About Volcanoes National Park

Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda is best known for mountain gorilla trekking but the park is also rich with many other exotic activities to engage in. This park is part of the Virunga volcanoes which are shared between Uganda, Rwanda, and DR Congo. This park is an evergreen bamboo forest with grassland areas, swamp and heath in other areas. The mountain gorillas are the prime attraction in volcanoes national park with gorilla trekking happening all year round. Because of the high altitude it is generally cold, especially early morning and the evenings, you are advised to carry a light sweater for these times. The park is located only 2 hours from Kigali in the north of Rwanda.

Dian Fossey

  • Mountain gorillas were the subject of the late Dian Fossey who dedicated her life to their protection and conservation. Dian Fossey carried out research on mountain gorillas at the Karisoke Research Center in Volcanoes national park, Rwanda. Her study on mountain gorillas lasted for 18 years and as a result of that study, we are able to have gorilla tourism which contributes directly to gorilla conservation. Much of her work is portrayed in the international acclaimed film “Gorillas in the Mist,” which was shot in Volcanoes National Park. please click here!
  • There are several gorilla families in volcanoes national park, with some habituated for gorilla tourism and others for research, whereas others are not habituated. To track gorillas, you need to purchase a gorilla permit through your tour operator with specific dates before embarking on this fulfilling bucket list experience. Each gorilla group is given a name depending on different circumstances and is lead by a silverback. When a young silverback challenges the dominant silverback, he must ‘steal’ some females from an existing group in order to form his own family.
  • Gorilla groups in Volcanoes National Park

  • Amahoro gorilla group – Amahoro means “peaceful” and is led by the calm Ubumwe. The group mainly resides uphill which requires you to endure a steep climb to eventually come into its territory but as always, the climb is worth it. Again to book it click here.
  • Hirwa gorilla group

  • emerged from different existing gorilla families including Group 13, Susa and Sabyinyo. Munyinya the silverback after leaving Susa with 2 females, got others along the way and eventually formed a group.

  • Sabyinyo gorilla group

  • is lead by Guhonda, named after one of the volcanoes – Mt Sabyinyo. The members within this family are generally fewer but is an impressive family. This group is closest to the park headquarters, if you are weary of tracking long distances, this is the group to request if available.

  • Kwitonda gorilla group

  • is led by silverback Kwitonda and the name is translated “humble one”. This gorilla group migrated from Democratic Republic of Congo and settled ‘permanently’ in Rwanda. It is moderately difficult to trek because it ranges far in the upper slopes of Mt Muhabura.

    Group 13 / Agashya gorilla group had only 13 members during habituation hence its name. Currently it has a membership of approximately 25 members and is led by silverback Agashya which explains the name change.

  • Umubano gorilla group

  • is led by silverback Charles who broke off from Amahoro gorilla group with some females to form Umubano. The name Umubano is translated ‘living together’. Ugenda gorilla group was named after its unique behavior of roaming from place to place around the Karisimbi area, come ready to hike this volcano as you follow this gorilla group.

  • Susa (A) gorilla group

  • is the largest gorilla group in the park with 41 gorillas and is the group which was studied by Dian Fossey. The group is known for having the rare twins named Byishimo and Impano. This family ranges in the high mountains making it difficult to trek, but rewards you with its size on sighting it.

  • Karisimbi / Susa – B gorilla group

  • split from the original Susa (A) group and has 2 silverbacks. This group is one of the hardest to trek, residing on the upper slopes of Mt Karisimbi. It is best for seasoned hikers who enjoy the hiking experience as much as sighting the gorillas. Titus gorilla group was named after silverback Titus which was born during the days of Dian Fossey’ research at Karisoke.

  • Bwenge gorilla group

  • was formed by silverback Bwenge after breaking away with females from other groups. Bwenge is translated ‘Wisdom’. The group occupies mainly the slopes between Karisimbi and Bisoke mountains.

  • The most famous inhabitants of volcanoes national park are the mountain gorillas. They have successfully placed volcanoes national park on the world map thanks to the work of Dian Fossey and the movie “Gorilla in the Mist”. The park also hosts the beautiful, rare and endangered golden monkeys only found in the virunga region. Other animals found in the forest include, Forest elephants, buffaloes, bush pigs, giant forest hogs, duikers, spotted hyenas, bush-bucks and several primates.
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