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Vier Tage Tansania Safari Tour

Option eins

Tarangire-Nationalpark, Ngorongoro

Erkunden Sie bei dieser beliebten viertägigen Safari die 3 unbestritten beeindruckendsten Nationalparks und die verbale Austauschregion von Tansanias Northern Safari Circuit. Genießen Sie die riesige Elefantenpopulation im landesweiten Tarangire-Park, erkunden Sie die atemberaubende Gnuwanderung in der Serengeti und entdecken Sie eines der seltenen Nashörner im Ngorongoro-Krater. Wir nehmen Sie mit auf eine Afrikareise, die Sie in Ihren kühnsten Träumen noch nicht einmal fotografiert haben.

Tag 1: Arusha zum Tarangire Nationalpark

Wir können Arusha am Morgen verlassen und in den Tarangire Country Wide Park fahren, in dem Sie die großen Termitenhügel und die historischen Affenbrotbäume bewundern können. Die malerische Landschaft und das zahlreiche Hühnerleben tragen dazu bei, die ruhige Atmosphäre des landesweiten Parks von Tarangire zu steigern. Die außergewöhnliche Elefantenpopulation ist ein äußerst wunderbarer Anblick. Afrikanische Elefanten sind die wichtigsten Landsäugetiere und Menschen können bis zu sieben Tonnen wiegen. Tarangire verschiedene natürliche Welt umfasst Löwen, Giraffen, Warzenschweine, Strauße, Impalas, Geparden, Mungos, Büffel und Paviane. Während Ihre Freizeittruppe eine Pause einlegt, können wir Sie zum Lake Manyara bringen, wo Sie Abendessen und Übernachtung erhalten.

Tag 2: Mto wa Mbu zum Serengeti Nationalpark

Ein appetitliches Frühstück führt nach Ngorongoro zum landesweiten Serengeti-Park. Wir können den malerischen Kurs zur Serengeti nehmen, der es uns ermöglicht, in die Nähe des Ngorongoro-Kraters zu reisen. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, Wild zu beobachten. Die unendliche goldene Savanne mit Schattenflecken, die durch die Nutzung der Vegetation und der Natur entstanden sind, macht es leicht zu erkennen, warum die Serengeti eines der sieben Naturwunder Afrikas ist. Wir können verhindern, dass Sie Ihr Picknick-Mittagessen auf einer Kopje (einem kleinen Hügel in einer normalerweise flachen Gegend) genießen können. Wir fahren weiter in die Serengeti für eine gemütliche Sportfahrt. Die Nacht verbringen Sie in der Serengeti.

Tag 3: Serengeti-Nationalpark zum Ngorongoro-Krater

Wir können unseren Tag mit einer frühmorgendlichen Spielkraft in der wichtigen Serengeti beginnen. Die Savanne ist eine lebendige Landschaft und die Luft wird von den Melodien der Vögel durchflutet, wenn das regenerierte Tageslicht beginnt, die gesamte Landschaft zu erhellen. Ihr Guide wird sich die Abdrücke auf dem Boden ansehen, um Raubtiere zu verfolgen. Wir können zum Ngorongoro-Krater reisen. Sie können mit Abendessen und Übernachtung versorgt werden.

Tage 4: Ngorongoro nach Arusha

Nach einem frühen Morgenfrühstück können wir zum Ngorongoro-Krater eilen, da es kilometerweit die schöne Zeit ist, um Tiere zu identifizieren. An diesem Tag können wir eine Erholungskraft jenseits des Kraters genießen und an einem kleinen See im Park ein Picknick machen. Der See ist heimisch für viele Flusspferde und Zugvögel, so dass die Gäste sicher viel Spaß haben werden! Aufgrund der im Krater geschaffenen tierischen „Oase“ besteht möglicherweise eine hohe Chance, jedes Mitglied der „Massive 5“ zu erkennen. Die Institution beherbergt einige der mächtigsten Tiere Afrikas – den wilden Löwen, den massiven Elefanten, den heimlichen Leoparden, das stürmende Nashorn und den mächtigen Wasserbüffel. Der Ngorongoro-Krater ist sicherlich ein großartiger Ort. Wussten Sie, dass es vor über zwei Millionen Jahren hergestellt wurde? Ein massiver Vulkan brach aus und ließ den Vulkan kollabieren, hinterließ jedoch einen hervorragend ungebrochenen Krater, der als Caldera bezeichnet wird. Im bemerkenswerten Krater können Sie verspielte Zebras, schwerfällige Flusspferde, schnelle Gnus und gackernde Hyänen erwarten. Darüber hinaus gibt es Schwärme anmutiger Flamingos entlang des Soda-Sees, während hungrige Falken und Geier den Himmel umkreisen, um ihre nächste Mahlzeit aus weggeworfenen Kadavern zu suchen. Schöne Störche, Ibis und Kraniche sind beliebte Wasservögel im Krater, ein Anblick, den Sie nicht mehr verpassen sollten. Nach einem schönen Nachmittag mit Tierbeobachtungen werden wir schließlich unser Abenteuer zurück nach Arusha beginnen.


  • Im Besitz der Africa Natural Tours & Safaris Company Limited
  • KEINE Kilometer- oder Kraftstoffbeschränkungen wollen
  • Hohe Wartungsstandards, wir verfügen über eine eigene Wartungswerkstatt.
  • Unsere beiden Safari-Autos sind neu
  • Alle unsere Autos sind 4x4 mit Aufstelldächern
  • Alle unsere Autos haben Kühler
  • Alle unsere Safari-Autos haben Kamera-Ladeanschlüsse
  • Die meisten unserer Autos sind klimatisiert
  • Wir stellen während der Safari Wasser zur Verfügung.
  • Inbegriffen


  • 4x4-Safari-Auto
  • Parkgebühren
  • PRO Fahrer-Anleitung
  • Löhne für die Besatzung
  • Campingausrüstung
  • Erste-Hilfe-Set
  • Bush-Chef
  • Rettung
  • Included


  • 4x4 Safari Car
  • Park Fees
  • PRO Driver-guide
  • Wages for the crew
  • Camping Gear
  • First Aid Kit
  • Bush Chef
  • Rescue
  • Accommodation

    You will be staying at camping-sites and lodges!


  • 4 Breakfasts
  • 5 Lunches
  • 4 Dinners
  • Drinking water
  • Other

  • Relating Services
  • Taxes
  • Nicht enthalten

  • Flüge
  • Der Crew ein Trinkgeld geben
  • Visa
  • Zusätzliche Parkgebühren
  • Option Zwei

    Private Ndutu Migration Safari Kalbsaison

    Was können Sie von dieser Safari erwarten? Diese Ndutu Migration Safari während der Kalbungstour wurde speziell entwickelt, um sich auf die große Serengeti-Gnuwanderung zu konzentrieren und Ihre Chance zu erhöhen, sie zu sehen. Die südlichen Serengeti- und Ndutu-Gebiete in Tansania sind die besten Orte für die Monate Januar, Februar und März, um Tausende von Gnus in den Ebenen zu beobachten, die auf den reichen Kurzgrasebenen weiden. Die Predator-Action ist auf ihrem Höhepunkt mit großartigen Sichtungen von Geparden, Löwen, Hyänen und Leoparden und einer sehr guten Chance, spektakuläre, adrenalingeladene Kills zu sehen.

    Nach einem Frühstück werden die Touristen vom Hotel in Arusha abgeholt und dann zum Flughafen von Arusha für einen kurzen Flug (50 Minuten) / Auto (4x4 Jeep mit offenem Dach) in die Serengeti North Ndutu Area gebracht. Bei der Ankunft treffen Touristen einen Autofahrerführer für eine ganztägige Pirschfahrt in Ndutu, um die herrliche Migration zu sehen. Am Abend fahren wir zum Abendessen und zur Übernachtung ins Camp. Lake Ndutu Gebiet, gelegen im Ngorongoro Naturschutzgebiet, Teil des südlichen Serengeti Ökosystems. Der Ndutu-See ist alkalisch, wie die meisten anderen Rift-Seen, aber das Wasser ist immer noch trinkbar und wird von einer Vielzahl lokaler Wildtiere genutzt. Der Großteil der Gnuswanderung findet normalerweise von Dezember bis April auf den Kurzgrasebenen statt. Die Gegend ist normalerweise stark von Elefanten, spektakulären Vögeln und einheimischem Wild bevölkert.
    Mahlzeiten: Frühstück, Mittag- und Abendessen
    Unterkunft: Camp oder Lodge.

    Zweiter Tag (2): Serengeti Süd (Ndutu-Gebiet) – Serengeti Central Seronera

    Am zweiten Tag unternehmen die Touristen eine frühmorgendliche Pirschfahrt in der Ndutu-Region und kehren am Nachmittag zum Mittagessen zum Camp zurück. Sie genießen auch ein abendliches Spiel und kehren dann zum Abendessen und zur Übernachtung ins Camp zurück. Ausführliche Erklärungen zu diesem großartigen und attraktiven Weltereignis, auf das Tansania stolz ist, werden bereitgestellt. Und am Abend, wenn die Sonne untergeht, Tansanias ältester und beliebtester Nationalpark, auch Weltkulturerbe und kürzlich zum 7. Weltwunder erklärt, ist die Serengeti berühmt für ihre jährliche Wanderung.
    Mahlzeiten: Frühstück, Mittag- und Abendessen
    Unterkunft: Camp oder Lodge.

    Tag Drei (3): Ndutu-Gebiet - Seronera

    Der Serengeti-Nationalpark ist bekannt für seinen gesunden Bestand an anderen ansässigen Wildtieren, insbesondere den "Big Five", benannt nach den fünf wertvollsten Trophäen, die von Jägern erbeutet wurden: Löwe: Die Serengeti soll die größte Löwenpopulation Afrikas beherbergen zum Teil auf die Fülle der Beutetiere. In diesem Ökosystem leben mehr als 3.000 Löwen. Afrikanischer Leopard: Diese zurückgezogen lebenden Raubtiere werden häufig gesehen.
    Mahlzeiten: Frühstück, Mittagessen, Abendessen
    Unterkunft: Camp oder Lodge.

    Tag 4(4): Serengeti – Arusha (Abfahrt)

    Die Touristen genießen eine morgendliche Pirschfahrt und kehren dann zum Frühstück zum Camp zurück. Danach fahren sie von einem Fahrer zurück nach Arusha. Sie werden zu Ihrem nach eigener Absprache gebuchten Hotel gebracht.


  • Im Besitz der Africa Natural Tours & Safaris Company Limited
  • KEINE Kilometer- oder Kraftstoffbeschränkungen wollen
  • Hohe Wartungsstandards, wir verfügen über eine eigene Wartungswerkstatt.
  • Unsere beiden Safari-Autos sind neu
  • Alle unsere Autos sind 4x4 mit Aufstelldächern
  • Alle unsere Autos haben Kühler
  • Alle unsere Safari-Autos haben Kamera-Ladeanschlüsse
  • Die meisten unserer Autos sind klimatisiert
  • Wir stellen während der Safari Wasser zur Verfügung.
  • Inbegriffen


  • 4x4-Safari-Auto
  • Parkgebühren
  • PRO Fahrer-Anleitung
  • Löhne für die Besatzung
  • Campingausrüstung
  • Erste-Hilfe-Set
  • Bush-Chef
  • Rettung
  • Included


  • 4x4 Safari Car
  • Park Fees
  • PRO Driver-guide
  • Wages for the crew
  • Camping Gear
  • First Aid Kit
  • Bush Chef
  • Rescue
  • Accommodation

    You will be staying at camping-sites and lodges!


  • 4 Breakfasts
  • 5 Lunches
  • 4 Dinners
  • Drinking water
  • Other

  • Relating Services
  • Taxes
  • Nicht enthalten

  • Flüge
  • Der Crew ein Trinkgeld geben
  • Visa
  • Zusätzliche Parkgebühren
  • Option Drei

    Serengeti-Nationalpark & ​​Ngorongoro-Krater

    Auf dieser berühmten Safari erkunden Sie zwei der 7 Naturwunder Afrikas. Beobachten Sie die atemberaubende Wanderung der Gnus in der Serengeti und entdecken Sie eines der seltenen Nashörner im Ngorongoro-Krater. Auf dieser Safari erleben Sie ein afrikanisches Abenteuer, das Ihre kühnsten Träume übertrifft.

    Tag 1: Arusha zum Serengeti Nationalpark

    Wir verlassen Arusha im Morgengrauen und fahren zum Serengeti-Nationalpark. Wir werden auf einer Straße in der Nähe des Randes des Ngorongoro-Kraters in die Serengeti fahren, um unterwegs Tierbeobachtungen zu machen. Die goldene Savanne und die endlosen Ebenen voller Zebras, Gnus und Giraffen machen es Ihnen viel leichter zu verstehen, warum die Serengeti eines der Sieben Naturwunder Afrikas ist. An diesem Tag genießen wir ein Picknick-Mittagessen auf der Naabai Kopje (einem kleinen, felsigen Hügel in einer im Allgemeinen flachen Gegend), wo Sie die Möglichkeit haben, die berühmten rosafarbenen Eidechsen der Serengeti zu sehen. Nach dem Mittagessen fahren wir weiter in die Ebene für eine gemütliche Pirschfahrt. Sie übernachten in der Serengeti und schlafen bei den verspielten Rufen der Zebras und Hyänen ein. Wie bei jeder Tour garantiert.

    Unterkünfte: Kundenauswahl Öffentlicher Campingplatz/ Getönter Campingplatz/ Lodges
    Mahlzeiten: Wasser wird in allen Mahlzeiten kombiniert (andere Getränke sind nicht inbegriffen)

    Tag 2: Serengeti-Nationalpark

    Wir beginnen den Tag im Herzen der Serengeti. Die Tiere in der Serengeti sind sehr unterschiedlich, so dass die Besucher wahrscheinlich die Aussicht auf Löwen, Leoparden, Elefanten, Geparden, Wasserbüffel, Zebras und Gnus genießen werden. Darüber hinaus gibt es im Park Elands, Hyänen, Gazellen, Krokodile, Giraffen, Zebras, Affen, Paviane, Flusspferde, Nashörner und Antilopen. Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen um die Jahreszeit Ihrer Safari, denn in der Serengeti gibt es das ganze Jahr über Tiere! Nach der Pirschfahrt wird ein köstliches Abendessen serviert.

    Unterkünfte: Kundenauswahl Öffentlicher Campingplatz/ Getönter Campingplatz/ Lodges
    Mahlzeiten: Wasser wird in allen Mahlzeiten kombiniert (andere Getränke sind nicht inbegriffen)

    Tag 3: Serengeti-Nationalpark zum Ngorongoro-Krater

    Dieser Tag markiert den letzten Tag der Pirschfahrt in der Serengeti, bevor wir uns auf den Weg zum Ngorongoro-Krater machen. Nach einer aufregenden Pirschfahrt voller Tierbeobachtungen und einem Picknick-Mittagessen fahren wir zum Krater. Diese Nacht werden wir dort bleiben, mit Blick auf die ununterbrochene Caldera des Ngorongoro-Kraters. Die Aussicht auf den Sonnenuntergang über der Savanne ist definitiv atemberaubend. Nach einem langen Tag voller Abenteuer genießen die Gäste ein leckeres Abendessen, das von unserem freundlichen Koch zubereitet wird.

    Unterkünfte: Kundenauswahl Öffentlicher Campingplatz/ Getönter Campingplatz/ Lodges Mahlzeiten: Wasser wird in allen Mahlzeiten kombiniert (andere Getränke sind nicht inbegriffen)

    Tag 4: Ngorongoro-Krater nach Arusha

    Nach einem frühen Morgenfrühstück eilen wir zum Ngorongoro-Krater, da dies die beste Zeit ist, um Tiere zu beobachten. An diesem Tag werden wir eine Pirschfahrt rund um den Krater genießen und an einem kleinen See im Park ein Picknick machen. Der See ist die Heimat vieler Flusspferde und Zugvögel, so dass die Gäste den Besuch sicher genießen werden! Aufgrund der im Krater geschaffenen tierischen „Oase“ besteht eine hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit, jedes Mitglied der „Big 5“ zu entdecken. Die Gruppe umfasst einige der stärksten Tiere Afrikas – den wilden Löwen, den riesigen Elefanten, den heimlichen Leoparden, das stürmende Nashorn und den mächtigen Wasserbüffel. Der Ngorongoro-Krater ist wirklich ein erstaunlicher Ort. Wussten Sie, dass es vor über zwei Millionen Jahren entstanden ist? Ein großer Vulkan brach aus und ließ den Vulkan kollabieren, hinterließ jedoch einen vollkommen ungebrochenen Krater, der als Caldera bekannt ist. Innerhalb des erstaunlichen Kraters können Sie verspielte Zebras, schwerfällige Flusspferde, schnelle Gnus und gackernde Hyänen erwarten. Darüber hinaus gibt es Schwärme anmutiger Flamingos entlang des Soda-Sees, während hungrige Falken und Geier den Himmel umkreisen, um ihre nächste Mahlzeit aus entsorgten Kadavern zu suchen. Schöne Störche, Ibis und Kraniche sind beliebte Wasservögel im Krater, die Sie nicht verpassen sollten. Nach einem schönen Nachmittag voller Tierbeobachtungen treten wir endlich unsere Reise zurück nach Arusha an.


  • Im Besitz der Africa Natural Tours & Safaris Company Limited
  • KEINE Kilometer- oder Kraftstoffbeschränkungen wollen
  • Hohe Wartungsstandards, wir verfügen über eine eigene Wartungswerkstatt.
  • Unsere beiden Safari-Autos sind neu
  • Alle unsere Autos sind 4x4 mit Aufstelldächern
  • Alle unsere Autos haben Kühler
  • Alle unsere Safari-Autos haben Kamera-Ladeanschlüsse
  • Die meisten unserer Autos sind klimatisiert
  • Wir stellen während der Safari Wasser zur Verfügung.
  • Inbegriffen


  • 4x4-Safari-Auto
  • Parkgebühren
  • PRO Fahrer-Anleitung
  • Löhne für die Besatzung
  • Campingausrüstung
  • Erste-Hilfe-Set
  • Bush-Chef
  • Rettung
  • Included


  • 4x4 Safari Car
  • Park Fees
  • PRO Driver-guide
  • Wages for the crew
  • Camping Gear
  • First Aid Kit
  • Bush Chef
  • Rescue
  • Accommodation

    You will be staying at camping-sites and lodges!


  • 4 Breakfasts
  • 5 Lunches
  • 4 Dinners
  • Drinking water
  • Other

  • Relating Services
  • Taxes
  • Nicht enthalten

  • Flüge
  • Der Crew ein Trinkgeld geben
  • Visa
  • Zusätzliche Parkgebühren
  • Option Vier

    (Dezember bis März) Wildebeest Migration Safari-Kalbesaison

    Genießen Sie die ersten Schritte einer der anstrengendsten und fesselndsten Reisen der Natur, während Sie die Abkalbezeit erleben. Die Kalbsaison markiert den Beginn dieser Bewegung, bei der Hunderttausende von Tieren die schwierige Reise von der südlichen Serengeti in die ferne Masai Mara machen. In Ihrer viertägigen Kalbsaison-Safari können Sie zum Lake Manyara Countrywide Park gehen, in die südliche Serengeti fahren, um den Kalbeort von Ndutu zu sehen, und Ihren Ausflug mit einem Besuch in der schönen Umgebung des Ngorongoro Conservation beenden. Wenn Ihr Timing stimmt, können Sie möglicherweise sogar die wichtigsten Schritte der nordwärts gerichteten Bewegung dieser großen Herde sehen.

    Tag 1: - Arusha - Lake Manyara

    Sie verlassen Arusha zum späteren Frühstück zum Lake Manyara Nationalpark. Die Fahrt dauert ungefähr zwei Stunden, aber unterwegs passieren wir die Marktstadt Mto wa Mbu. Dieser Markt für landwirtschaftliche und frische Produkte ist ein Schmelztiegel der lokalen Kulturen und ein Paradies für Souvenirjäger. Nach einem kurzen Halt auf dem Markt des Landes betreten Sie den Lake Manyara Nationalpark. Der Park ist wirklich ein Spielplatz für Fotografen und bietet einige der besten Wildbeobachtungen der Welt. Es erwarten Sie viele der bekanntesten Tiere Afrikas, mit den baumkletternden Löwen als besonderem Leckerbissen. Diese stolzen Raubtiere lümmeln in Akazienbäumen und bitten praktisch darum, fotografiert zu werden. Vogelbeobachter werden feststellen, dass der Lake Manyara mit einer Vielzahl von Vögeln im Park ein absolutes Vergnügen ist. Große Flamingo-Schwärme, kreisende Greifvögel und die knallbunte Flieder-Brustroller können auch den Neuling in Staunen versetzen. Anschließend ziehen Sie sich zum Abendessen und einer guten Nachtruhe in Ihre gewählte Unterkunft zurück. In einem Camp oder einer Lodge

    Tag 2: - Mto Wa Mbu - (Ndutu Südliche Serengeti)

    Wir werden ein frühes Frühstück einnehmen, da uns im Voraus ein großer Tag voller Erkundungen und Abenteuer gegeben wurde! Wir beginnen den Tag mit der malerischen Kraft, die näher am Ndutu-Standort der Serengeti / Ngorongoro-Schutzzone liegt. Unterwegs durchqueren wir die nebelverhangenen Regenwälder der Ngorongoro Conservation Umgebung, in der Sie mit etwas Glück Kapbüffel, Paviane oder sogar Elefanten und Leoparden im dichten Unterholz sehen können. Nach Ndutu sind es fast anderthalb Fahrten, aber Sie können das Abenteuer mit einer oder jeder der nicht obligatorischen Aktivitäten unterbrechen:

    Oldupai Gorge Museum: Das Oldupai Gorge Museum, das ab und zu auch als Wiege der Menschheit bekannt ist, erinnert an einige der ältesten Zeugnisse menschlicher Besiedlung, die jemals entdeckt wurden. Hier können Sie eine Reihe der frühesten fossilen Beweise in der Welt der menschlichen Besiedlung sehen, das Oldupai Gorge Museum besuchen, um mehr über das menschliche Abenteuer zu erfahren, und die wunderschöne Aussicht auf diese krasse Schlucht genießen

    Maasai Boma go to: Besuchen Sie eine der berühmten Maasai Bomas, in der Sie die Möglichkeit haben, traditionellen Massai-Tanz, Exkursionen und echtem Massai-Dorf beizuwohnen (und daran teilzunehmen) und sogar einen kleinen Andenkenkauf in der Nähe durchführen Marktplatz.

    Für beide oben genannten Sportarten wird eine zusätzliche Gebühr erhoben. Sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Safari-Experten, um sie in Ihre Reiseroute aufzunehmen.

    Nach einem leckeren Mittagessen am Picknickplatz ist es Zeit, den Ort Ndutu zu erkunden. Erleben Sie Afrikas ikonische Savannenlandschaft und staunen Sie über die schiere Anzahl von Tieren, die diese grasbewachsenen Ebenen durchstreifen.

    Sie können es genießen, die riesigen Gnusherden zu beobachten, die sich über den Ort bewegen.

    Abendessen und an einem einzigen Tag im Herzen der Region im Einklang mit der gleichen alten und der Art der Unterkunft, die von unseren Optionen verlangt wird.

    Tag 3 - Ndutu-Gebiet.

    Sie werden vor Sonnenaufgang aufstehen, damit wir im gesamten Ort eine Erholungskraft im Morgengrauen genießen können. Sehen Sie den Sonnenuntergangsherd in der Savanne als Fleischfresser einschließlich Geparden und Löwen in Bewegung, da es dennoch kühl genug ist, um zu jagen. Nach Ihrem Sonnenaufgang kehren Sie zum Frühstück in Ihr Motel zurück, bevor Sie ein Picknick-Mittagessen einnehmen und die Umgebung von Ndutu erkunden. Sie werden einen nachmittags langen Erholungsdruck durch den Ort erleben, indem Sie die Ufer jedes Lake Ndutu und Lake Masek sowie das umgebende Land erkunden, in dem Dutzende junger Gnus ihre ersten Schritte machen. Nach Ihrer eintägigen Erkundung von Ndutu übernachten Sie im Camp / Motel.

    Tag 4 - Ndutu-Region - Ngorongoro-Schutzgebiet - Arusha

    Nach dem Frühstück fahren Sie zum Ngorongoro-Krater, der von einigen als 8. Überraschung des Sektors angesehen wird. Während Sie einen ersten Blick auf diese wuchtige, grüne Caldera aus der Panoramaperspektive werfen, werden Sie schnell erkennen, warum sie sich diesen hohen Ruf verdient hat. Die Ngorongoro Conservation Region, die Heimat von über 120 Säugetierarten zusammen mit den sagenumwobenen massiven 5, ist eines der begehrtesten Safariziele der Welt. Es ist ein besonders geeigneter Ort, um die vom Aussterben bedrohten Spitzmaulnashörner bei einer unverheirateten Mahlzeit in den Grasebenen zu beobachten, zusätzlich zu einem Bereich, in dem riesige Mengen von Nilpferden im kühlen Nass beobachtet werden können. Bequem von Ihrem offenen Fahrzeug aus können Sie einige der bekanntesten Gesichter Afrikas betrachten und fotografieren. Der Krater ist Heimat einer großen Anzahl von Raubtieren, zusammen mit Löwen, Leoparden, Geparden, Schakalen und Hyänen sowie einer riesigen Population von Gnus, Zebras, Antilopen, Kapbüffeln und mehr. Es ist wirklich eines von allen führenden Safari-Zielen Afrikas. Nach dem Nervenkitzel und der Heiterkeit des Tages nehmen Sie ein Picknick am berühmten Flusspferdpool des Parks ein, bevor Sie an einem einzigen Tag nach Arusha zurückkehren.


  • Im Besitz der Africa Natural Tours & Safaris Company Limited
  • KEINE Kilometer- oder Kraftstoffbeschränkungen wollen
  • Hohe Wartungsstandards, wir verfügen über eine eigene Wartungswerkstatt.
  • Unsere beiden Safari-Autos sind neu
  • Alle unsere Autos sind 4x4 mit Aufstelldächern
  • Alle unsere Autos haben Kühler
  • Alle unsere Safari-Autos haben Kamera-Ladeanschlüsse
  • Die meisten unserer Autos sind klimatisiert
  • Wir stellen während der Safari Wasser zur Verfügung.
  • Inbegriffen


  • 4x4-Safari-Auto
  • Parkgebühren
  • PRO Fahrer-Anleitung
  • Löhne für die Besatzung
  • Campingausrüstung
  • Erste-Hilfe-Set
  • Bush-Chef
  • Rettung
  • Included


  • 4x4 Safari Car
  • Park Fees
  • PRO Driver-guide
  • Wages for the crew
  • Camping Gear
  • First Aid Kit
  • Bush Chef
  • Rescue
  • Accommodation

    You will be staying at camping-sites and lodges!


  • 4 Breakfasts
  • 5 Lunches
  • 4 Dinners
  • Drinking water
  • Other

  • Relating Services
  • Taxes
  • Nicht enthalten

  • Flüge
  • Der Crew ein Trinkgeld geben
  • Visa
  • Zusätzliche Parkgebühren

  • Tanzania Safari

    Tanzania is a vibrant and beautiful country with exceptional parks and reserves. It’s blessed with the winning combination of unparalleled game viewing and dazzling tropical beaches. Because Tanzania is so vast (almost 1.5 times the size of Texas), it helps to divide the country’s major holiday destinations into four areas:

    1. Northern Safari Circuit – the most popular Tanzania safari route comprising the Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Lake Manyara, Tarangire and Kilimanjaro.
    2. Tanzania Coast and Islands – the country’s beaches, especially those on islands like Zanzibar, are breath-taking and very accessible.
    3. Southern Tanzania – includes the wonderfully wild and underrated Nyerere and Ruaha, Tanzania’s best-kept safari secrets.
    4. Western Tanzania – head to the far-flung corners of Katavi and Mahale for the ultimate off-the-beaten-path Tanzania safari experiences. Serengeti National Park: A Safari Superstar
    Synonymous with safari, the Serengeti is where to go in Tanzania for game viewing at its most dramatic. Hosting the lion’s share of the Wildebeest Migration (about January to September), the Serengeti's sheer size, accessibility, top-quality lodges and camps, and year-round abundance of wildlife make it one of the best safari destinations in Africa.

    Serengeti Safaris
    From the Wildebeest Migration to Year-round Game Viewing
    Home to one of the world’s greatest concentrations of wildlife and the majority of the Great Wildebeest Migration, Serengeti National Park is Tanzania’s flagship conservation area and a must-do for first-time and returning safari goers alike.
    Translated from the Maa language as ‘the land that moves on forever’, the Serengeti’s vast rolling grasslands and golden savannah give travellers a soul-stirring sense of space. Although it is most famous for supporting millions of wildebeest, there are also sizable populations of zebra, buffalo, elephant and giraffe, and myriad gazelle and antelope species. And where there are plains game aplenty, predators like lion, leopard, cheetah, hyena and wild dog are sure to follow.

    From the Wildebeest Migration to incredible year-round game viewing, here are some of our best reasons to go on a safari in the Serengeti:

    1. Witness the Annual Wildebeest Migration
    The Great Wildebeest Migration is one of the last mass terrestrial animal movements left on the planet, and the main reason why so many wildlife enthusiasts visit the Serengeti – especially at mid-year. Watching herds of biblical proportions move across the plains will stir your soul unlike anything else. It truly is one of Mother Nature’s greatest spectacles! The herds undergo challenges and hardships as they move from region to region, constantly under attack from predators like Africa's big cats and the notoriously huge crocodiles that lie in wait at river crossing points.
    • Mobile camps move regularly to stay as close to the herds as possible.
    • Some accommodations offer easy access to river crossing points.
    • Calving season (February to March) delivers plenty of bittersweet predator action.
    • The Great Wildebeest Migration is one of the last mass terrestrial wildlife movements left on the planet. It's the chief reason why so many travellers venture to Kenya and Tanzania for a Migration safari, especially around mid-year.
    • The Migration is one of Nature's greatest paradoxes: timing is absolutely vital, but there is no way to predict the timing of the animals' movements. We know that the wildebeest (and a smattering of zebra and antelope) will cross the Mara River – but nobody knows exactly when. We also know that rain will trigger the wildebeest to move onto fresh grazing – but nobody knows exactly when the rain will fall.
    • Fortunately, we've been planning Wildebeest Migration safaris since 1998. We've helped thousands of travellers to be in the best possible place at the best possible time for the best possible price. If you're looking for expert planning advice, look no further. We've compiled all our specialist tips in this handy beginner's guide to a Wildebeest Migration safari...

    How the Wildebeest Migration Works
    Common Misconceptions About the Wildebeest Migration:
    1. The River Crossings Can Be Predicted
    Not even the wildebeest know when they're going to cross! Some arrive at the water and swim over immediately; some arrive and spend days hanging around grazing; some arrive and turn back to where they came from. We wish we could predict the crossings, but no-one can. This is why it is best to have as much time on safari as possible if you hope to see a river crossing

    . 2. The Migration Only Happens Between July & October
    Most people think that the Wildebeest Migration only takes place between July and October, but it's actually a year-round phenomenon – with various but equally exciting events that occur at different times of the year. The river crossings usually coincide with safari's high season (July to October), hence the perception that this is the only time of the year that the wildebeest are on the move or can be seen.
    What Happens When: A Month-by-Month Breakdown
    With climate change, the long and short rainy seasons in Tanzania and Kenya are no longer as regular or predictable as they once were. The rains can be late or early, which will throw the whole wildebeest calendar out of synch. This is, once again, why it’s important to plan for as much time on safari as possible. You cannot fly in for two nights, see a river crossing and fly out again – nature simply doesn’t work that way.

    This is a very general guideline for where the herds are during the year – bearing in mind that the entire Migration is triggered by rain, which can be early, late or on time:
    January The herds are in Tanzania's Serengeti National Park, moving south from the north-east region and into the area near Lake Ndutu. The Serengeti is not fenced, so the herds are free to move where they can find grazing. Remember that although up to two million wildebeest, zebra and antelope form the Migration, they are not all in a single herd. The animals break up into mega-herds of thousands or hundreds of individuals at time.

    February to March It is calving season (over 8 000 wildebeest babies are born each day!) so prepare yourself for lots of wobbly calves... and lots of heartbreak as fearsome predators swoop in. The Serengeti's big cats take the lion’s share, but hit-and-run jackals, packs of wild dog, and hyena clans add to the spectacle. It’s a bittersweet ballad; the circle of life played out as a live action drama.
    If the short rainy season (Nov–Dec) produced good grazing, the herds feed frenziedly and remain in the Serengeti's southern plains until they slowly start moving west in March.

    It's the start of the long rains (Apr–May) and the herds generally move in a north-westerly direction towards the Moru and Simba Kopjes. The action-packed rutting (breeding) season is in full swing, featuring testosterone-fuelled jousts between males competing for the right to mate with receptive females.

    Wagons roll! The massed herds are on the go, huge columns of up to 40 kilometres (25 miles) in length can sometimes be seen as the wildebeest funnel up into the central Serengeti. Everyone's moving a little quicker now that the calves are stronger.

    The wildebeest are usually in the central Serengeti and getting ready for the toughest part of their odyssey. The herds may have split up, with some already crossing the Grumeti River.

    The herds have reached the Grumeti region and northern parts of the Serengeti and are peering closely at the treacherous waters of the Mara River they have to cross into Kenya. Why? Huge Nile crocodiles, that's why!
    As mentioned, it is impossible to accurately predict river crossings – they depend entirely on the rains and the often unpredictable wildebeest themselves. It's vital to book your Wildebeest Migration safari up to a year in advance to get a lodge on or as close to the river as possible – this cuts down on travel time to lookout points. The wildebeest do have historical crossing areas and you may spend days staked out in the hope of seeing the action. We recommend choosing a mobile safari camp that moves with the Migration to ensure you're in the right place at the right time.

    August is generally considered the best time to witness the dramatic river crossings from the northern Serengeti into the Masai Mara.
    You'll need a passport to cross into Kenya; the wildebeest are exempt. The Masai Mara National Reserve is open to members of the public so for a more exclusive safari experience, head for the private conservancies that are contiguous with the reserve.

    The herds break up into smaller groups, as not all the wildebeest migrate into Kenya. Less than half of the animals remain in the northern Serengeti, the rest are swapping war stories in the Masai Mara. So you could still see wildebeest in the Serengeti (just not the mega-herds) but as a general rule of thumb, the Masai Mara is the best place to witness the Migration in September.

    Your best bet is still the Masai Mara, but bear in mind it is a far smaller reserve than the Serengeti and there may be a lot of other visitors. The neighbouring private conservancies are much less crowded and, not only will you still be able to witness the Migration, you will also directly contribute to the Maasai communities who have lived there for thousands of years. Plus you can enjoy off-road game viewing, night drives and walking safaris – activities not permitted in the national reserve.

    In a 'normal year' the short rains have begun, propelling the wildebeest to leave the now denuded grasslands of the Masai Mara and head back into the rejuvenated Serengeti. Bear in mind that the rain can be late or early, which is also unpredictable. The herds are generally on the move, but can be seen around the north-eastern parts of the Serengeti where they may split into smaller groups for their journey southward.
    Tip: although many people think of Africa as a hot place, the rain can cool things down dramatically. You'll be out on early morning and late afternoon game drives – the sun is at its weakest during these times. Take at least one pair of trousers, closed shoes that can cope with mud, and a fleece or waterproof jacket.

    Fresh grazing sees the wildebeest move south, covering the northern and eastern Serengeti to feast and prepare for yet another death-defying, 3 000-km (1 900-mi) odyssey.

    Best Time to Go on a Migration Safari
    Now that you know how the Great Migration works, you can easily see that the best time to go depends entirely on which events you're personally interested in seeing. Remember, the Serengeti and Masai Mara's abundance of wildlife and wide open landscapes make them fantastic year-round safari destinations.

    Event Approximate Time Place
    Calving (Birthing) Season February to March Southern Serengeti
    Rutting (Breeding) Season April to May Western & Central Serengeti
    Grumeti River Crossings May to June Central Serengeti
    Mara River Crossings July to August Northern Serengeti & Masai Mara
    On the Move November to January Masai Mara & Northern Serengeti to Southern Serengeti Note: the above are approximate dates only. The Wildebeest Migration is a year-round, circular journey and the river crossings cannot be predicted. Sometimes the herds stay put for two weeks, other times they could cross four times in one day!

    Key Facts to Remember
    • The bulk of the Migration takes place in the Serengeti.
    • It is a year-round, circular journey.
    • River crossings cannot be predicted, but generally occur between May and August.
    • The animals are strung out across a large area – there are always fore-runners and stragglers.
    • Your best chance of seeing river crossing may involve spending all day at a site where the wildebeest have massed. If you are a keen photographer, your best opportunities may occur around midday when the sun and glare are at their harshest, so make preparations to accommodate this.

    Best Places to Stay on a Migration Safari
    Accommodation for a Great Migration safari can be divided into two broad categories: permanent lodges and mobile camps. Each have different advantages, but choosing one depends on what is important to you:
    Mobile Camps Permanent Lodges

    Bathrooms • En suite tents with flush toilets
    • Usually bucket showers
    • Basins may use jug water
    • There may not be running water • En suite with hot-and-cold running water
    • Plumbed showers
    • Flush toilets
    • Maybe bathtubs
    • Maybe outdoor showers

    Wi-Fi • Not always • Usually Power / Electricity • Solar
    • Generator • Solar
    • Generator
    In-room Charging • Generally communal charging point • Usually Tips for Choosing Migration Safari Accommodation
    • Book as soon as you know you want to go – don't procrastinate! Lodges and camps are small and fill up very quickly.
    • The river-crossing season is the most popular, so start planning at least a year in advance.
    • If you want inter-connecting tents or family suites, book as early as possible as there are limited numbers of these available.
    • If you are travelling with very young children, consider fenced accommodation, babysitting services and your own private game-drive

    • If you have mobility challenges, ask for rooms as close to the mess areas as possible to avoid long walks, often on soft sand.
    • If you are on a budget, choose good-value accommodation so that you have extra time on safari. This increases your chances of seeing births, kills or crossings.

    Best Migration Safari Tours
    Our tour ideas are exactly that – sample itineraries to give you an idea of costs, flights and how different destinations work together. All are completely customisable to your personal timing, budget and preferences.

    1. Book Early – At Least a Year in Advance
    Lodges and camps fill up fast, especially for a Great Migration safari from June to October. Remember, this is safari's high season and when the popular river crossings happen, but you can see the herds any time of the year.

    2. Arrange Your Timing Carefully
    The Migration is a fluid, often unpredictable affair. It's important to know where to go and when to go on a Wildebeest Migration safari to ensure your expectations are met. Choose and arrange your timing according to what you want to see and experience.

    3. Avoid the Crowds
    The Masai Mara National Reserve and Serengeti National Park experience high visitor and vehicle numbers during safari’s peak or high season (about June to October). The private conservancies adjoining the Masai Mara offer exclusivity, luxurious accommodation and excellent game viewing in sole-use areas. You'll also be offered activities not permitted in the main reserve, such as night drives, bush walks and off-road game viewing.
    There are camps in the Serengeti that are located a little further away from the Migration hot spots – meaning you can easily get to all the action, but also retreat to tranquility.

    4. Diversify Your Game Viewing
    A Wildebeest Migration experience can get busy, noisy, smelly, and far removed from a general Big 5 safari. We highly recommend ending at a lodge or camp that's located away from the herds to enjoy a bit of tranquility and a diverse game viewing experience.

    5. Augment Your Migration Safari
    The Masai Mara and Serengeti combine easily with each other, and each can also form the focal point of a larger safari itinerary. We recommend combining the Masai Mara with Amboseli and Laikipia, or adding the Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire and the Rift Valley Lakes to the Serengeti. You can even go further afield and easily add top destinations like:
    • Uganda, Rwanda or Congo for the world's best gorilla-trekking experiences.
    • Zanzibar, Seychelles or Mauritius for stunning tropical beaches and fantastic diving locations.
    • Cape Town for superb food and wine, fine art, great shopping, beautiful beaches, plenty of history and culture, and lots of natural beauty spots.
    • Victoria Falls, the world's biggest waterfall, for white-water rafting, swimming in Devil's Pool and taking tea on Livingstone Island. • African Tours & Safaris
    • Africa has a safari for every traveller – what will your travel story be? African safari packages and tours range from bucket-list adventures to ultra-luxurious vacations and everything in between.
    • Use the links below to find family-friendly vacations, romantic honeymoon packages, thrilling African safaris and affordable holidays. Remember, all our itineraries are totally flexible and can be changed to suit you.
    • The Great Migration is a natural phenomenon as old as the land itself. Every year, about 2 million animals follow the rains on a death-defying, 3 000-km (1 900-mi) odyssey.
    • It’s drama on a truly epic scale, and one of the main reasons why so many travellers go on a Wildebeest Migration safari year after year. Witnessing one of the famous river crossings is like watching a live National Geographic film. Colossal herds of grunting gnus plunge from the banks into the water and thunder across the river while dodging Jurassic-sized crocs. It really is one of Mother Nature’s greatest spectacles.
    • Since nature sets the schedule, planning a successful Wildebeest Migration safari takes experience and extensive local knowledge. That’s where we come in. Since 1998, Go2Africa has tailor-made trips to the Serengeti and Masai Mara for thousands of travellers to witness the Great Migration.
    • To help you be in the right place at the right time, we’ve rounded up 20 of our best places to stay to see the Wildebeest Migration. But before we take a closer look at these luxury safari lodges and camps, it’s important to know that the best time to go on a Migration safari depends on what you want to see and experience…
    • When to See the Migration
    • When to See the Wildebeest Migration
    • The Great Migration takes a full year to complete a single cycle, which means that you can see the mega-herds throughout the year. But because the animals cover huge distances, certain highlights only happen in specific months:

    Event Approximate Time Place
    Calving (Birthing) Season February to March Southern Serengeti
    Rutting (Breeding) Season April to May Western &
    Central Serengeti
    Grumeti River Crossings May to June Central Serengeti Mara River Crossings July to August Northern Serengeti & Masai Mara
    On the Move November to January Masai Mara & Northern Serengeti to Southern Serengeti
    • Note: the above are guidelines only. The Wildebeest Migration is a year-round journey and the popular river crossings cannot be predicted. Sometimes the herds stay put for two weeks, other times they could cross four times in one day! Best Places to Stay Year-round

    1. Kichakani Serengeti Camp
    Kichakani, Swahili for ‘in the bush’, is a luxury mobile camp based in two set locations in the southern and northern Serengeti. The camp’s evocative style pays homage to the early explorers of safari’s heyday, while combining contemporary elements to give the camp an air of modern-vintage. The tents are comfortable and stylish, featuring wooden decks and en suite bathrooms. Thanks to Kichakani’s moveable nature, there’s little impact on the environment as it follows the Wildebeest Migration across the Serengeti.

    Why we love it:
    • Based in two set locations to experience the Migration year-round
    • Elegant, contemporary take on a classic tented camp
    • Mess tents can open on the sides to reveal the breath-taking landscape
    • Morning and afternoon game drives with expert guides

    Suited for:
    • Couples and honeymooners

    Best time to see the Migration:
    • Year-round
    • Overview
    • Moving between three different settings in the Serengeti, this luxurious tented camp guarantees you front-row seats to some of the most dramatic events of the annual and seasonal Wildebeest Migration. Depending on the time of year, you may see the massed herds on the move, the predator-rich birthing season or what some regard as the Migration’s highlight: the river crossings. The wildebeest have to cross various rivers to move back in Kenya’s Masai Mara National Reserve and the region’s large and powerful crocodiles have been waiting all year for them.
    • Whichever location you experience, the result is explosive; some of the most dramatic game viewing in Africa. This is also big game country and your guide is on the lookout for lions, leopards, rhinos, elephants and buffalo as well as the wildebeest herds. It is a good area for other predators such as cheetah and wild dog, and you view it all in a beautiful landscape of rolling grassy savannah studded with thorn trees and rocky outcrops.
    • Kichakani Serengeti Camp offers just 10 luxurious tents, each a blend of modern comfort and traditional safari style. The tents are very large and come with electric lighting and a private bathroom with a hot-water shower. You have your own viewing deck to relax on, complete with easy chairs and a convenient table for an iced drink or two. Completely unfenced and located on the path of the Wildebeest Migration, this exclusive camp is perfect for couples and romantic travellers as well as those who want to immerse themselves in the Migration experience.

    • Prime position for the annual Wildebeest Migration
    • Witness some of the seasonal Migration’s most dramatic moments
    • Luxurious tented suites with private bathrooms
    • Morning and afternoon game drives with expert guides
    • Sleek, stylish and romantic camp – perfect for couples and honeymooners

    • Game drives
    'Kichakani has the destinct feel of years gone by; classic elegance combined with modern-day amenities makes for an excellent experience. Moving throught the Serengeti following the Migration, you are definitely assurred of being in the right place at the right time.Ten tents means a very personalised experience which we think is so important when visiting Africa.A clever move would be book this camp in conjunction with its sister properties - Swala, Ngorongoro Crater and Kusini - the savings are excellent and the service top drawer.

    Luxury Tent
    There are only 10 tents at Kichakani Serengeti Camp, each a master class in subtle sophistication. Sleek and stylish, they are decorated in neutral shades and radiate a cool charm. A canopied double bed takes centre stage, swathed in netting, and the wooden floors are covered in rugs. Comforts include electric lighting, a fan, tea-and-coffee station and, quite unusually, a hair dryer. Each tent has its own en suite bathroom complete with traditional safari bucket shower; your tent attendant ensures you have hot water whenever you want. Step outside and you find a wooden deck with a pair of easy chairs and panoramic views of the Serengeti. It is not unusual to see herds of wildebeest and zebra milling around in front of camp, a view you can enjoy from the comfort of your tent.

    A mobile tented camp that has been designed to leave a minimal impact on the environment, Kichakani Serengeti Camp forsakes the facilities and swimming pools of larger, more permanent lodges and features only a grand central tent with dining and lounge areas. The sides of the tent are usually rolled up to let in the unfettered views of the Serengeti, and you can order a drink from the bar to enjoy in a comfortable sofa or outside by the fire pit. The complimentary laundry service offered at camp is a nice touch and allows you to pack lightly.

    Your day begins early with a cup of freshly brewed Tanzanian coffee or tea delivered to your suite. A light breakfast before the morning drive and a hearty brunch on your return. After your game drive you will return to camp for a three-course supper, served in the dining wing of the camp or outside under the stars.
    The cuisine at Kichakani Serengeti Camp blends international flavours with local ones, including kachumbari (a traditional zesty Tanzanian salsa) and fresh spices from Zanzibar.

    2. Serengeti Under Canvas
    This mobile camp moves five times a year to follow the movements of the Wildebeest Migration. Serengeti Under Canvas keeps it intimate with only nine tents in private campsites that boast breath-taking wilderness settings. But don’t let the thought of the rugged outdoors fool you – you’ll be far from roughing it. This is the ultimate in luxury mobile camping, complete with a private butler service, chandeliers, silverware, cosy beds with downy duvets, and en suite flush toilets. Custom-made rugs and polished brass samovars will add a touch of elegance to your Serengeti Migration safari.

    Why we love it:
    • Mobile (moveable) camp that gets you as close as possible to the wildebeest action
    • The ultimate luxury camping experience – private butler, silverware and elegant décor
    • Incredible game viewing on daily game drives
    • Complimentary use of Swarovski binoculars for the duration of your stay

    Suited for:
    • Families – children of all ages are welcome

    Best time to see the Migration:
    • Year-round

    This mobile tented camp follows vast herds as they migrate across the plains named Siringitu in Maasai, which means 'the place where the land moves on forever'. Located in Tanzania's Serengeti National Park, one of the earth’s last natural migration corridors and oldest ecosystems, the climate, vegetation and fauna have remained almost unchanged for a million years. The natural instinct that drives the annual migration of more than a million wildebeest and zebra is so powerful that neither drought nor crocodile-infested rivers can halt them.
    Witness this spectacle on a luxurious safari in the care of your personal butler and specialist guides. Daily game drives bring you alongside the majesty and drama unfolding on the savannah. Guided nature walks offer a more intimate view of the wilderness while cultural tours to local Maasai villages are highly recommended. Witnessing the great migration across the Serengeti Plains is a once-in-a-lifetime experience; Serengeti Under Canvas provides you with front-row seats.

    • Located in the magnificent Serengeti
    • Mobile camp moves with the Migration
    • Front-row seats to the spectacle
    • Spacious tents & classic luxury
    • Friendly service & superb safari cuisine
    • Specialist guides & private butlers

    • Bird watching
    • Full-day safaris
    • Game drives
    • Hot air ballooning
    • Picnics
    • Specialist guides
    • Bush dining
    • Private game-drives

    To wake up with 100s of wildebeest around camp was a complete highlight! It's also so true to the nature of safari - perfect for the migration with some of the best guides around. A firm favourite!

    The camp has eight canvas tents, each erected to ensure privacy and uninterrupted views. Your walk-in tent has a lofty ‘ceiling’ and elegant, functional furnishings. Designed to keep insects out but allow in refreshing breezes and the charming sounds of birdlife, the tents are truly comfortable.
    A little verandah with canvas chairs provides you with a private observation post to enjoy passing wildlife. Your en suite bathroom features a hot water bucket shower, vanity dressing table and private WC. Lamps fill the tent with soft light at night, creating a restful, romantic ambience.

    Family Tent
    Serengeti Under Canvas provides a spacious and welcoming Family Tent for small groups that can accommodate up to four children. Facilities
    A mobile tented camp is essentially a comfortable, 'relocate-able' base from which to witness the Great Migration and explore the savannah. The thrilling sense of adventure is heightened around the evening fire, as you share anecdotes, serenaded by the sounds of the wild and awed by the sky-full of stars above you.
    Expect simple, stylish accommodation in romantic canvas tents, plush couches in the sitting tent and cool cocktails served in the heat of the day. Your personal butler ensures that you have everything you need throughout your safari.
    Serengeti Under Canvas makes a special effort to welcome children. On arrival, each child receives a bag containing a game logbook, crayons, pencils and a pawprint tattoo. There is a personalised welcome note for every child, and those under three get an African-themed soft toy as well. When available, booking an exclusive use safari vehicle means that game drives can be tailored for the shorter attention span of little ones, leaving and coming back to the lodge at any time. Childminders can be arranged during game drives and at mealtimes.

    Your butler wakes you with tea, coffee and homemade biscuits and sees you off on the early morning game drive. You return to a hearty breakfast feast of hot and cold dishes. Perhaps a hot bucket shower or a nap will carry you through to the casual light lunch served in the sitting tent.
    The afternoon is spent relaxing in camp, watching the passing wildlife or leisurely reading over a glass of chilled wine, nibbling on snacks. A guided walk helps you build an appetite for the delicious afternoon tea before your evening game drive. Return to cool cocktails around the campfire and a sumptuous dinner of Pan-African cuisine served in the dining tent on a table dressed with crystal, silverware and crisp linen.

    Best Places to Stay During Calving Season

    3. Sanctuary Kusini
    Kusini has the advantage of not only being the sole permanent camp in the southern Serengeti, but also being in an area that supports a high density of wildlife throughout the year. That said, it’s between January and March that the region really comes into its own. It’s a valuable pit stop during the Great Migration’s calving season, when the roaming wildebeest and zebra give birth to around a quarter of a million babies. And, of course, where there is vulnerable and easy prey in abundance, opportunistic predators are not too far away. Needless to say, the game viewing at Kusini is absolutely thrilling.

    Why we love it:
    • Tranquillity – the only permanent camp in the southern Serengeti
    • Spectacular views and stargazing from surrounding kopjes (rocky outcrops)
    • Located on the path of the Great Migration
    • Fantastic area to see lion, leopard and cheetah

    Suited for:
    • Couples and honeymooners

    Best time to see the Migration:
    • January–March
    • Overview
    • Situated in a remote location, Kusini is the only permanent tented camp in the southern Serengeti. The eco-conscious lodge is built on a rocky outcrop and is surrounded by woodland, offering beautiful views from anywhere in the camp. Head out on game drives to search for the Big 5, zebra, cape buffalo, varied plains game, as well as lion, cheetah and other predators.
    • While the area offers excellent sightings of the Migration, game viewing here is excellent all year round. Another way to experience the sprawling savannah is on a hot-air balloon safari. When you're not out game viewing, relax in your elegant tented suite, and in the evenings, enjoy magnificent stargazing.

    • Tented camp in southern Serengeti
    • Elevated location, shaded by acacias
    • Remote & tranquil atmosphere
    • Personal service & intimate dining
    • Individual tents with private verandas
    • Ideal for romantics who want seclusion
    • Thrilling game drives & stargazing
    • Witness Migration calving season

    The accommodation, the food and especially management is amazing. The camp is perfectly located to experience the migration during the early part of the year.

    Luxury Tent
    The camp consists of only 12 luxury tents, spaced out to provide absolute privacy and exceptional views. Shaded by acacia tree, these eco-friendly tented suites have been designed to minimise the impact on the natural surroundings. Each elegantly-appointed tent offers the services of a private butler as well as a private wooden veranda with comfortable furniture where you can relax between game-viewing activities.

    Enjoy a quiet read in the library or relax in the sitting room or on the veranda with a cool drink while you take in the view.

    Owing to the camp's intimate nature, meals are served either beneath the African stars or by candle light in the romantic dining tent. For something more memorable and romantic, choose to dine on a nearby rocky outcrop or at a selected location in the bush.
    Afternoon tea and pre-dinner snacks have been replaced with a scrumptious all-day snack menu, offering guests a unique range of delicious delights.

    4. Four Seasons Safari Lodge
    Elegantly perched on a sequence of elevated platforms and walkways, Four Seasons Safari Lodge is as close to a 5-star bush hotel you can get. Choose from a variety of exceptionally well-appointed rooms, suites and villas that are packed with every creature comfort imaginable. Our favourite rooms are the ones with private balconies that look directly onto the animal watering hole next to the lodge – here, you can watch a herd of elephants enjoy their morning drinks as you sip on your own.

    Why we love it:
    • Waterhole right next to the lodge, well-frequented by elephants
    • Full-service spa and fitness centre
    • Three restaurants and a variety of rooms to choose
    • Free-form infinity pool with incredible views

    Suited for:
    • Families – kids of all ages are welcome

    Best time to see the Migration:
    • November–March

    5. One Nature Nyaruswiga Camp
    This ultra-luxe safari camp is perfectly situated in the heart of the Serengeti. Framed by scenic hills and boundless plains, this valley-like region’s lifeblood is the Seronera River. The upscale tented suites are jaw-droppingly beautiful and feature elegant brass furnishings, wood-burning fireplaces and African Eucalyptus wood pillars. You’ll certainly feel like royalty experiencing a once-in-a-lifetime Serengeti Migration safari at One Nature Nyaruswiga Camp.

    Why we love it:
    • Elegant canvas tents featuring silver chandeliers, wood-burning stoves and freestanding copper bathtubs
    • Astral observation deck equipped with a high-powered telescope
    • Heated plunge pool and Jacuzzi
    • A picturesque setting in the heart of the Serengeti

    Suited for:
    • Couples and honeymooners

    Best time to see the Migration:
    • November–March

    This luxurious safari camp is beautifully situated in the pristine woodlands of the Nyaruswiga, overlooking the rolling grasslands of Central Serengeti in Tanzania. The camp has an excellent position from which to explore one of the finest wildlife havens in the world.
    Each of the 13 tents offers the utmost in safari comfort, with deluxe beds, custom-made furniture, walk-in closets and goose-down duvets. The en suite bathrooms are enclosed by teak walls and sliding doors with silver handles and also feature outdoor showers. The upscale canvas tents have been designed with eco-friendly materials and aim to take you back to a bygone era.
    One Nature Nyaruswiga Luxury Camp has an indoor lounge area, a private bar, a stargazing deck with a telescope, and a heated plunge pool, and is perfectly positioned for outings such as hot-air balloon safaris, game drives, sighting the Great Wildebeest Migration and visiting Ngorongoro Crater.

    • Tucked in a private area of the popular Central Serengeti
    • Fantastic year-round game with resident cheetah & hippo
    • Best chance of seeing the migration for the longest time
    • Expansive plains views from every tent
    • Highest quality & finest attention to detail in every aspect
    • Family owned & run, highly personalised
    • In-room massage service & outdoor showers

    Absolutely spectacular camp in central Serengeti, conveniently located close to Seronera Airstrip. Everything thought of to the finest detail in this glamourous lodge with every possible luxury - one is treated like, and feels like a celebrity from arrival!

    Family Tent
    The family tent has all the luxuries of the tented suites but offers an extra room with twin beds that will comfortable accommodate two children or adults, bringing in an extarsleper couch if need be for a third child. A large living room is carefully furnished to offer ambiance and intimacy for your family or group, and the deck is a perfect spot to enjoy private meals. The family tent has two en suite bathrooms, each with indoor and outdoor showers, twin vanities and copper free-standing bathtubs.

    One Nature Nyaruswiga Luxury Camp offers complimentary Wi-Fi as well as an in-room massage service, which is the perfect way to relax between game drives. A laundry service is also available. The plunge pool is heated and is found near the main lodge building. There is also an astral observation deck with a large telescope. The camp boutique has a range of tasteful local arts and crafts for sale.

    Meals are prepared with flair and served in the beautiful dining tent that is a decked with crisp linen and silverware. An internationally acclaimed chef heads up the kitchen and dreams up delicious menus for guests, all of which is based on fresh, local ingredients.

    6. Namiri Plains
    This luxury tented camp is in the remote eastern Serengeti, an area that was closed to tourists for about 20 years to allow the cheetah population to recover. Today, it’s a sanctuary for these nimble cats and a fantastic place to see the world’s fastest land animal chase down its prey. The region is also one of the few areas in the eastern Serengeti with permanent underground water sources, which makes for superb game viewing. Namiri, a Swahili word meaning ‘big cat’, certainly lives up to its name with incredible sightings of lion, cheetah and leopard in the region.

    Why we love it:
    • Wonderfully secluded – the nearest other camps are over an hour’s drive away
    • One of the best places in the Serengeti to see cheetah
    • Fantastic big cat (lion, leopard and cheetah) sightings on game drives
    • Walking safaris – exploring the Serengeti on foot

    Suited for:
    • Couples

    Best time to see the Migration:
    • November–March

    Namiri Plains is a luxury tented camp in the remote eastern Serengeti – an area that was closed to tourists for a period of 20 years to allow the cheetah population to restore itself. Today, it is a safe haven for these big cats, as well as lion.
    In Swahili, ‘Namiri’ translates to ‘big cat’ and this exclusive camp offers some of East Africa’s best cheetah viewing opportunities as well as sightings of hyena, zebra, Thomson's gazelle and eland. Namiri offers a superior level of comfort and has a remote location – more than an hour’s drive from any other camp. Its stunning location also affords front-row seats to nature’s most dramatic spectacle between October and May – the Wildebeest Migration. This fascinating journey is made even more thrilling by the abundance of predators hot on the heels of the migrating game, providing you the opportunity to witness them stalking and hunting their prey.
    Highly skilled guides take you on daily drives through the acacia-dotted wilderness, inviting you and your family to see and experience the Serengeti through their eyes. Aside from these intriguing wildlife encounters, relish in simple pleasures such as breakfast or lunch in the bush, or enjoying a sundowner drink and snacks in a breath-taking setting.

    • Luxurious tented camp along the Migration route (November to June)
    • Reliable predator sightings, especially cheetah
    • Remote location more than an hour’s drive from other camps
    • Bush breakfasts and sundowner drinks in pristine wilderness
    • Hot-air balloon safaris (optional)

    Incredible location to watch the sunrise and set over the plains. This intimate camp also offers great migration views between the months May and October, as well as great cat sightings.

    Standard Tent
    Tented Room

    Namiri's elegant tented suites deliver sweeping 360-degree views of the Serengeti plains. Each spacious suite is beautifully designed and feature glass sliding doors that run the full length of the room and open onto a large private viewing deck. Each tented suite is constructed from the area's natural calcrete, which not only assists with regulating the inside temperature but also ensures the rooms are in harmony with its natural surroundings. Your en suite bathroom's shower provides full views of a seasonal riverbed, while the bathtub on your private deck delivers an incredible panorama of the plains.

    At Namiri Plains the focus is strongly on the majesty of the environment and its animals, which helps give it its wonderfully natural feel and ensure an unfiltered African wilderness experience. The communal mess tent is set at the centre of the camp where you enjoy your meals – unless out on a game drive – and you are invited to relax and enjoy the views overlooking the captivating Serengeti plains. Head to Asilia Spa for a rejuvenating massage or treatment, a wonderful indulgence to compliment your safari.

    Start your day with breakfast consisting of fruits and cereals, followed by a hot English-style buffet. You are able to enjoy a sumptuous lunch, which is prepared with only the freshest ingredients and always accompanied by homemade bread. Dinner is a 3-course affair enjoyed as a group in the mess tent. Private dinners are available on request.

    7. Mwiba Lodge
    This sophisticated hideaway overlooks a rocky gorge on the Arugusinyai River, located in a private game reserve contiguous with the southern Serengeti. The reserve is dedicated to conservation and maintaining the balance between wildlife and local communities. If you’re looking for a tranquil and uncrowded Serengeti Migration experience, look no further than Mwiba. The reserve is only available to a handful of guests.

    Why we love it:
    • Beautiful setting among massive stone boulders and ancient trees
    • Infinity-edge pool overlooks three springs frequented by wildlife
    • Ultimate exclusivity – all bookings receive a private safari vehicle and guide
    • Cultural excursions to a local tribe’s village

    Suited for:
    • Families – children of all ages are welcome

    Best time to see the Migration:
    • November–March
    isit local places of interest.