers great opportunities to see lots of wildlife within a short period of time.
    You will be picked up at your hotel in Moshi/Arusha at 0700hrs and transferred to the Tarangire National Park to start off your game viewing experience in this magnificent park which is famous for its large collection of baobab trees, spectacular large mammal population and variety of bird species, not to mention one of the largest concentration of elephants in the country.
    After your tour around the park, you will be transferred to your tented camp where you will be spending the night.

    Meals: Lunch & Dinner Included
    You will depart the camp at around 06:00hrs and head to the Ngorongoro Crater for your final game drive. The crater is not only the largest unbroken caldera in the world but it is also one of the new 7 natural wonders of Africa.
    After your morning game drive, you will take a break to enjoy your packed lunch at the Hippo Pool Picnic site.
    After lunch, you will be transferred back to Moshi/Arusha/Airport in the afternoon via curio shops where you can grab some souvenirs to take back home with you.

    Meals: Breakfast & Lunch Included
    Highlights of 2 Days Tanzania Camping Safari

    Enjoy the beautiful landscapes & enormous wildlife including large elephant population at Tarangire National park
    Experience the world nature wonder The Ngorongoro Crater with its 600 meters high walls, with big possibility of spotting the big cats & the big 5 which includes lion, leopard, elephants, buffalo & the rare black rhino
    Enjoy authentic interactions with locals as you visit some Masai market on the way

    Trip style
    Comfort & private – You will have your own private safari jeep, experience safari driver guide & a private chef who will prepare all meals for you. Accommodation during the safari will be at public campsite where you sleep in canvas tents with mattress & pillow, bathroom facilities are shared with other travelers who will be camping there. We advise to bring your own sleeping bag however, you can still rent them in Arusha at reasonable price paid one for the whole trip.

    Destination: Northern Tanzania
    Location: Tarangire& Ngorongoro Crater
    Best time to visit: Yearly around
    Physicality: Relaxed
    Tarangire National Park, Tanzania
    Tarangire National Park is in northern Tanzania, just south of Lake Manyara. This is a protected area of colossal baobabs, grassy plains and huge herds of elephant. The park is one of the most underrated of Tanzania’s attractions, receiving just a fraction of the Serengeti’s visitors, which means more space and exclusivity for those who do make it to Tarangire.

    As well as 300-strong herds of elephant, visitors will find big groups of buffalo and healthy populations of lion and leopard. During the dry season, Tarangire has the highest concentration of mammals in the country. There are wild dog and rare antelope such as gerenuk, plus more than 550 species of birds to spot throughout the year.
    Tarangire is the ideal park for those who want to explore beyond game drives. Walk through the savannah to study the smallest creatures and learn about tracking animals. Soar through the sky in a hot-air balloon at dawn or head out on a night drive to find nocturnal wildlife.

    The Serengeti from November to May

    Part of Tanzania’s northern circuit, Tarangire is often visited together with the Serengeti or Ngorongoro Crater, usually starting in Arusha. From Arusha, it’s a two-hour drive to the park entrance.
    • Jan, Feb, Mar
    • Apr, May, Jun
    • Jun - Oct
    • Nov, Dec

    January to March
    This is the hot, dry season. It can get very warm, with daytime temperatures of around 29°C/84°F. The lack of water means good wildlife-viewing opportunities, as animals head to the rivers and waterholes.

    Dry Season
    August to October (cooler); January to March (hotter)
    Max temperature range
    Rainy Seasons
    April to early June (long rains); a few weeks in November and December (short rains)
    Min temperature range
    Peak of wet season

    April and May
    Tarangire National Park
    Famous for its baobabs and massive elephant herds, Tarangire shows its quieter side in the park's southern half.
    Tarangire National Park covers an undulating area of 2,600km2, between the plains of the Maasai Steppe to the south-east, and the lakes of the Great Rift Valley to the north and west. The northern part of Tarangire is dominated by the perennial Tarangire River, which flows through increasingly incised ravines until it leaves the north-western corner of the park to flow into Lake Burungi. In the south are a series of vast swamps which dry into verdant plains during the dry season.

    Although Tarangire is one of only four parks on Tanzania's sometimes busy 'northern circuit', it is often either missed out, or given less than 24 hours, by the many relatively cursory mini-bus tours. This means that few visitors go beyond the park's busy northern area, where the majority of camps and lodges are located.
    If you decide to come to Tarangire, then we recommend spending a few days in the south of the park, which gets few visitors and retains a real air of wilderness.

    Short Overview
    Home to the Hadzabe bushmen, Lake Eyasi is one of the few places remaining in Africa where tribal life is still maintained relatively untouched by the development of the region. The Hadzabe people have called Lake Eyasi home for more than 10,000 years, and still retain their hunter gatherer lifestyle; making them one of the last bastions of ancient African tribal life. A visit to the Hadzabe lands offers a unique and unforgettable glimpse into an ancient culture.

    Details of Lake Eyasi
    Guests are invited to overnight in these tribal lands as well as witness how these people continue to hunt and forage for their food in the face of Tanzania's continued development. Observing an early morning hunting display, gathering honey, and traditional dance performances are all part of the experience.It is a cultural experience not to be missed, and it all happens against the backdrop of beautiful Lake Eyasi.
    Lake Eyasi is situated at the southwestern end of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area between Great Rift Valley Eyasi escarpment and Kidero mountains, just 133 km (95 miles) west of Lake Manyara. Lake Eyasi cover an area of about 1,050 square km (400 square miles).
    The lake is as all the other lakes in the Rift Valley a soda lake. Lake Eyasi, which has one principle spring, the Sibiti River, is enclosed with walls consisting of purple lava. The main attraction of Lake Eyasi are the Hadzabe bushmen, the indigenous inhabitants and the last community of hunters and gatherers in Africa. Lake Eyasi is their homeland for over 10,000 years. They are still holding to their traditional way of life, hunting and gathering different kinds of fruits and honey.
    The Hadzabe live in caves and they don't wear any kind of clothes but rather skin to cover the private parts. Their community is endangered, because most of their land has been taken away from them for commercial production and they are forced to join the civilization.
    Lake Eyasi is also inhabited by another bushmen community, the Tindiga. This community is also a hunters and gatherers community, but they are tired of this kind of live and want to join the civilized world. They have been living for centuries from the forest and its products, hunting animals such as monkeys. The Tindiga people don't have permanent houses and avoid buildings with iron sheets, because they believe they cause blindness.
    A visit to their community is something you will most likely not want to miss, perhaps you will even have the possibility to see how they shower and lotion with monkey bone narrow.
    Lake Eyasi, lake, northern Tanzania. It lies west of Lake Manyara and approximately 95 miles (155 km) southwest of Arusha. At an elevation of about 3,400 feet (1,040 m), the lake covers an area of about 400 square miles (1,050 square km) and occupies the bottom of a bowllike depression in a region of volcanic activity. The walls of the lake are purple lava enclosing a broad expanse of white alkaline shallows with some fresh water at depths below 33 feet (10 m). The lake has no outlet; its main inlet is the Sibiti River on the southwest. The lake drains an area of about 25,300 square miles (65,500 square km). Greater and lesser flamingos inhabit the lake shore in vast flocks.

    Tanzania sharing Safari
    Due to the cost of the safari trip to Tanzania Northern Circuit for solo, couples, etc are expensive if the visitors they travel themselves in one safari vehicle, I would like to inform you that we have daily budget safari departure sharing packages to lower the costs as it has been shown in the following Itinerary example

    2 Days 1 Night Safari USD 350pp per 6 people and more
    3 Days 2 Nights Safari USD 525pp per 6 people and More
    4 Days 3 Night Safari USD 700pp per 6 pax and more
    5 Days 4 Night Safari USD 875pp per 6 pax and more
    Note that you can request to overnight in lodges instead of tents for extra charges.

    Items included:

    -Camping safari according to the itinerary
    -Transportation in a 4×4 safari vehicle
    -Professional, English/French speaking driver-guide
    -Professional, English-speaking safari cook
    -Overnight stays in safari tents
    -Camping equipment (tents, sleeping mats, chairs, tables, etc.)
    -Meals according to the itinerary
    -Mineral water
    -All the mentioned activities
    -All national park fees
    -Unlimited game drive

    Our 2-day African private safari has been designed to offer you a short but intense Tanzanian Northern Circuit safari experience, for a shorter and time constrained period of 2 days / 1 night. You will experience the excitement of game viewing in two of the most spectacular national game parks in Tanzania.
    Minimum: 2 Pax

    Tour Itinerary:
    Day 2: Arusha – Tarangire National Park
    0800 Hrs. After your breakfast; depart from your Hotel in Arusha to Tarangire National Park for game drive.
    1300 Hrs. Stop at the Picnic Site for Picnic Lunch,
    1400 Hrs. Continue for evening game drive to return in the evening for dinner and overnight Lodge
    Meals: Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner
    Accommodation: Lodge

    Day 2: Ngorongoro Crater - Back to Arusha
    After check out and early breakfast, with packed lunch transfer and descend to the crater floor for full day game viewing, while here expect to see a variety of birds including thousands of flamingoes and other water birds. The big game here includes the endangered black rhinos, elephant, zebras, hippos, gazelle, and predators such as lions, cheetahs, hyenas and leopards. Break for lunch at the picnic site and there after proceed with game viewing up to the late evening when you will ascend the crater and drive back to Arusha town.

    We will have an early start to the day to ensure that we complete the itinerary for the day which includes a magnificent game drive with a picnic lunch in the crater. Animals infrequently migrate in and out of the crater due to its elevated walls. This means you are capable of spotting every member of the big five in one day. The big five comprises of buffalo, elephants, rhinos, lions and leopards. Some of the other wildlife that you can expect to see includes zebras, hippo, wildebeest and hyenas. The craters also feature an extensive bird population including geese, storks and vultures. You will be graced by the lovely flamingos on the Soda Lake. Our guides are highly skilled and will impress you with their ability to track down animals. This is a skill that a book cannot teach you and that a selected few can perform. Your trip will come to an end in the late afternoon and we will proceed back to Arusha.

    What's included:
    • Park fees
    • Transport (4x4 Land Cruiser) with open roof
    • Professional English speaking safari guide & chef
    • breakfast; lunches; dinner

    What's not included:
    • Both National and International flights
    • Medical insurance
    • Tips to driver guide and cook

    Best Suited for:
    • Budget
    • Standard
    • Luxury
    • Families
    • Groups
    • Honey Moon
    • Kids
    • Solo Travellers

    This two day tour to the Tarangire National Park and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania offers a multitude of memorable experiences in a short amount of time. The Safari flying visit allows you to explore one of Africa’s seven natural wonders – the Ngorongoro Crater and the Tarangire National Park which boasts many species of vegetation and animals. Tarangire is known for their endless plains of savannah and their immense elephant herds. You will be introduced to the infamous big five and marvel at the colossal landscape of the crater in Ngorongoro.

    Day One: Arusha to Tarangire National Park
    After breakfast in Arusha we will depart for Tarangire National Park early in the morning. Once we arrive in Tarangire we will begin exploring the enormous termite mounds and the ancient baobab trees. This park is renowned for its diverse bird species and extensive population of elephants. There are regular sightings of ferocious lions, giraffe, warthogs, ostriches, impalas, cheetah, mongoose, buffaloes, and mischievous baboons. After viewing the wildlife in Tarangire we will continue our journey to our next highlight the Ngorongoro Crater and Close to Lake Manyara. Dinner and Over night.

    Day Two: Ngorongoro Crater to Arusha
    We will have an early start to the day to ensure that we complete the itinerary for the day which includes a magnificent game drive with a picnic lunch in the crater. Animals infrequently migrate in and out of the crater due to its elevated walls. This means you are capable of spotting every member of the big five in one day. The big five comprises of buffalo, elephants, rhinos, lions and leopards. Some of the other wildlife that you can expect to see includes zebras, hippo, wildebeest and hyenas. The craters also feature an extensive bird population including geese, storks and vultures. You will be graced by the lovely flamingos on the Soda Lake. Our guides are highly skilled and will impress you with their ability to track down animals. This is a skill that a book cannot teach you and that a selected few can perform. Your trip will come to an end in the late afternoon and we will proceed back to Arusha.

    Package Includes
    • Transport (4x4 Land Cruiser) with open roof
    • Campsites / Lodge.
    • park fees
    • Tent
    • mattress
    • Professional English speaking safari guide & chef
    • breakfast; lunches; dinner
    • 1,5 bottle of water per day; tea and coffee with meals
    • Pick up and drop off to Kilimanjaro International Airport.
    • Pre and after Trek accommodations at the hotel, 2 nights at hotel in Arusha town with bed & breakfast (BB) Meal plan
    • 18% VAT on tour fees & services which cost nearly 55% of the total cost charged.

    Not Included
    • Flights (International & Domestics)
    • Travel insurance
    • Visa cost which is $50 except for Canadian and USA passport holders which is 100$
    • Personal items
    • Tips for safari guide & chef
    • Soda and Alcoholic beverages
    • Extra activities (Balloon flight $600 per person & Masai Village $ 25 per person)

     It owned by Africa Natural Tours & Safaris Company Limited
     Want NO mileage or fuel limits
     High maintenance standards, we have our own maintenance shop.
     Both of our Safari Cars are New
     All of our cars are 4x4 with pop-top roofs
     All of our cars have refrigerator
     All of our safari cars have camera charging ports.
     Most of our Cars are air conditioned
     We provide Water during Safari.

    The Northern Circuit Encounter
    Our three day Northern Circuit Encounter is a memorable experience of Northern Tanzania’s abundance of wildlife and spectacular scenery. Dubbed ‘Africa’s Garden of Eden’, The Ngorongoro Crater hosts an abundance of wildlife including the exceptionally rare black rhino and it is renowned for maximum game spotting. Exploring the vast plains of savannah in Tarangire National Park and tranquil game drives along the shallow waters of Lake Manyara will leave you feeling enchanted and revitalized.

    Day One: Arusha to Tarangire National Park
    We will depart from Arusha in the early hours of the day and drive to Tarangire National Park where colossal termite mounds and ancient baobab trees await us. This park is renowned for their immense elephant population, their picturesque scenery and diverse bird life. Tarangire has an enticing wildlife that includes elephants, lions, giraffe, warthogs, ostriches, impalas, cheetah, mongoose, buffaloes and baboons. When our game drive comes to an end we will proceed to the Ngorongoro Crater where you will get dinner and overnight.

    Day Two: Lake Manyara to Arusha
    In the morning we will depart to Lake Manyara where we will spend the day and enjoy a delectable picnic lunch. The park is nestled at the base of the rusty gold Great Rift Valley escarpment and the scenic landscape is breathtakingly magnificent. An abundance of species are able to reside in the park due to the wide range of habitats. The park record consists of over 380 species of birds, some of which are migratory, making it the ideal location for bird watchers. Thousands of pink-hued flamingos occupy the margin of the lake; other large water birds include pelicans, storks and cormorants. The wildlife you can expect to see are buffalo, elephants, giraffe, impalas and the ferocious hippos that inhabit the water. Our trip will come to an end in the late afternoon. We will proceed to Arusha

    Safari Package Includes
    • Transport (4x4 Land Cruiser) with open roof
    • Camping
    • park fees
    • Tent & mattress
    • Sleeping bag
    • Professional English speaking safari guide & chef
    • breakfasts; lunches; dinners
    • 1,5 bottle of water per day; tea and coffee with meals

    Not Included
    • Flights
    • Travel insurance
    • Visa and passport fees
    • Increases in park fees where applicable
    • Personal items
    • Tips for safari guide & chef
    • Soda and Alcoholic beverages
    • Extra activities (Hot Air Ballooning in Serengeti & Maasai Village)

    Africa, the second largest continent (after Asia), covering about one-fifth of the total land surface of Earth. The continent is bounded on the west by the Atlantic Ocean, on the north by the Mediterranean Sea, on the east by the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, and on the south by the mingling waters…


    Tanzania, East African country situated just south of the Equator. Tanzania was formed as a sovereign state in 1964 through the union of the theretofore separate states of Tanganyika and Zanzibar. Mainland Tanganyika covers more than 99 percent of the combined territories’ total area. Mafia Island…


    Lake, any relatively large body of slowly moving or standing water that occupies an inland basin of appreciable size. Definitions that precisely distinguish lakes, ponds, swamps, and even rivers and other bodies of nonoceanic water are not well established. It may be said, however, that rivers and…