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Kenya Tanzania safari packages cost, mountain kenya hiking itinerary 2022-2023

Kenya Tanzania safari packages cost, mountain kenya hiking itinerary 2022-2023

About Gishwati-Mukura national park

Gishwati-Mukura national park was created in 2015 with the government passing the law in an effort to protect the chimpanzees found in this park. It is the smallest park with a total of 34 sq kms of space bringing together Gishwati forest and Mukura forest. It is currently the least visited park with minimal tourism traffic. The park is situated on the ridges of the Congo-Nile strange giving you an experience of some species of the Albertine region

Wildlife in Gishwati-Mukura National Park

Animals in Gishwati-Mukura National park

  • The park is mostly home to primates maybe because it is a forest and also because it was encrusted on the communities ant therefore drove out most of the big mammals like Buffaloes out of the park. The most come primates in Gishwati-Mukura park are chimpanzees, Golden monkeys, L’hoest Monkeys, Blue Monkeys, Olive Baboons, Vervet Monkeys, Black and White Colobus monkeys, etc. Please Contact us for more details and booking.
  • Birds in Gishwati-Mukura National park Some of the birds in this park include; Regal Sunbird, Grauer’s swamp warbler, Ruwenzori Batis, Woodhoopoe, Purple-breasted Sunbird, Martial Eagle, Strange weave, Grey Crowned Crane, Dusky Crimsonwing, Ruwenzori Turaco, Mountain Yellow Warblers, Red-throated Alethe etc.
  • Activities in Gishwati-Mukura National Park Birding Hiking and Nature walks Cultural experiences in the communities adjacent to the forests. Biking or Walking the Congo-Nile Trail. How to get to Gishwati-Mukura National park You will need to drive from Kigali to the park which is about 2 hours drive. There is an option of a chartered flight from Kigali to Gishwati-Mukura.To book you experience in this flamingoed wonderful park please click here.
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