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Kilimanjaro Wanderung 8 Tage Lemosho Route


Die Lemosho-Route gilt allgemein als die beste Route am Kilimandscharo. Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit gab es nur zwei Hauptstrecken, auf denen der Kilimandscharo bestiegen wurde - die Marangu-Route und die Machame-Route. Doch als Tansanias Tourismusbranche florierte, schuf die Kilimanjaro-Parkbehörde mehr Wanderwege zum höchsten Gipfel Afrikas. Lemosho, eine relativ neue Route, wird von namhaften Betreibern aufgrund seiner Schönheit, Abgeschiedenheit und Erfolgsquote bevorzugt. Kurz gesagt, es maximiert die Chancen, dass ein Kletterer den Gipfel erreicht und die Erfahrung insgesamt genießt. Die Lemosho-Route kann in nur sechs Tagen auf dem Berg absolviert werden. Für einen besseren Zeitplan für die Höhenakklimatisierung wird es jedoch idealerweise über acht Tage angegangen. Die Wanderung beginnt am Londorossi-Tor, das sich am westlichen Fuß des Berges in seinem üppigen, fruchtbaren Regenwald befindet. Die Route führt über das Shira-Plateau, bevor Sie den südlichen Rundkurs auf halber Höhe des Berges umrunden und den Kletterer aus allen Winkeln einer großartigen Aussicht aussetzen

Tag 1 Moshi zum Londrossi-Tor zum großen Baumlager

Sie werden gegen 08:00 Uhr von Ihrem Hotel abgeholt und zum Lemosho-Tor auf der Westseite des Kilimandscharo gebracht. Nach dem Anmeldeprozess werden Sie immer noch unseren Aufstieg durch die Wälder der Lemosho-Lichtungen beginnen, um zum Big Tree Camp zu gelangen, wo Sie die Nacht verbringen werden. Zurückgelegte Strecke: 7 km Ca. Zeitaufwand: 4 Stunden

Tag 2 Großes Trekkingcamp zum Shira One Camp

Heute wandern Sie über eine Hochebene aus Grasmooren und Heidekraut, die mit vulkanischen Felsformationen übersät sind. Unser heutiges Ziel ist das Shira 1 Camp, von dem aus man oft einen Blick auf den Kibo Peak hat, der in den Wolken schwimmt. Wir gewinnen heute eine angemessene Höhe und Teile der Route sind ziemlich steil. Zurückgelegte Strecke: 8,5 km Ca. Zeitaufwand: 7 Std

Tag 3 Shira Ein Campingplatz zu Shira Zwei Campingplatz

Heute haben Sie die Möglichkeit, die nördlichen Eisfelder von der Westseite des Berges aus mit einigen ungewöhnlichen Ausblicken auf Kibo zu betrachten. Unser stetiger Aufstieg über das Moorland des Shira-Plateaus trägt zur Akklimatisierung bei und wir genießen einen großartigen Panoramablick. Unser heutiges Ziel ist das Shira 2 Camp. Am Nachmittag machen Sie einen Akklimatisierungsspaziergang und kehren dann zum Abendessen und zur Übernachtung ins Camp zurück. Zurückgelegte Strecke: 8 km Ca. Zeitaufwand: 5 Stunden

Tag 4 Shira zwei zum Lager Barranco

Ihre Wanderung beginnt mit einem Aufstieg mit weitreichendem Panoramablick, der Sie in die Klimazone der Hochlandwüste und auf die Lavakämme unter den Gletschern der Western Breach führt. Sie erreichen den markanten Gipfel des Lavaturms (4640 m), unseren Höhepunkt für den Tag und einen großartigen Ort, um Ihr Mittagessen zu genießen. Am Nachmittag steigen wir für die Nacht steil zu unserem Camp ab, das sich am Fuße des Great Barranco Valley (3960 m) befindet und von hohen Klippen geschützt ist. Zurückgelegte Strecke: 10 km Ca. Zeitaufwand: 7 Std

Tag 5 Barranco Camp zum Karanga Valley Camp

Unser Tag beginnt mit dem Abstieg zum Great Barranco, einer riesigen Schlucht. Dann verlassen wir steil die Great Barranco Wall, die uns von den südöstlichen Hängen von Kibo trennt. Es ist ein Aufstieg über Felsen, nicht technisch, aber lang und anstrengend. Unterhalb der Gletscher Heim und Kersten geht es in Richtung Karanga-Tal. Von hier aus geht es steil bergauf vom Karanga-Tal zu unserem Nachtlager im Karanga-Lager auf 3963 m. Für diejenigen, die sich stark fühlen, werden wir am Nachmittag eine Akklimatisationstour auf ca. 4200 m unternehmen, bevor wir für die Nacht zum Camp zurückkehren. Zurückgelegte Strecke: 5,5 km Ca. Zeitaufwand: 5 Stunden

Tag 6 Karanga Valley Camp zum Barafu Camp

Nach einer guten Nachtruhe und einem guten Frühstück machten wir uns auf den Weg zum 4640 m hohen Barafu-Camp. Der Aufstieg führt uns über einsame Geröllhalden ohne jegliche Vegetation. Es ist eine harte, steile Wanderung, die durch die Höhe erschwert wird. Bei der Ankunft im Camp essen wir und verbringen den Nachmittag in Ruhe, um uns auf eine lange Nacht und einen langen Tag vorzubereiten. Es ist wichtig, hydratisiert und warm zu halten. Wir haben ein frühes Abendessen und versuchen dann etwas zu schlafen, da wir zwischen 23:00 und 12:00 Uhr aufstehen, um den Aufstieg zum Gipfel zu beginnen. Zurückgelegte Strecke: 3 km Ca. Zeitaufwand: 3 Stunden

Tag 7 Barafu-Lager zum Gipfel zum Barafu-Lager zum Millenium-Lager

Wir starten gegen Mitternacht und laufen steil aufwärts zu den Gipfelgletschern. Wir werden 4 bis 5 Stunden auf Geröll klettern, aber über eine kurze Distanz unglaubliche Höhe erreichen. Die Aussichten sind spektakulär. Wir sollten am Kraterrand am Stella Point (5739 m) sein, als uns die ersten Sonnenstrahlen trafen. Spektakuläre Eisklippen im Krater umgeben uns und die Aussicht auf den zackigen Mawenzi-Gipfel und darüber hinaus ist atemberaubend. Nach einer weiteren Stunde erreichen wir den Uhuru Peak (5895 m). Wir beginnen unseren Abstieg mit der Rückkehr nach Stella Point und steigen dann auf einem Geröllhang ab und kehren zum Frühstück ins Barafu Camp zurück, bevor wir uns schließlich zum Millennium Camp begeben, um eine lange wohlverdiente Pause einzulegen. Zurückgelegte Strecke: 13,4 km Ca. Zeitaufwand: 12 - 15 Stunden

Tag 8 Millenium Camp zum Mweka Camp zum Mweka Gate

Eine sanfte Wanderung führt uns durch den Regenwald zum Mweka Gate, wo wir die Parkformalitäten erledigen und Zertifikate erhalten, die Sie mit Stolz aufhängen können! Wir werden dann von unseren Fahrzeugen abgeholt und kehren zum Hotel in Moshi zurück, wo Sie sich eine heiße Begrüßungsdusche gönnen können. Zurückgelegte Strecke: 12,1 km Ca. Zeitaufwand: 6 Stunden


o Parkgebühren,

o Campinggebühren

o Rettungsgebühren

o 18% Mehrwertsteuer auf Tourgebühren und Dienstleistungen, die fast 55% der berechneten Gesamtkosten kosten.

o Transport zum und vom Bergtor

o Professionelle Bergführer, Köche und Träger oder 3 Mahlzeiten täglich am Berg

o Gefiltertes Wasser während der gesamten Wanderung

o Faire Löhne für die Bergbesatzung, wie von der Kilimanjaro National Park Authority (KINAPA), der Kilimanjaro Association of Tour Operators (KIATO), genehmigt.

Nicht enthalten

o Sowohl nationale als auch internationale Flüge

o Krankenversicherung

o Die Visakosten betragen 50 US-Dollar, außer für Inhaber eines kanadischen und US-amerikanischen Passes 100 US-Dollar

o Tipps für die Bergmannschaft

o Gegenstände persönlicher Natur

o Wäscheservice

o Ein Arzt für die Gruppe

o Alkoholische Getränke

o Eine tragbare Spültoilette mit einem Toilettenzelt ist extra (100 USD pro Toilette + Toilettenzelt).

8 days machame route Kilimanjaro hiking climbing trekking itinerary package cost price, 8 days lemosho route Kilimanjaro hiking climbing trekking itinerary package cost price, 8 days rongai route Kilimanjaro hiking climbing trekking itinerary package cost price, 8 days shira route Kilimanjaro hiking climbing trekking itinerary package cost price, 8 days umbwe route Kilimanjaro hiking climbing trekking itinerary package cost price It’s official, we have Kilimanjaro’s Number one Guide leading our team. We also use the best route for acclimatization, safety and success. Standing on the summit of Kilimanjaro is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have in your lifetime. So never compromise on acclimatization and safety. Ian has climbed Kilimanjaro 35+times and will help you prepare for your Kilimanjaro adventure. By picking 8 days on the mountain undoubtedly, you give yourself the best chance at success. We have helped over 3,000 people to the summit of Kilimanjaro. Ian Taylor Trekking are a world leader in offering quality, well run trips to Kilimanjaro. We have developed the best menu differing from, other operators. All our teams will use Mountain hard wear Trango 4 tents. We also have full time professional mountain staff on the ground in Tanzania. Our dream team are ready to help you achieve your goal of standing on the roof of Africa

How Should you be Training for Kilimanjaro

You just need to come with good physical conditioning. We are available to help you get prepared with the right training. I will say it again, climbing Kilimanjaro on the Lemosho route gives you the best acclimatization. This route also offers the best safety and scenery on the mountain. Having the right team for your Kilimanjaro climb without a doubt, will make your adventure a success

The Lemosho Route is the Best Route

We have 95% success rate, second to none. Although Mount Kilimanjaro is not a technical peak nevertheless, the success rate are normally 55% – 65% make it to the summit. People are continually underestimating the high altitude and trying to climb it in less than eight days with little understanding of how the lack of oxygen effects their body. That is why we choose to offer Kilimanjaro Lemosho route.

Tips, Gear and our Available Climbing Dates

The Lemosho route is the most beautiful route and gives you an excellent acclimatization schedule. This rising traverse on the most appealing route on the mountain is the best way to experience Kilimanjaro. We have designed a unique itinerary with maximum acclimatization and summit success in mind

More About the Lemosho Route

After breakfast at the hotel, we drive to the beginning of the trail. We will check in at the national park gate and have a hot lunch. A couple of hour later we start the hike through thebeautiful rain forest trails. Kilimanjaro is rich in flora and fauna. Our route leads you up to the the Shira Plateau. The Plateau offers spectacular views before we head up the southwestern side of Mount Kilimanjaro. On day four, after three nights of good acclimatization, we reach the height of 4,600m/ 15,091 feet. This gives our teams some of the best views of the western breach of Kilimanjaro.
From there we descend to the Baranco Camp 3,900m/ 12,795 feet. The following day we are then faced with the Baranco Wall, a steep 300m/ 948 feet winding trail up to the mountain’s southern face. The route continues underneath the Decken and Rebman glaciers to Karanga Camp 4,010m/ 13,156 feet. The follow day we head to Kosovo Camp 4,900m/ 16,076 feet our last stop before the summit.

Summit Night on Kilimanjaro

We will leave around midnight in the evening for the steady but very strenuous ascent to Uhuru Peak. The last 200m/ 657 feet to the carter rim our the most difficult. You need to get your breathing right and you will make it. It takes another hour to the summit and you are there. After enjoying the summit, we return to Barafu or Kosovo camp. After a rest and lunch we will move lower to Mweka camp 3,100m/ 10,170 feet for the night

Why Climb Kilimanjaro With Us

Kilimanjaro is generally on the to do list of every trekker, remember only around 60% make it to the summit. Firstly, the Lemosho route over 8 days gives you the best chance at reaching the top of Kilimanjaro. Secondly, this route is the most beautiful, unique experience for a Kilimanjaro climb. Thirdly, we have the most unique itinerary for a successful ascent. Finally we get 100% success on our Lemosho route climbs.
We have Kilimanjaro’s number one guide along with, our unique itinerary. If this information is what you needed to hear to take the next step towards achieving your goals of climbing Kilimanjaro. If so, get in touch today. Our Kilimanjaro Lemosho route team, pride ourselves in making sure that our clients have every opportunity to succeed on the mountains, including professional training advice, gear lists and video links on how to pack your bag, and much more.
The Lemosho Route (incorrectly called the Shira Plateau route by some agencies) is our favourite of the official trails on Kilimanjaro, a lengthy yet gentle (by Kilimanjaro’s standards!) trail that offers both exceptional chances of seeing wildlife and a higher than average chance of reaching the summit.
As explained in the introduction, there are several alternative routes that you can take on this, the longest trail on the mountain (The exact length, of course, depends on which of these variations you choose though to give you an idea it’s 42.26km ascent only if heading via the Cathedral, though it’s only 32.8km if taking the direct route to Shira Huts and then the Western Breach; the Mweka descent is 20.6km from summit to civilization. The following itinerary points out where these deviations from the straightest, quickest route can be found.
For this itinerary we take the Western Breach approach to the summit; for details of the standard and more popular route via Barranco, please see the Machame trail (from the end of Day 3, at Lava Tower, to the end). Note, too, that this itinerary is for seven days whereas most treks on the Lemosho Route take 8 days, especially if heading using the Barafu Route ascent
Lemosho Crater is our most popular itinerary for its beauty and the excitement of spending an overnight at Crater Camp next to the Furtwangler Glacier at 18,800 feet inside the crater on Kilimanjaro. Climbers spend 9 total days on the mountain for maximum acclimatization. The route takes us from the west across the Shira Plateau, with an ascent to the base of the majestic Lava Tower. From Lava Tower this approach via Barafu to the east offers a longer and less steep climb than straight up via the Western Breach, and it allows climbers to summit twice, if they wish. After the overnight camped in the soft sand of the crater, we have a sunrise climb to Uhuru Peak before descending toward the southeast and incredible views of Mawenzi, Kilimanjaro’s remnant volcanic cone
Lemosho is a beautiful route with gentle ascents approaching the mountain from the west. We check-in at the Londorossi Gate and ascend for the first two days from the Lemosho Glades through a gorgeous rain forest. We come out onto the Shira Plateau, providing stunning views of Kibo, Kilimanjaro’s main peak. Crossing the plateau and proceeding in a counter-clockwise direction below the southern face of the mountain, the route takes you to Lava Tower for magnificent 360 degree vistas; the Great Barranco Wall, a challenging and exhilarating rock scramble; and approaches Uhuru Peak from Barafu and the ridge that abuts the Southeast Valley. The climb from Barafu offers incredible views of Mawenzi Peak, Kilimanjaro’s remnant volcanic cone.

Lemosho route

Featuring captivating scenic vistas, pristine wildlife, excellent acclimatization opportunities and low traffic of climbers, Lemosho is our personal first favorite for reaching the roof of Africa.
After a 4-hour long drive from Moshi to Londorossi Gate you'll find yourself on the western slope of Mt Kilimanjaro, from there the route will take you to the world-famous Shira Plateau. That's where you'll embark on your adventure through all climate zones - from alpine meadows to eternal ice. The climb is smooth and gradual, featuring the highest success rate of all routes on Kilimanjaro. Six, seven and eight-day programs are available, so you can choose depending on the amount of time at your disposal. Longer programs are always recommended over the shorter ones for better acclimatization.
6 and 7-day Lemosho programs start from a high-altitude drop-off: you’ll be transferred to the elevation of 3,500 m/ 11,500 f by an off-road vehicle and start the hike from there. This is meant to maximize acclimatization transition - the higher you start, the easier your adaptation will be.


The climb begins in the west of the mountain at Londorossi Gate. It then circles around Kilimanjaro to the south, passing through majestic rainforest and slowly ascents until reaching the wildflowers of the heath ecosystem. The route continues up to the mountain’s third summit at Shira Ridge.
From there it crosses the famed Shira Plateau and joins the main Machame Route on the third day. It continues on the Machame Route for the summit until exiting via Mweka Gate.




The Lemosho Route is a newer route on Mount Kilimanjaro that approaches from the west. It is a difficult and long route, but one that is favored by most reputable Kilimanjaro outfitters due to its smaller crowds, scenic variety and high success rates.
A vehicle is used to bring climbers to the gate, where the trail begins in the rainforest. Lemosho trekkers have a longer distance to cover in the rainforest ecosystem than other routes, and as a result climbers do not exit the rainforest until the end of day two. This schedule means that the Lemosho Route is a longer route,usually taking seven to eight days to complete.
Though considered a difficult route, the added days on the lower slopes of the mountain make this the best route for altitude acclimatization. The descent is down Mweka, in the south-east. Because the starting point is far from Moshi, it is more expensive to climb this route due to the added transportation cost of getting climbers to the gate. Scenically, Lemosho is considered themost varied and most beautiful because it begins in the rainforest, crosses the spectacular Shira Plateau, and then combines with the Machame route to share its viewpoints around the southern circuit. Lemosho has low crowds until it combines with Machame. Lemosho is ideal for those who place a premium on proper altitude acclimatization, who are confident in their ability to walk over steeper paths for extended periods, and want a lesser used route. However, Lemosho is also more expensive than the other routes.
the Lemosho route is regarded as one of the prettiest routes on Kilimanjaro. We begin from the west, trekking in the fertile rainforest until we reach the wildflowers of the Heath ecosystem. Approaching from the west, we cross one of most beautiful areas on Kilimanjaro, the Shira Plateau, before traversing the mountain along the southern circuit.
The total time on the mountain is 8 days. We recommend hiking the 10-day Lemosho route as it provides plenty of time for acclimatization and it also keeps the daily hiking distances very reasonable.
A superb ascent of Kilimanjaro on the much less-trekked Lemosho Route Taking the western approach we cross the caldera of Shira Volcano, traversing beneath the southern icefields of Kibo, Kilimanjaro's highest volcano. We have eight days on Africa’s highest mountain, which means plenty of time for acclimatisation and soaking up the ever changing scenery.
This is one of the least trekked routes allowing us to savour the immense and wild Shira Plateau. This itinerary gives you an excellent chance of reaching the summit: approximately 96% of people trekking the Lemosho route with Exodus stand on the roof of Africa.


Conditions and distance of the Lemosho route

The Lemosho route is 70 kilometres (42 miles) long and reaches the summit of Kilimanjaro at the Uhuru peak, reaching a height of 5,895 metres (19,341 feet). Access to the trail begins with a long drive from Moshi or Arusha to Londorossi Gate, and can take three to four hours. Londorossi Gate is located in the western base of the mountain.
The first part of the trail makes its way through the verdant rainforest to reach the Shira Plateau, and later travels through icefields and high alpine deserts. The Lemosho route is known as one of the most beautiful routes, offering sweeping vistas from the mountain. Travelling in a similar direction as the Shira route from the western base, climbers are likely to encounter lower-traffic until the route meets with the Machame Route, and it's one of the newer routes on the mountain, which makes Lemosho a great choice for your climb.

What is the success rate of the Lemosho route?

Lemosho route has a very good success rate with high chances of reaching the summit when you take your time. With 8 days on the mountain, your chances of reaching the top are as high as 90%. It is still very probable you’ll reach the top with the 7-day hike, with a success rate of 85%. However, with the 6-day hike the success rate drops to approximately 65%. Lemosho route success rate is higher than the Machame route one.

Route tips

Lemosho route 7-day and 8-day itinerary

The Lemosho route can be completed in as little as 6 days hiking time on the mountain but it is ideally tackled over 8 days as this offers a better altitude acclimatisation schedule. The first two days are spent trekking through the rainforest to Shira Ridge and leads into a relatively flat hike, moving from west to east. From this point, you’re unlikely to encounter many other hikers. Crowds will be few and far between until the route joins the Machame route near the Lava Tower. This route traverses underneath Kilimanjaro's icefields on a path known as the Southern Circuit, before summiting from Barafu. To complete the journey, the descent is made via the Mweka route.
Previous trekking experience is highly recommended, as the days will feature 6-8 hours hiking with daily ascents of 900m to 1,000m, perhaps with the odd day ascending around 1,100m to 1,200m.
Depending on the route, you may be trekking at an altitude of over 3,500m. You need complete confidence in your ability to trek for many days over difficult terrain.
Extremes of altitude and weather may be encountered, as may the use of ice axes and crampons.A degree of physical and mental stamina will be essential to complete the hike as the days will be tiring.
These itineraries are comparable in length to the ones of the Machame Route. Facts about Kilimanjaro
Warmest months
January, February, March
Driest months
August, September, October
Wet seasons
November to December, March to May

Read also

  • Best trekking companies for Kilimanjaro
  • Best time to climb Kilimanjaro
  • Permits, visas and vaccinations
  • How to prepare for Kilimanjaro
  • Kilimanjaro packing list
  • Machame Route guide
  • Shira Plateau guide
  • Day-by-day breakdown of the Lemosho route

    Below you will find a detailed breakdown of what, where and with which hiking time you'll be trekking should you opt to select the challenging 8-day itinerary for the Lemosho route

    The Lemosho Route starts from the West at the Londorossi gate at an altitude of 2360 metres from the sea level. The Lemosho route is an improved version of old Shira route. Lemosho route take you through the rainforest beautiful and remote rainforest. It also increases the chances of spotting wildlife. It is considered to be one of the quieter routes of all the other Kilimanjaro routes. Though it is considered as one of the difficult route, the additional day offered on the slopes of the mountain makes it one of the best route for altitude acclimatization.
    Lemosho Route has the success rate of almost 95% as it has a longer itinerary for Climbing Mount Kilimanjaroand gives you more time to sleep on the lower elevations and spend more time on the mountains.
    As the western circuit is wilder and you will have more chances to witness wildlife and if you are lucky enough you can spot large antelopes and sometime elephants too.
    The Lemosho route is usually a longer trek as it has longer itinerary for proper acclimatization. This is a challenging route and has the highest success rate compared to other routes if you have


    Lemosho Routeis the best route recommended by most of the tour operators. As the lemosho route offers an additional day for acclimatization and allows you to adjust the body to the higher temperature. It also gives you an option to sleep in the lower elevations and enjoy the mountain on the higher elevations. The best one to choose is Lemosho route 8 days climb.
    You will also get an option to witness or spot the wildlife at the beginning while crossing the lush rainforest. As it starts from the western circuit it has the wildlife on this route.


    Lemosho Route is not hard compared to the other routes. However, it is a bit strenuous while climbing. Lemosho route has longer itinerary with, Lemosho route 8 days and Lemosho route 9 days trek. This will help you to get an additional day for acclimatization than the standard route days. You will be able to sleep on the low elevations and spend more time on the mountains. Spending more time on the mountain will make you get adjusted to the higher elevation altitude and you will be able to summit the Uhuru peak with a success rate ranging from 90% to 95%.


    Lemosho route is one of the Kilimanjaro routes which offers the highest success rate ranging from 90% to 95%. However, the success rate depends according to the time taken to climb the route or number of days for climbing Kilimanjaro. The Lemosho route 9 days gives you additional days of acclimatization, so that your body will be able to be adjusted to the altitude condition in the higher elevations. You will attempt the Mount Kilimanjaro on 9th day and the longer itinerary will help you to be on the top of uhuru peak with highest summit success rate of 95%+.
    Lemosho Route 8 Days also gives you an additional day for acclimatization and helps your body to get adjusted to the higher elevation altitude level and you will not have any fear of altitude symptoms. However, as you are trying to attempt the summit on 8th day, you may have a success rate a bit less than 9 days which can range to 95%.
    Lemosho Route 7 Days is the standard days for climbing Mount Kilimanjaro via Lemosho route and you will not have any additional days in this. You may have symptoms of altitude sickness due to lack of acclimatization but you will be able to reach the peak with 90% to 95% success rate.


    The Lemosho route is approximately 70 Kms/ 40 miles long from gate to gate. Here is the daywise breakup of the distance to route.
    Day 1: Londoressi gate to starting point. The distance travelled is 5.5kms. Day 2: You will reach to the western edge of the Shira plateau, the distance travelled here is 8kms
    Day 3: You will be continued to the Shira Caldera and onto an off beaten path. The distance travelled is 14 kms.
    Day 4: You will sleep way and climb high today and the distance to be travelled is 12kms.
    Day 5: Experience climbing the Baranco wall with a distance covering 7kms.
    Day 6: You will have a short and easy trek. The distance covered is 6kms Day 7: You will start at midnight with a hot tea and biscuits as you will need to cover the distance of 11kms.
    Day 8: This is the final day on the mountain and you will need to travel 9kms.


    Lemosho Route Success Rate is around 95% to 97% success rate compared to the other Kilimanjaro routes. Due to its longer itinerary and longer days climbers will have more time to sleep in the lower elevation and spend more time on the mountains. This make you stay fit and climb the mountain with an ease. This will make your climb to Kilimanjaro a successful summit and enjoy the beauty of snow-capped mountain.
    Lemosho Routehas the highest success rate compared to the other routes in Mount Kilimanjaro. Hence, most proffered by most of the climbers.
    To climb Kilimanjaro on our 11 day Lemosho Route itinerary (trekking for 7 days), you can join one of many Open Group Challenge climbs throughout the year, departing from the UK. Our group climbs bring like-minded people together to share a Kilimanjaro experience. You can sign up on your own, as a couple, or with a group of friends or family.
    The Lemosho Route approaches Kilimanjaro from the West, and starts in pristine forest before crossing the vast Shira plateau, and merging into the Machame Route after Shira Camp (on Day 3 of the trek). The route traverses around to the east on Kilimanjaros' southern side - and provides a favtastic varied trek with changing views.
    This Kilimanjaro itinerary includes the famous Barranco Wall and an extra acclimatisation day with a shorter day trekking prior to summit day, which ensures you get more rest, more time to prepare for the summit push, and the best chance of making it to the top. It's popular - and that's not surprising - as it has everything!

    You can walk the Lemosho route in 8 or 9 days. Both offer good opportunities for acclimatization.

    The route starts lower and you walk longer between 3500 and 4000 meters. Along the way, you occasionally walk a little higher, giving your body time to adjust to that height.
    We don’t recommend a 7-day route because in that case, the last 2 days are merged into 1, leaving you with hardly any time to rest before climbing to the top. The Lemosho Route is our favourite Kilimanjaro climbing route and that makes writing this blog post an absolute joy. Why wouldn’t the Lemosho be our favourite route? It is most definitely the most scenic and diverse one, it has one of the newer and thus fresher trails and it is perfect for acclimatization. Acclimatization is the word you see over and over again when researching the climbing routes on Mount Kilimanjaro. When you have found the Lemosho Route, there’s no need to worry too much about acclimatization anymore.
    As one learns from mistakes in the past, the same way people learned a lot from the older routes and applied this to the construction of the new route. As a result, the Lemosho Route was designed with acclimatization in mind. This makes the Lemosho Route one of the routes with the absolute highest success rates.
    The route starts west from the mountain at Londorossi Gate from where you hike through the rain forest bush for about two days before you reach a noticeable altitude. Via the Lava Tower and Barafu, you find your way to Uhuru Peak before your descend to Mweka Gate.
    The Lemosho Route can be done in seven days and six nights or eight days and seven nights. The latter option would strongly increase chances for success as there will be more time for adequate acclimatization.

    How Long is the Lemosho Route?

    From gate to gate the Lemosho Route is 71 kilometers/ 43 miles long. Although the Northern Circuit is still much longer, the Lemosho Route is considered to be one of the longer routes on Kilimanjaro. The route can be done in either eight days or seven days.

    Day-to-day distance on a 8-day climb:

    How Hard is the Lemosho Route?

    The difficulty of Kilimanjaro climbing routes is hard to gauge and even harder to explain. There are different ways to get up Kilimanjaro and the one route is more technical than the other. However, the difficulty should not be measured in technical aspects but in terms of acclimatization.
    When it comes to acclimatization, the Lemosho Route is the easiest route. Especially if you also take distance into consideration and compare this to the much longer Northern Circuit. Yes, the Northern Circuit is best for acclimatization but it also comes with about 40 kilometers of extra hiking than any other route.
    If you like hiking, by all means, the Northern Circuit is the better route, but in all other situations, the Lemosho Route beats all the other Kilimanjaro routes. Yes, the Lemosho Route has some technical sections like the Barranco Wall, but it also makes it the better option when it comes to climbing high and sleeping low. Acclimatization is the deciding factor when it boils down to whether or not you will be able to summit Kilimanjaro.
    In that regard, the Lemosho Route may be considered as one of the easiest routes on Kilimanjaro, especially when tackled in 8 days and 7 nights.

    What is the Success Rate for the Lemosho Route?

    As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the Lemosho Route is good for acclimatization. This is one of the deciding factors when it comes to ascending Kilimanjaro. Good acclimatization allows for a good state of body and mind and for high success rates. The shorter version of the Lemosho Route, the 7-day one, has a success rate of about 80%. If you take a day longer and thus choose the 8-day option, your chances increase significantly. The success rate of the 8-day version of the Lemosho Route is around 90%.

    Best Season for the Lemosho Route

    There are no seasonal restrictions on Kilimanjaro. The mountain is open to trekking and climbing expeditions all year round. Having said that, there are certain months which are more suitable than others. The rainy season lasts from April to May and November to December.
    The dry season includes January to March and June to October. As such, the Lemosho Route is a route which is best enjoyed during the dry season. The dry season is also the busy season. If you are looking for a quieter time to climbing Kilimanjaro, you can actually consider taking the Lemosho Route during the rainy season

    The Barranco Wall on the Lemosho Route

    The Barranco Wall isn’t just part of the Lemosho Route. Also, the Umbwe Route, the Machame Route, and the old Shira Route cross the Barranco Wall. Elevation on the Barranco Wall is 257 meters and although this is seen as the hardest part of the Lemosho Route it is by no means undoable. On most Lemosho Route itineraries you climb the Barranco Wall the day before your ascent.
    You don’t need to worry about technical climbing when crossing the Barranco Wall. Scrambling does the trick. This means that you can use both arms and legs climbing the wall. Again, this does not mean that you will be entirely vertical. Because the Barranco Wall is the first thing you will do after breakfast, it is also called the Barranco Breakfast. You will love it!

    How To Get Fit For The Lemosho Route

    One sure way to get good at what you do is to practice. The best practice for hiking is hiking. Seeing that you are interested in climbing Kilimanjaro, we assume that you already like hiking to some extent. Hike a bit more. If you are lucky enough to be surrounded by hills or even mountains, it is time to see them more often. When? If you are new to this, we suggest starting six months before your planned departure by simply going for an hour (or two) hike a week. When you get the hang of it, after about three weeks, it’s time to beef up your intensity. Bring a pack of 10 to 15kg and add a longer hike of three hours to your week. If this lifestyle is new toyou, you will soon reap the benefits of trekking.
    After a good few months of solid hiking, it is time to put your endurance to the test. Do back to back long hikes. You can simulate a few days of constant trekking by going hiking for a few days. Easy at that. Plan a smaller trekking holiday or keep it simple by hiking your favorite route on repeat. If you are comfortable hiking for 4 hours a day, 3 days in a row while carrying a 10kg to 15kg backpack, you will be fine.

    Moderate Strength Exercise

    You will need to get a bit stronger. One way to get stronger is to do some basic strength work. You don’t need a gym membership, as merely using your bodyweight can already give you the results you are looking for. Once or twice a week, depending on how you are feeling, you can do two sets of 10 lunges, 10 squats, and 10 step ups. If you want to push yourself a bit more, you can try to add some pull ups and push up to your routine. Going the extra mile in your strengthening is, however, really not necessary. You can already enjoy trekking when you just stick to the basics. This is not a fitness competition.
    That should get you fit!

    Where To Book The Lemosho Route?

    It is not easy to find the perfect trekking company when you want to climb Kilimanjaro. Travel agencies like to offer full packages with flights, hotel and more. However, if you are intrepid enough to climb Kilimanjaro, you can also put your own plans together. It is therefore always advised to find a local trekking company that meets your demands and expectations.
    On you can easily compare and book local providers and hikes. In addition, we have the lowest price guarantee. Have you found the Lemosho Route Kilimanjaro ascent of your dreams? In that case, you can proceed with the booking. At you pay a deposit of 15% of the total amount. You pay the remaining amount on location prior to the trek directly to the trekking company.